Discover Spain through its coffees (and how to order them)


It was post-war times when José Prado Crespo, founder of the popular Café Central de Málaga , he struggled and wished every day to serve the perfect coffee to each customer. someone came in and he ordered his coffee to taste pointing to the cup –more coffee, less milk, too dark–.

This custom led Crespo to dispose of large amounts of coffee , especially at a time when certain foods were scarce.

This is how he came up with a solution: list nine different types of coffee –only, long, semi-long, only short, half, between short, short, shadow, cloud and don't wear it–, which they look today in a tile of this iconic establishment closed in 2021 to the chagrin of all Malaga.

But Malaga is the only place where coffee is enjoyed under different recipes and forms.

According to a recent study, in our country 535 million cups of coffee are served weekly in cafeterias across the country. We are coffee growers, but the way to order it and the combinations macerated by the history of each region overflow into a collection of ideal suggestions for extend after-meals this summer beyond the usual black coffee. we tour Spain through its cafes (and how to order them)!


Suau is a coffee that used to be served in a tall glass with a splash of soda to alleviate the hot afternoons in the lands of the Ebro and areas of Aragon.

The soft (soft) is the name by which Catalan consumers know it, while Spanish-speakers call it “soldat” (soldier), since they adapted the “suau” derived from “zouave”, soldiers from Algeria who fought in the French army between 1830 and 1962.

A residue of influences that translates into a refreshing coffee that some also add a splash of brandy.


Barraquito with views of Masca (Tenerife).


Strolling through the streets of the Canarian towns invites you to sit on a small terrace and succumb to the liquid delicacy that is a good barracks

Present in all the Fortunate Islands but originally from Santa Cruz de Tenerife , the barraquito or zaperoco is a typical coffee that is prepared in layers , which one more delicious: the lower one based on condensed milk, followed by liquor, espresso coffee and foamed milk . It comes in a medium or tall glass, with powdered cinnamon and lemon peel in some cases.


Barraquito coffee finds its twin brother in the port of the city of Murcia Cartagena. In fact, there is more than one legend around their similarity.

In the case of Asian coffee, it is also prepared in layers and includes condensed milk, coffee, lemon peel, cinnamon, milk foam and the two house brand extras: coffee beans and a splash of Licor 43 , signature drink of this corner of Spain.

Asian coffee is a Murcian delicacy.

Asian coffee, a Murcian delicacy.

Although the origins of Asian coffee are not entirely clear, it points to the bar Pedrín, in the town of El Albujón, as the origin of this carajillo formerly known as “Russian coffee”, changed to "Asian" in Franco's time to avoid references to the Soviet Union.

Murcia is a disney land for coffee lovers –with permission from Málaga– since we also found the Milan baby bottle –granized coffee with condensed milk, egg yolk, vermouth, lemon wedge and cinnamon–, or the Belmonte –coffee with condensed milk and brandy–.


There is a fine line between the coffee we all consume and the way we order it. The "headdress" refers to everything coffee to which a few drops of condumio are added to elevate the flavor (and the alcohol levels), and a good example of this is ordering a coffee with drops on Galicia , or the coffee flavored with pomace drops.

It is the spearhead of a coffee culture based on coffee liquor or the tasty pota coffee , the direct infusion of coffee to which neither pressure nor high temperatures are applied fresh out of the kitchen of the Galician grandparents.

Pampin Bar

pot coffee.


With the arrival of summer there is nothing better than sit on the terrace of an ice cream parlor, especially if you do it in the Valencian Community . The coca boba, the fartons, the horchata, ice creams of as many flavors as textures revolve around black and white, a classic of Levantine afternoons consisting of a granita of coffee with meringue milk or with ice cream, either nougat or ice cream.

If you are less classic, you can order a time coffee –ice coffee and a slice of lemon–, russian coffee –Iced coffee with two scoops of cream or vanilla ice cream and sugar syrup–; either he touches –coffee with a few drops of brandy or other alcohol–.


There is a coffee for everyone balearic island, or almost . There is no better than planting yourself in a town of Ibiza and conquer the barista asking for a Caleta coffee, or the irresistible combination of coffee with cognac, rum and lemon and orange peel , the best passport to the August siesta. If you are in Majorca , order a “rebentat”, a carajillo accompanied by rum from the island like the Amazon.


order a coffee at Catalonia understands as many options as flavors, among them the famous triphasic coffee –coffee with brandy and milk–; either the cunt –coffee with brandy and orujo burnt with coffee beans and lemon rind previously–.


Nevertheless, the sweetest of all is the Catalan coffee, which includes Catalan cream. Yes Yes. A delicious combination that includes double black coffee as the first layer, poured Catalan cream and a final layer of semi-whipped cream . Quite a delight.

So far our route through Spain through its cafes. Now we are ready to eat breakfast anywhere and order them like a true local!

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