Ten reasons to rediscover the island of Capri


What are you waiting for to return to Capri

What are you waiting for to return to Capri?

They say that it was precisely here that Odysseus managed to elude the seductive but deadly song of the sirens. The Chilean poet Pablo Neruda lived here in the 1950s, a stay that would later inspire the film “ Neruda's Postman ” and here where the yacht “Cristina” anchored so that Jacky Onassis could buy the pants that she herself would make famous throughout the world. It was the 1960s and a young French singer, Hervé Vilard, triumphed with his song _ Capri, c'est fini _, a song of heartbreak on the most romantic island in the Mediterranean.

Today, Capri is an overexploited island where hordes of tourists arrive every day seeking the glamor and natural beauty so often promised by photographs showing dreamy corners, deep blue and green caves and gardens with the scent of lemon and juniper trees. But the truth is that arriving in Capri, one feels closer to a sheep in a herd than to the jet set itself, not to mention the very high prices and the not always correct manners of those who know that tourism anyway will never miss. At that moment one wonders: Capri, c'est fini? or Capri, is it over? But no, ce n'est pas fini, despite everything, Capri continues to convince us that magical places exist. And although there would be many, here you go 10 reasons that will prove it to you:


La Piazzetta, stop for a good coffee


The place to have a cappuccino or a Martini After a long wait under a scorching sun we managed to get a seat on the funicular that ascends from the Marina Grande to the city of Capri, perched on the cliffs. Here we discover Piazza Umberto I, better known as Piazzetta, a charming little square crowned by the Clock Tower whose bells toll every hour. The floor is made of volcanic stone and its walls are whitewashed in shades of yellow and white. . In the bustling cafes, heated day visitors in sportswear mingle with glamorous residents in beaded sandals and ethnic robes. The perfect plan? Sit in one of the cafes, preferably in the Tiberius Cafe, to have a cappuccino or a Martini while contemplating the coming and going of the curious palette of characters.


Copy the pants of the legendary Jacky Kennedy Onassis. 50's couture house vibe for this place of worship, where Jacky O custom-made the pants that today bear his name . "I ordered six pairs at the same time, all in white," says Francesca Settanni, to whose family the distinguished establishment belongs after a long time. You can't miss trying some on and feeling super glamorous for a few moments _(Piazza Umberto, 1er, 7 +39 081 837 02 82) _.


The home of the mythical 'capri' sandals


Get custom sandals. Maria Callas or Grace Kelly were regulars from this place where Amadeo Canfora makes the iconic “Capri” sandals like nobody else, adorning them with stones or corals. Do not miss the meticulous process of the artisans working with the leather or inserting the stones. Impossible not to find ours among the many models lined up on the shelves. You can even get one of the “Jacky Kennedy” model at the price of €280.00 , a creation in honor of the diva of Capri _(Via Camarelle, 3) _.


Remember the festivities Emperor Tiberius . They say that the emperor Augustus was completely captivated the first time he landed in Capri and therefore he ordered to build at least 12 luxurious palaces and villas. His son Tiberio inherited this passion spending long periods on the island. Of all the palaces, the largest and best known, Villa Jovis (today in ruins) is where Tiberius gave himself up with libertine delirium to his famous orgies and parties. At the end of the avenue that leads to the town is the famous “Salto di Tiberio”, a cliff located 292 meters from the sea and that according to legend, it was the place used by the emperor to throw disobedient servants and his enemies.


Dishes that seduce


Eat where the stars. "Since 1949 bread, sea and love in front of the Faraglioni" is the slogan of one of the most famous restaurants on the island. Frequented one day by Brigitte Bardot, Sophia Loren or Clark Gable, La Fontelina is still today one of the favorites of the "beautiful people" of Capri, who come here to enjoy the impressive panoramic views but also some good "s_paghetti con le vongole_". The restaurant is located in front of the Faraglioni, the three large rock formations (between 80 and 100 meters) that constitute one of the most memorable images of the island and where Augustus and later his son Tiberius, captivated by their beauty, decided to settle. more than 2000 years ago. But it was much later, in 1949, when Lucia Fiorentino And Peppino Arcucci, seduced by the place, opened a small restaurant. In 1960, at the same time that the international jet set discovered Capri, La Fontelina became a place of reference for its sublime views but also for its fine cuisine _(Via Faraglioni 2 +39 081 837 08 45) _.


Buy the style «Capri». 3 years ago Michele Esposito left Paul Smith to launch his own brand in Capri. The style: 1950s chic with an ethnic twist. Everything here is absolutely irresistible , from baskets with crocodile handles to clothes printed with old images of the island. Where is my credit card? Via Ignazio Cerio, 6


Fantastic find after the hike. The writer Curzio Malaparte said that “no place offers such a perspective of the horizon, such a great depth of feelings”. This modern architectural work attributed to its own owner, the named Curzio Malaparte, stands in one of the most beautiful places in the world, on the side of a cliff east of Capri, 32 meters above the Mediterranean. This building of impossible shapes, which emerges unexpectedly after an hour and a half walk from the Piazzetta through winding paths, is a parallelepiped of red masonry carved by a monumental inverted pyramid staircase that leads to a flat roof -solarium. Casa Malaparte is currently a place of study for architects and amateurs from all over the world. Some cultural events are regularly held in it. Check the city agenda and perhaps with a bit of luck you will be able to enter and not only see this architectural wonder from afar.


where the stars eat


Let yourself be intoxicated by the aromas of Capri Pass in front of the door of one of its shops is getting drunk with an irresistible Mediterranean perfume with notes of lemon and juniper . Impossible not to cross the threshold of the door to enter the fantastic universe of Carthusia. Legend has it that in the fourteenth century the prior of the Carthusian monastery of St James was surprised by the unexpected arrival of Queen Joan of Anjou to the island . Not knowing how to entertain the queen, her father improvised a bouquet of flowers with typical species of the island. These remained several days in water and when the father went to remove it he was amazed at the mysterious aroma it gave off. The religious continued testing and refining the technique until he found the formula for the exquisite and mysterious perfume of Capri: Wild Garophilium Caprese . This is how the history of Carthusia begins, although five centuries had to pass before the Pope himself allowed the formula to be revealed to an alchemist who began to market perfumes. Today Carthusia continues to make its fragrances following the traditional method discovered by the prior of the monastery and using raw materials originating from the island. Our favourites: Caprissimo and Aria de Capri _(Via Federico Serena 28) _.


La Conchinglia is the Library of Treasures. I can't help it, bookstores fascinate me, especially like this one, full of jewels. Here you can find hundreds of books written about the island, from Homer to Marguerite Yourcenar. Take a look at his painting collection of old postcards of the island and his paintings from the 19th and 20th century, all about Capri _(Via Le Botteghe, 12) _.


At night even more beautiful


“See it to believe it”. Its residents say that Capri is actually much better at night, when the casual tourists disappear and it becomes the calm and hedonic natural paradise that it really is. Therefore, if you visit Capri, spend at least one night there, to see in its famous bay the reflection of the moon that Mr. Swarovski described in this way: “It comes out of the Faraglioni and little by little it turns from yellow to pale orange until it reaches a white, very white; Must be seen to be believed". And of course he knows a lot about shiny things.

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