Malaga Festival: the Spanish cinema that we will see


The wedding of Rosa Iciar Bollain

Iciar Bollain on the beaches of Benicàssim.

It was one of the first events affected by Covid-19. The Malaga Festival It was to be held between March 13 and 23. That is his usual month, his gap in the movie calendar in the previous 22 editions. But everything pointed to what happened that weekend.

However, unlike many other festivals, events and celebrations, Malaga did not cancel, nor did it go virtual and chose to postpone its 23rd edition, trusting that in August everything would have happened. And it happened and although now it threatens us, the Malaga Festival Following the strictest safety and hygiene protocols, it starts this Friday, August 21 and until next August 30. or will present some of **the most relevant titles of upcoming Spanish cinema. **

The wedding of Rosa Candela Peña

The perfect travel outfit by Candela Peña.

If it was born as a celebration of national cinema, The Malaga Festival has this year more responsibility than ever with the industry. After the reopening of theaters has been slow, the contest is trusted to regain the attention, trust and attractiveness of films, bring people back to the movies. Most of the titles that compete or will be seen out of competition these days in Malaga will soon hit the screens for everyone. Some even arrive today and their luminosity deserves to be enjoyed in a movie theater: Rose's wedding.

A review of traveling titles from the 23rd Malaga Festival.


Rosa runs and runs and runs, she doesn't stop at the finish line. Rosa keeps running because life is chasing her and she wants to run away from it, she wants to run away from her old life, invent a new one or, rather, one she once dreamed of until real life with daughter, father, siblings, work, neighbors, boyfriend got in the way. Rosa wants to put the brakes on, open her sewing workshop where her mother had it and to break with all of her, she organizes a wedding, a wedding with herself.

Iciar Bollain meets again with Candela Pena 25 years after Hi, are you alone? and like that Rosa's wedding is a small story of women, small and precious, luminous, hopeful and that word that we are spending a lot but that fulfills its function here, empowering. It is also funny and very cute. Candela Peña is immense (and the entire cast) and Benicassim it comes out beautiful That Mediterranean light is Rosa's. Inspiring to see it on film. And the inauguration of Malaga.

the girls

The 90's come back.


In the Official Competition Section there are other titles that make us travel, such as the Zaragoza of the 90s with girls, Pilar Palomero's debut. Or the father-daughter roadtrip in a normal world, of Achero Manas with Ernest Alterio (which also competes with Chronicle of a storm). Or the traveling doublet that is made Raul Arevalo: to Africa in blackbeach, of Stephen Crespo , with Candela Peña; and to one Ibiza of the uncovering with Juan Diego Botto in The Europeans, by Victor Garcia Leon.

Daniel Calparsoro shows a neighborhood and suburban Madrid that also passes through Ibiza in up to the sky, with Miguel Herran. Y David Trueba he takes his protagonist to Melilla on a trip that is the opposite of an immigrant in On this side of the world.

The section also passes through Brazil in three summers, for Mexico (Summer White, The Devil Between the Legs), Chile (Piola), Argentina (Hunter's Silence) and Dominican Republic (Misstep).

Black Beach

Black Beach, a bit of Africa in Malaga.


the of Lois Patino, one of the most important names of the new Galician cinema in lua vermella, the folklore of rural Galicia: “Air in the air, water in the water, red moon, I invoke you”.

The documentary that you give me It has become, by surprise, the most anticipated title. A talk between Jordi Évole and Pau Donés engraved a few days before the singer died to talk about life. “I have very few days left to live and I want to spend them at my house in Vall d'Aran. I would like you to come up, we could have a talk, that you record it and do with it what you want”. This will be the result.

Another reflection on constant travelling, on ultimately living in the documentary with four names, Out of here. Or the love story between the writer and traveler Sanmao and the Spanish diver, José María Quero in Sanmao: the bride of the desert.

Europeans Raúl Arvalo

Raúl Arévalo getting to know Ibiza.

In Toloriu, Mexican director Patricia Ordaz Cruz travels to the town with that name in the Catalan Pyrenees, an almost deserted place linked to the legend of the last Aztec princess, Xipahuatzin.

A tour of the Dehesa, the forest of the Iberian lynx; a walk through Cuba in Portrait of an artist forever adolescent… And there is also room for gastronomy in the section Cinema Kitchen: cook beauty, with Quique Dacosta and the publicist Toni Segarra; Creole, about Uruguayan cuisine; Constante and Hemingway's Floridita about Constante Ribalaigua, mixologist of the mythical Cuban bar. The meaning of cocoa following Jordi Roca.

many titles for celebrate the reunion with Spanish cinema this new course.

What you give me documentary Pau Dons

Pau Donés and Jordi Évole, talking about life.

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