La Caníbal, the (new) paradise of natural wines from Lavapiés


the cannibal

the cannibal

The natural wines more and more they let themselves be heard and drunk in the streets of Madrid. It is a matter of time before little by little they are seen as something "normal" in restaurants and bar bars. And well deserved that they have it.

Many are their detractors, fearful of not being able to fit them into their schemes, study them according to their canons and compare them with what the "rules" dictate. But there are much more who are taking a liking to them , attentive to its origin, the producer (with names and surnames always visible) and the methods with which they are made.

Drinking them is a Russian roulette yes , but one that never stops turning and offering new sensations.

the cannibal

A good natural wine in Lavapiés: that is La Caníbal

What was once a furniture store is now a bar and shop selling small-scale wines, craft beers and cheeses, owned by the owners of the bar/restaurant O Pazo de Lugo, the Galician bar that shares an entrance with the cannibal .

Its opening, in the Lavapiés neighborhood, comes like a ray of light due to its particular offer and the way it does it: through wine (and beer) taps. A curiosity that differentiates it (even more) from other places.

Approaching the neighborhood and the customs of yesteryear, they also offer the possibility of buying a bottle that you can take home and fill with a different wine whenever you want. Or buy one of the 30 references they have per bottle.

the cannibal

A winery that always changes

"We have looked for small producers who are very respectful of their area and native wine varieties, and who make them in the most natural and respectful way possible with the grape," he says. Javier Vázquez, owner of the premises.

the cannibal

The faucets of pleasure

" Our taps are very particular because they are non-standard wines , which are made by themselves through the fermentation of the grape itself. It does not have a Denomination of Origin and, therefore, they are identified by the viticulturist that produces them ", he emphasizes. The same thing happens with the cheese menu, made by small producers and most of them from raw milk.

the cannibal

Cheese and wine: OH YES THANK YOU

Wild and spontaneous the wine selection of La Caníbal Includes some references to wines that are not openly sold to the public, but they are made especially for sites like this.

So you can try singularities such as a tempranillo from Toledo by Julián Ruiz or a sauvignon blanc by Daniel Ramos, from Ávila, made with a grape that is not native but has a long history of why there is sauvignon blanc in Ávila.

Names and surnames and no commercial brands, something that abounds in La Caníbal and that, fortunately, points as the (new) not a temporary trend when it comes to drinking wine in Spain.

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