Factory of Dreams, the dream of Okuda San Miguel


Okuda San Miguel (@okudart) is one of those artists faithful representative of the WOW effect . Both he and his work are true icons of contemporary art. Although his colors and geometric shapes have traveled around the world, he has always been in love with the capital and there could be no other place chosen to open his new studio: Factory of Dreams welcomes the first exposure of him, Madrid's Rainbows.

The defense of diversity It is the clear common thread of the exhibition, as is also proven by the chosen opening date: Madrid Pride week, specifically, today, June 30th from 7:30 p.m. Curated by the artist, until July 14 works by Isabel Muguruza, akimbo, charlie smits Y Crispy Hugaceous.

Gender identity and awareness of sexual orientation are some of the concepts that will run throughout psychedelic works or wacky illustrations that explore sexuality in depth in such an important month for the struggle and vindication of visibility.

Painting and sculpture at Factory of Dreams, the new studio of Okuda San Miguel

Welcome to Factory of Dreams!


Those who have not heard the rumors of this grand opening should know that Factory of Dreams has opened its doors in the neighborhood of Usera on April 27 as what is: a factory of dreams . "A studio invaded by the wonderful light of Madrid, which is one of the great reasons why I live in this incredible city," Okuda San Miguel tells Condé Nast Traveler.

The Cantabrian artist is the founder of this new place of reference on the artistic map of the capital. Together with your representative agency Ink and Movement , the space was born with the motivation of becoming a meeting point between creators, industry and public.

Just by putting your feet inside it, colors and geometry they begin to flash before your eyes making sure you won't be able to shut your mouth until you're outside again. Factory of Dreams is like Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, a place you never want to leave, that makes us feel like children while we immerse ourselves in contemporary art.

Here it is Okuda's studio , together with four independent spaces in which the artists have been installed Spok Gloss, Mr Pyro, Sabek Y omar ayashi . This interdisciplinary setting has an important mission, that of disseminating art in the most honest sense of the word, making use of exhibitions, events or training workshops . In short, create experiences.

“We are going to fill it with life” Okuda expresses with an enthusiasm that is palpable in his words. And it is that they even have a professional kitchen in which the creativity of important names of the gastronomic world . Meetings with artists or great figures from the world of culture will also be part of the magic that happens within its walls.

The programming starts with this new Madrid's Rainbows, but new projects will be revealed as time goes by. However, and in the same way, you can always go to delight yourself with that chromatic explosion that colors each of the rooms and that is even capable of changing our mood.

Detailed plan of one of the Factory of Dreams paintings, the new Okuda San Miguel studio

The magic of color contrasting with the pristine white in Factory of Dreams.

Okuda San Miguel has managed to his works are recognizable anywhere in the world . "This work is by Okuda" is a phrase that you will find yourself saying in front of any of his murals, even without previously knowing his authorship, and the fact is that the artist can boast of having own style , true to his identity.

Usera He had already been claiming his role in the art world for a long time. Lately, numerous design houses, art studios, workshops or galleries occupy the streets of a neighborhood that has a lot to say and that intends to become a mandatory stop for lovers of creativity.

Factory of Dreams is one more step in this goal, a way to have at home the art that Okuda has already been sharing around the world for many years, but not on a small scale. “ We needed a larger space to produce larger works , paintings, sculptures, handmade embroidery that I do directly with my mother and other types of formats”, clarifies the artist.

Sincerity springs from Okuda's speech when he talks about his expectations: "Wanting it to become a unique place that contributes a new way of understanding and enjoying the new contemporary art , making visible, with our grain of sand, the neighborhood of Usera and Madrid”. Factory of Dreams is the perfect name chosen for what it is, precisely, the place where dreams come true.

Detail plan of painting and sculpture in Factory of Dreams, the new studio of Okuda San Miguel

There is a new dream factory in Usera.

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