Juan Fearless, extreme sport as a way of life


Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

Atacama, pedaling at 4,400 meters

An extreme athlete is not born but is made. There is always an experience that arouses curiosity and a specific moment that lights the fuse and creates an internal fire that will be impossible to put out. In Juan's case, curiosity arose soon, "When at 16 I did the Camino de Santiago" , to feed little by little. “The objectives were succeeding each other, going from bicycle trips to more difficult expeditions”, the 20 definitely manifesting themselves just released. “The key moment was the crossing to the Pyrenees . That's when I realized that he had a long way to go as an athlete and that he had a lot of world to pedal”.

And it is that, since then, the expeditions are an inseparable part of his existence. “Expeditions are a lifestyle. It is different and very sacrificed, it means giving up many things ". Because, without a doubt, his choice is very risky, an ordeal in each new challenge and as a way of earning a living. "It is not always easy, despite the fact that I am pursuing the dream of doing and dedicating myself to what I love most. like".

Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

Juan during one of his expeditions

Fearless John is a tale by the Brothers Grimm, in which the brave and never fearful Juan left home ready to live an adventure that would make him finally experience fear . (Spoiler alert: He finally got a feel for it in the most unexpected way, with a pitcher of cold water that his wife poured over him while he slept.) In the case of Juan Menéndez, his relationship with feeling “is very special. Despite my nickname, it does not mean that he is not afraid, quite the opposite”. However, when he experiences it, he stops being his enemy to become his partner. “It helps me make decisions, to stay alive. There are situations that take you to the limit, you need to be focused and decide and act correctly to survive. Sometimes fear is my ally.

This particular ally has helped Juan to overcome his own limits every year. He started in 2003 with the Transpirenaica and, since then, he has cycled through Scotland, the Moroccan Atlas, has crossed the Amazon jungle through the Transmazónica, the Urals, Australia diagonally, the frozen Lake Baikal, the island of Greenland or the desert from Atacama. Also, he has been the only human being so far able to reach the South Pole by bicycle and without assistance in a journey that lasted 46 days enduring extreme temperatures . Perhaps his greatest achievement so far.

Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

“Loneliness is a difficult companion. You have to know how to understand it and deal with it."

Among the most difficult moments of his adventurous journey, Juan places "dehydration in Australia, not being able to advance more than 5,000 kilometers in the Andes due to the wind or spending the last four days in Antarctica surviving on a drinkable mix of chocolate and oil." . Experiences that have changed and transformed him. "They make you grow as a person, supporting you with noble values ​​and making you appreciate life more and enjoy every moment more."

In order to face and finance his expeditions, Juan must work hard during the months prior to his challenges and thus he spends his summers working long hours in Norway hoping to get more sponsors. "It is more difficult to obtain financing for my expeditions than to pedal to the South Pole... It seems like a joke, but it is very serious." It is a different type of effort, which Juan finds especially hard. “It is the most difficult, the most difficult, the most exhausting. Progress has been made, but in Spain it is still difficult for us to bet on this type of thing, there is not enough culture of exploration”.

Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

Juan works in Norway to finance his expeditions

After managing to save they arrive preparation and training focused on reproducing the environment and situations that he will encounter in each of the destinations. “They are very intense, with many uncertainties, full of enthusiasm to explore and discover fascinating places. In addition, there is a large burden of logistics organization. There are many small details that can ruin months of work, and in which you cannot fail”.

He alternates these training sessions in the months prior to the challenge with his other facet, that of a lecturer to transmit his experiences. “I feel a true vocation to transmit how I face my fears, how I overcome them and how I achieve almost impossible goals. Uncertainty, adversity, unforeseen events, prior planning, decision making, leadership, trust... ” These skills and abilities are applicable to all of us, in our daily and professional lives, something that Juan wants to share. "I hope I can help a lot of people with my motivational talks and inspire them to pursue their dreams."

Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

"Sometimes fear is my friend"

Once ready to embark on the adventure, Juan faces routes of more than a month and, sometimes, several months of solo crossing, something for which you have to be very mentally prepared. “Loneliness is a difficult companion. You have to know how to understand it and deal with it. There are times when you feel bad and being alone in such an extreme environment does not help. It is when you have to bring out the best in yourself.”

That loneliness and solo effort have their reward with the arrival at the end of each expedition. "Achieving the seemingly impossible is something unforgettable, indescribable." And his first thoughts upon achieving it? "Do you remember those moments when you couldn't take it anymore and you kept going, and those people who have always supported you, even in the most complicated moments . Also in all those people who leave me messages of encouragement and who follow me on social networks.

Precisely through social networks, Juan Menéndez will soon announce his next challenge, which he still does not want to reveal. To get to know him, we can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and through his own website. “I have a great project for this 2017. I will soon make it public on my social networks, and people will be able to follow the day to day”. We will have to be vigilant, because feats like Juan's are the ones that best prove how traveling and facing challenges make us grow.

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Juan Fearless extreme sport as a way of life

"Despite my nickname, it doesn't mean I'm not afraid, quite the opposite"

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