Condé Nast Traveler receives the National Gastronomy Award



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The ** Royal Academy of Gastronomy ** has today held at the Reina Sofía Museum the 44th edition of the National Gastronomy Awards , which year after year recognize the work of the best professionals linked to the gastronomic sector.

The winners of each category have been chosen by a committee made up of Number Academicians of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy, the Boards of Directors of its Association of Friends (AARAG) and the Brotherhood of Good Table , together with the Autonomous Academies of Gastronomy.

"Gastronomy has gone from being the pleasure of a privileged few to being a fundamental activity for the human being of the 21st century because it is healthy, caring, sustainable and satisfying," he said Rafael Ansón, president of the Royal Academy of Gastronomy.

And he continued: "In the world of gastronomy there are many protagonists. Without a doubt, the professionals as chefs, room managers and sommeliers among many others, but also the media. And furthermore, I want to acknowledge the true protagonists of gastronomy, who are the ones who allow us to eat, who are farmers, winners, fishermen, winemakers... all those who make it possible for our chefs to prepare these masterpieces of universal cuisine because they have an impressive raw material".

the publication Condé Nast Traveler Spain has received the National Gastronomy Award. The reference header in the world of travel, lifestyle and gastronomy of the Condé Nast group has in the latter one of its great pillars, both in the paper and digital editions and on its social networks.

“Many thanks to everyone, Royal Academy of Gastronomy, academics, for thinking of us. P For Condé Nast Traveler, gastronomy is a fundamental and substantial part of the trip. It is the perfect excuse to travel, and we bet on agriculture, livestock, cooks, winemakers, always as a sublimation of that perfect trip", he said David Moralejo, director of Condé Nast Traveler.

"Even in the case of Spain we bet on that empty Spain, to fill it, and fill it through the good tables that are on the roads of Spain", he continued.

"Of course I want to thank everyone who makes Condé Nast Traveler possible: the art team, the digital team, the sales team, the collaborators and above all to the readers, because without them we would be nothing", concluded David Moralejo.

The Gastronomic Guide of Cond Nast Traveler Spain and Portugal is now on sale to eat them

Now on sale the Condé Nast Traveler Gastronomic Guide: Spain and Portugal to eat them

The gastronomy , reason for travel in itself and capable of sublimating experiences anywhere on the planet, it is one of the cornerstones of publishing.

In addition to his constant references to the art of good eating –its June 2019 cover featured exclusively Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore–, and its undeniable commitment to graphic design and photography as allies To show gastronomy with a groundbreaking vision and a unique style, Condé Nast Traveler has launched this month its ** Guide to Restaurants, Hotels and Wines 2020 of Spain and Portugal. ** The guide is a compendium of 352 hotels, 544 wines and 714 restaurants and 162 bars from both countries.

This exceptional annual publication a gastronomic journey through Spain and Portugal hand in hand with the best committee of experts possible, through a prescription exercise that provides a breath of fresh air in the panorama of food and travel journalism , becoming a unique proposal that mixes new influential voices with others consecrated in the sector, such as Borja Beneyto, Carlos Mateos, Xavier Agulló, Alejandra Ansón, Jesús Terrés, Paula Móvil, Raquel Pardo, Federico Oldenburg, Guillermo Elejabeitia, Duarte Lebre de Freitas and Anabel Vázquez.

The best gastronomic professionals in the country have received their awards in the categories of 'Best Chef' ( Ricard Camarena ), 'Best Theater Director' ( José Féliz Paniego of El Portal de Echauren ), 'Best Sommelier' ( Valerio Carrera of A'Barra ), 'Best journalistic work' ( Ana Vega ), 'Healthy gastronomy to the most outstanding personality' ( Eneko Atxa ), 'Healthy gastronomy to the most outstanding institution' ( Basque Culinary Center ) , 'Best publication (book) ' ( Ferran Adrià's Bullipedia ), 'Best paper periodical' ( Conde Nast Traveler ) and 'Best Digital Periodical' ( Madrid Academy of Gastronomy ) .

Also, Google Arts & Culture was awarded the Special Prize of the RAG and the Riojan cook Lorenzo Cañas received the Lifetime Award.

Massimo Bottura

Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore at the gates of Casa Maria Luigia

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