Which countries are the most satisfied with their vacations?


Do you feel happy with your vacation

Do you feel happy with your vacation?

¿ Are you satisfied with the vacations you have per year? ? Do you think you could add some more days to be happier? Clearly yes, but broadly speaking, we Spaniards are one of the few who feel satisfied with our 30 calendar days of vacation per year.

That's how safe Expedia and its **new 18th 'Vacation Deprivation' study ** in which it has surveyed 11,144 people during September 2018 in North America, Europe, South America and Asia-Pacific, in a total of 19 countries . Specifically, Spain also appears, where the opinion of 1,004 Spaniards was analysed.

The expression Vacation Deprivation translates as vacation deprivation, that is, the feeling of workers that they do not have enough vacation time or do not use all the days granted by their job.

The general trend of the study is dissatisfaction. Especially in the Asian markets and the United States, where South Korean workers appear at the top of the ranking of the most deprived on vacation . Curiously, the dissatisfaction for not being able to enjoy their holidays grows in the age group of 18 to 34 years, from 60% in 2017 to 65% in 2018.

In South Korea, even this age reaches the highest percentage of the 19 countries surveyed with 89%, followed by India with 78% and China with 75%.

Germany, Spain, France and Italy use all their vacation days , but the French are the most dissatisfied with them ** (despite having the same vacation days as Brazil, Germany or Spain) **.

In the United States, Japan and Malaysia only enjoy 10 days of vacation a year, much less than their fair share (14, 20 and 16, respectively) .

** Discover here the results of the ranking .**

The most dissatisfied with their vacations are the French.

The most dissatisfied with their vacations are the French.


Spain and Germany are two of the countries most satisfied with their vacation period, which corresponds to the highest in the table, that is, 30 calendar days.

The French are the most dissatisfied ahead of countries like Canada or the United States , despite enjoying his 30 days of vacation. Also the Italians, although these with more reason, because they only enjoy 21 days a year of the 28 they have.

In addition, 51% of Italians admit to having had to cancel vacations for work, while the French have done so by 38%, the Germans by 45% and the Spanish by 44%.

Are we Europeans alike? Yes: most of us need two or three days of vacation to fully relax , with the Italians being the ones who admit to relaxing earlier, with only one day of vacation.

But perhaps, and only perhaps, the quality of our vacations is not such: 38% of Spaniards usually work on vacation, 70% check emails and 50% feel stressed after doing so. In addition, in Spain only 16% feel guilty for taking vacations.

The global average in Europe of people who work during their holidays is 38% and only the French - 56% - are immune (and yet they remain the most dissatisfied in the table).


Contrary to Europe we find the dissatisfaction of countries like India, China and South Korea (of the countries surveyed: remember that their neighbors to the North are not included in this study).

Workers in India have an average of 20 days of vacation and usually take only 15 of them, although 68% cancel vacations for work. In China they have 14 days and they take all 14. However, 57% usually cancel vacations for work but are lucky enough to be able to relax before the rest -immediately-.

South Koreans have 15 annual vacation days and usually take 14, and 58% cancel their vacation for work. The most significant thing is that 46% feel guilty for taking vacations, in Spain only 16% feel guilty.

What happens in the United States? In America, workers have 14 calendar days, but they only take 10 days of vacation , the majority due to work issues -54%-. 39% cancel vacations for work and 26% feel guilty for taking them.


What would we Spaniards be willing to give up to have more vacations? In the top 3 the Spanish would sacrifice 56% alcohol, 44% social networks and 41% television.

Whereas the Japanese would trade sex for television and the Indians would be willing to sacrifice a shower.

What we Spaniards would never sacrifice to have more vacations is: a shower (7%), sex (16%), and contact with friends (or n 18%). Do you agree?

What would you sacrifice for a vacation

What would you sacrifice for a vacation?


Why don't we take vacations? The main reason, 35%, would be a lack of possibilities, followed by saving for a longer vacation, another 35%, a heavy workload, 24%, and not knowing where to go, 7%. In this sense, Spaniards have no problem, they always know where to go.

In China, for example, nobody has financial problems when it comes to canceling their vacations, the main reason is workload.


Vacation deprivation levels vary by industry but grow compared to 2018. They lead the sectors of Agriculture (71%), Marketing and Media (67%), along with Food and Drinks (64%), Retail (61%), which are the most disadvantaged in terms of vacations.

When respondents are asked by sector Why haven't they taken a vacation in the last six months? : in the food sector -51%-, who cannot have vacations. They say the same, 47% of farmers, 42% of workers in the retail sector, and 38% of government workers.

There are those who cannot and those who can but they do not have them due to lack of time . In this sense the media industry takes the cake with 44% , the financial sector with 39%, the technology sector with 38% and the health sector with 32%.

If journalists do not take vacations, it is due to lack of time.

If journalists do not take vacations, it is due to lack of time.

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