Now is the time to visit Albania


Albania the last virgin destination in Europe

Albania, the last virgin destination in Europe


The history of Albania is thousands of years old and, at the same time, it is still very much alive since the conflict in Kosovo is still latent. The Tirana National History Museum , whose façade is covered by a fantastic mosaic, chronologically recounts the rule of Illyrians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Fascists, Communists ... Its collection encompasses many of the country's archaeological treasures and is a wonderful introduction to Albania's long-suffering but rich history that rivals that of many other European nations.

The small Balkan country is also characterized by peaceful coexistence of four religions . In Albania, a constitutionally secular state that allows all beliefs, a tolerant Islamic doctrine, influenced by the Byzantine Empire, Catholic, Orthodox, influenced by Greece, and the bektasi, a current that mixes elements of Sufi Islam, Christianity and Judaism. All religions are professed discreetly in a harmony that will surprise us, beyond what we have been able to read that happens in other countries in the area.

Tirana National History Museum

Tirana National History Museum


Albania currently has two UNESCO World Heritage Sites both of a cultural nature. The first is Butrint , a city in the south of the country, near the border with Greece and which was successively colonized by Greeks, Romans, Byzantines and Venetians and which, after being abandoned in the Middle Ages, is today a first level archaeological site with representative ruins of the different occupations.

The historic quarters of Berat and Gjirokastër they are also a World Heritage Site and a must-see. Located in the south of the country, in the valley of the Drinos River , historic Gjirokastra is one of the few examples of an Ottoman city in a good state of preservation. Structured around its 12th-century citadel, its Turkish houses (kulles) coexist with other typically Balkan mansions. A mosque, several churches, its imposing castle and the disturbing Cold War tunnel unknown to Albanians until 1990 complete the visit to a charming city.

Meanwhile, Berat, just an hour and a half from Tirana, is considered the oldest city in albania , as it dates from the 6th century B.C. Crossed by the river Osum and known as "the city of a thousand windows" it has up to three old towns: the Muslim Mangalem, Gorica and Kalaja, inside the medieval fortress located on the highest hill in the city.




Albania is a country with numerous archaeological parks and castles resulting from the different invading civilizations. Among the first are the Apollonia and the Roman amphitheater of Durrës , both just over an hour by road from Tirana. Among the castles, Rozafa stands out, offering impressive views of the northern city of Shkoder , surrounded by the lake of the same name, the largest in the Balkans, while the Gjirokastra is one of the largest castles in the Balkans and is famous for having been used as a prison for dissidents of the communist regime. Its views over the Drinos River valley are fantastic and an American fighter shot down in World War II adds a curious element to your visit.

bunkers are everywhere

Bunkers are everywhere

The communist vestiges of the regime of Enver Hoxha they are an inevitable part of the Albanian landscape. And it is that Albania was for many years, along with North Korea, one of the most brutal communist dictatorships in the world , an isolated nation where it was practically impossible for Albanians to leave and for foreigners to enter. The rest of the planet only knew "his truth" through Radio Tirana, his pamphleteering station. Today there are still many traces of that dark past. Among them, about two hundred thousand bunkers fruit of the psychosis of its tyrannical dictator against any possible foreign invasion and that we will continuously find as part of the landscape as well as numerous communist-style buildings and some disturbing tunnels built during the cold war.

Valbona Valley

Valbona Valley


The orography of Albania, with a size similar to that of Catalonia , is fundamentally mountainous, up to a 70% of the territory is occupied by mountain ranges, mountains and mountains with an average altitude close to a thousand meters. Among the best nature destinations are the Thethi and Valbona valleys in the north, difficult to access but deservedly rewarding, and its rivers and lakes around which an incipient active tourism industry is beginning to develop. Among them stand out the shkoder lake, shared with Montenegrin and the one of Ohrid , a spectacular place that shares a border with Macedonia.

Thethi Valley

Thethi Valley

The Albanian “Riviera” is another of the great attractions of the country. Albania's coastline comprises 360 kilometers spread over two seas. Although the north, from the border with Montenegro to the bay of vlore , is bathed by the Adriatic and brings together enclaves worth mentioning, they are more crowded and polluted, so the true jewel of the Albanian coast is its southern coast, that of the Ionian Sea, between Vlorë and Greece, known as the albanian riviera . Despite being more rugged, beautiful coves and uncontaminated beaches are hidden among its cliffs, such as Jal, Borsch and Bunec that are still almost a secret.

The Albanian Riviera in the Ionian Sea

The Albanian Riviera, on the Ionian Sea


Albania offers first class gastronomy due to the influence of different civilizations and conquerors. Natural fusion and variety characterize a cuisine that blends Turkish, Greek, Balkan and Italian influences . The raw materials, from land and sea, are fresh and of great quality and, together with the usual presence of aromatic herbs, allow casseroles, stews, and baked or grilled meats that will make us lick our fingers while we wash down our lunch or dinner with more than acceptable wines from the country.

Albanian music and folklore will not leave us indifferent either. Albania is one of the Balkan countries with the richest popular culture and its songs, poetry and colorful clothing make local festivals a true enjoyment of indigenous traditions. In traditional Albanian music, the songs of a single voice in the north while in the south choral music is typical, a cappella or accompanied by various instruments , whether they are bagpipes or some typical Albanian instruments such as the lahuta or the çifteli.

Gastronomy specializing in roast meats and stews

Gastronomy specializing in roast meats and stews


It is difficult to find in Europe a more cordial, hospitable and open people than the Albanians. Its history and the fact that an important part of the Albanians live outside the country have reinforced their feeling of welcome and friendliness and make them want the visitor to get the best possible opinion of their country. Communication is really simple since, despite the fact that we will not understand any albanian , a large part of the population speaks Italian , young people defend themselves usually in english and some even talk about Spanish , learned largely by watching series and soap operas on television.

By the way, if you have heard of Albania because of mafias, drugs, prostitution and organized crime, do not fear, you will not see any trace of it. The so-called Albanian-Kosovar mafia must operate outside its borders or be very discreet because traveling through the country it is really difficult to feel its presence, just as there is no mischief with foreign tourists, something worth valuing today.

Atmosphere in Tirana

Atmosphere in Tirana

To prove the Albanian character, one only has to let oneself be carried away by the tirana vibe . Although in the rest of the country nightlife is rather scarce, in the capital things change and we will find a atmosphere that invites to socialize , especially on weekends and in summer. Its best cafes, restaurants, terraces and elegant pubs are concentrated in the Bloku neighborhood and they allow you to have a wonderful dinner for a very reasonable price, try the local coffee or beer ( Korca either tyrant ) or dare with the raki , the strong national alcoholic drink. If we want to stay up late, its fun discos and clubs (yes, smoking is still allowed in the premises) will delight night-owls since the friendly nature of the Albanians will make it easy for us to meet people.

The good atmosphere in Albania is contagious

The good atmosphere in Albania is contagious


Spending a vacation in Albania is much cheaper than doing it in Spain, even adding transport. Most of the connections are via Italy, from several Italian cities you can connect with low-cost companies that fly to tirana , currently the only airport in the country. Once there we will realize that the prices are really affordable. We can go to high-quality hotels and have lunch or dinner in the best restaurants, so in Spain it would be difficult for us to do so in mid-range accommodation and establishments. The same goes for travel within the country, where if you do not want to travel in the usual vans or buses you can always rent a car or hire it with a driver but be careful as many Albanians still drive “that way”.

The best time to discover Albania is now , better in the coming months than in a few years. It is always better to visit a country when it is not yet a massive destination, just at the moment when the tourist infrastructures allow you to enjoy comfort but without being invaded by the hordes of tourists. The Albanian authorities have not yet opted for a determined promotion of its many tourist attractions, so Albania is still a relatively unknown country, uncontaminated, authentic and that, without a doubt, will make us want to return immediately after our first visit.



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