The definitive book with all the work of Frida Kahlo


Frida Kahlo with the figure of Olmec 1939.

Frida Kahlo with the figure of Olmec, 1939.

"Among the few women artists who have transcended in the history of art, none had such a meteoric rise as the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo," they explain from the Taschen art publishing house. "She was a prominent figure in post-revolutionary Mexican art, in addition to pioneer of political discourse on gender, sexuality and feminism".

Kahlo was so revolutionary that she never goes out of style. Her art and her person continue to garner interest no matter what time passes, of which the multiple exposures that are made around the world about it, from Barcelona -soon- to New York. Movies are made about it, documentaries, even tours.

Frida Kahlo. Complete pictorial work

'Frida Kahlo. Complete pictorial work

What is missing, then, to finish getting to know this unique Mexican? A monograph that explains everything, absolutely everything, about her life and her work. Or what is the same, the new from Taschen, which combines its 152 paintings of her with little-known photographs, pages from her diary, letters and an illustrated biography . It presents works belonging to private collections that are difficult to access and reproduces paintings that had been lost or had not been exhibited for more than 80 years . The volume deals with the most extensive study of Frida Kahlo's paintings published to date.

Frida Kahlo. Complete pictorial work

'Frida Kahlo. Complete pictorial work

Under the name Frida Kahlo. Complete pictorial work, and in XXL format , Taschen covers from her early youth, when she suffered the accident that made her become a painter, until her death, passing through her passionate and tumultuous marriage in 1929 with fellow artist Diego Rivera.

Throughout her history, she was first at the forefront of the artistic scene of the cultural renaissance of Mexico and the United States, until she conquered Europe when the poet Andre Breton praised her work, inducted her into the ranks of international surrealism, and exhibited her work in Paris in 1939, where Picasso, Kandinsky and Duchamp They were able to admire it. That was the grace touch for her to become perhaps the most famous and iconic artist of all time.

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