The Spanish Steps in Rome are once again open to the public


Bulgari promoter of the remodeling asks that it be prohibited to transit it at night

Bulgari, promoter of the remodeling, asks that it be prohibited to transit it at night

Almost 12 months have passed since Bulgari decided to pay for the repairs of the 18th century staircase, which It had been 20 years without being restored. The luxury firm has donated €1.5 million to remove stains, level steps, replace cracked stones and re- put the original headlights that illuminated the beautiful union between the Trinità dei Monti church and the Plaza de España.

The donation is part of a fever of Italian restoration financed by fashion names , which has also led to Fendi to finance the repair of the Fontana di Trevi and to tod's to do the same with the Colosseum. According to the Telegraph , Paolo Bulgari -owner of the company- is happy with his improvement of the historical heritage, but he intends that his investment lasts a long time ... although for this you have to put hurdles to the ladder.



"We cannot freely leave it to the barbarians who eat and drink there, dirtying it People should be able to walk on it, but not use it as if they were the stands of a stadium , sitting for hours, getting drunk and throwing butts on the ground," explained the businessman.

However, Claudio Parisi Presicce, Rome's heritage commissioner, has rejected the proposal, claiming that fences are no way to preserve the monument : "People should be able to walk on the stairs during the day and at night; to that was designed , to allow going from one place to another. We need to focus on avoid damage, starting by educate people . Tourists behave inappropriately because they copy what the Romans do," he explained.

The restriction, however, began as early as 2012, when a law emerged under which visitors who drank or ate pizza, sandwiches or any other snack near Roman monuments would be fined a payment of between 25 and 500 euros. Also, from this week, 2 euros are charged to approach the Bocca della Verità (Boca de la Verdad) and take a picture next to him. This measure is intended control the hordes of tourists that the monument attracts, as well as raising money to remodel the church of Santa María, an eighth-century temple that, according to ecclesiastics, was last improved a few years ago. almost 900 years.

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