Tenerife: the perfect destination to telework in 2021 thanks to the 'Welcome Pass'



Tenerife, the teleworker's paradise

It is a reality, remote work is here to stay. But your teleworking place does not have to be your usual address.

More and more people decide to change scenery and go to telework elsewhere, substituting the domestic environment for improvised offices, coworking spaces or even hotels. One of the most successful? The island of Tenerife.

When winter approaches, our mind travels to privileged places seeking refuge in the warmth of its paradisiacal landscapes and beaches. Tenerife offers this (and much more) throughout the year, constituting one of the favorite places for remote workers and digital nomads.

Tenerife spring all year

Tenerife all year round, why not?

More and more people choose the Canary Island as their center of operations, which is why last year the a Welcome Pass to receive all those who wish to go there to telework.

The number of coworking spaces has grown significantly in Tenerife and those who have the aforementioned welcome pass can access these spaces, which, of course, comply with all security measures.

Also, the hotels on the island have also jumped on the teleworking bandwagon by conditioning spaces for coworking and thus achieving the perfect combination: spaces to telework and a cozy room to spend the night.


To continue attracting talent and digital nomads, Tenerife has also launched the Work & Play platform, which aims to integrate remote workers upon arrival, offer them support and guidance to settle in Tenerife and introduce them to a wide variety of services.

The initiative is promoted by the platform Why Tenerife?, made up of the Cabildo de Tenerife (Tourism of Tenerife and Ministry of Foreign Action), Port Authority of Tenerife, the Chamber of Commerce of Tenerife, the Canary Islands Special Zone and the Tenerife Free Zone.

The commitment to technological innovations has also involved the implementation of cutting-edge infrastructures such as the Teide HPC (High Performance Computing) Supercomputer, one of the most powerful and efficient supercomputers in all of Spain, and the D-ALIX center for high-speed, high-capacity data access and storage.


The Welcome Pass includes a pre-selected package of special offers so that its holder get affordable prices, savor local cuisine, relax in the best places after a hard day at the (remote) office, and meet with local tax and legal advisors.

On the Work & Play platform you can consult all the existing coworking spaces on the island as well as the leisure activities it offers.

To obtain the 'Welcome Pass' you must fill in This formulary.

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