Tell me what country you live in and I'll tell you how to fight a hangover


Putin Ville

A bomb that can with everything


Americans have several ways to soothe a hangover after a night of bingeing. The most popular is to prepare a cocktail that calms the unpleasant symptoms. We talk about Prairie Oyster, a recipe that dates back to the 19th century . That carries? Raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, salt, black pepper and Tabasco. Some people add tomato juice and vinegar. On the one hand, this cocktail helps you recover the mineral salts that the body has lost due to alcohol intake; while the spicy calms the bad body.

Second remedy: Bytox hangover patches. Created by plastic surgeon Leonard Grossman, these patches They promise to alleviate the negative effects of a hangover thanks to a combination of antioxidants, vitamins and amino acids. For them to work, they must be placed on an area of ​​the body 45 minutes before starting to drink and removed at least eight hours after the last drink. They say it is very effective.

Prairie Oyster

The Prairie Oyster Hangover Cocktail

Another home remedy that can be a bit disgusting is rabbit poop tea. The Americans argue that this remedy comes from the cowboys of the Far West, who prepared this concoction after long nights of partying. The truth is that scientifically speaking, rabbit manure provides nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potassium . Maybe that's the key...

And if by any chance you are in Las Vegas , you have it very easy: call The Hangover Heaven Bus . This is a real anti-hangover clinic on wheels. With all the possible comforts, here they provide you with treatments with vitamins and medicines to alleviate that bad body that excess alcohol leaves you with. They can handle the most severe hangovers and even if you don't have the strength to make it to the bus, you can ask to be treated in your room.


The Germans are the kings of beer and as such, few are spared from getting a good menopause in the German country (especially with the pints they serve!). Ich habe einen Kater is the expression you will hear from a German who has a bad hangover. The solution: a hearty breakfast known as Katerfrühstück (hangover breakfast). What can not be missing: rollmops, pickled herring stuffed with gherkins or sour pickles and onions. Its great contribution of proteins, salt and oil greatly helps the body to recover. If breakfast is not enough, for lunch ask for a Katzenjammer Suppe, a soup with German sauce and pickled cabbage that promises to work miracles . Some people accompany these meals with a Konterbier (another beer!) . Are you in Berlin? Try some of these ways to survive a hangover.

roll mops

The German anti-hangover breakfast


Koreans are very fond of Soju, and that has consequences. To reduce headaches and nausea the day after, they use the Haejangguk, which literally means hangover-busting broth. Its ingredients are napa cabbage, noodles, ox blood (similar to our black pudding), and various vegetables such as spring onions, kongnamul (Korean bean sprouts), mushrooms, and other greens. all mixed with some beans called tojang and cooked in a beef broth. The ingredients may vary a bit depending on the area of ​​Korea in which we are. Its name alone makes it worth a try.


The Korean Haejangguk


Just as Koreans like Soju, Russians like vodka (and a lot). And we all know how bad hangovers from white drinks feel. L Russians claim that drinking acidic liquids help detoxify the body. That's why they resort to drinking the juice of the pickles (this is also very typical in Poland) , teas with lemon or the popular drink known as Mors, made from red fruits . Another remedy: kvass , the most popular soft drink in Russia. Made with rye, beet sugar, yeast and stale bread, this drink was widely consumed among Russian peasants: they drank it in one gulp to counteract a hangover. And it is that the vitamins and substances of the bread that the drink provides help you feel like new.

Another drink that is very popular in Russia and is very effective against the symptoms of bad body is the Milk kefir, a yoghurt fermented with fungi and bacteria from the Caucasus region. The Russians claim that its consumption improves metabolism, helps expel toxins and harmful bacteria from the body and improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys. And to eat, they recommend cabbage in brine, that provides the mineral salts that you lose after a night of excesses. And for those who have a closed stomach and do not feel like eating anything, there is another option: sweat in the sauna all the toxins, then rub the body with birch branches and eat a raw egg.


How about a shot of Kvass?


If you catch a bad hangover on your trip to Mongolia, you can reduce your discomfort the next day with the cocktail known as Mongolian Mary. Of course, prepare your stomach, because this drink has tomato juice and pickled sheep's eyes. This remedy dates back to the time of the great Mongol leader Genghis Kahn, in the 13th century. The truth is that it is not very tempting. Fortunately, there is another more modern recipe with the same benefits: the bantan soup , made with meat (better if it is lamb), flour, spring onions, pepper, salt and breadcrumbs. With the bad body of the hangover, the sheep's eyes better for another occasion.


Canadians have it very clear when they wake up with a hangover. The solution: Eat a greasy, carb-heavy breakfast to help improve some symptoms of low blood sugar and help absorb alcohol from the body. That's why they eat breakfast Poutine, a Quebecois dish that mixes French fries, gravy, and cheese . It is such a popular dish that in this city we find specialized restaurants such as Poutine Ville , where they serve several versions of this traditional dish. The best for a hangover: its hangover cure , made with crispy homemade potatoes with bacon, sausage, ground beef, cheddar cheese, hot sauce and a fried egg on top. A bomb that can with everything!

Poutine the Canadian medicine that could be Spanish

Poutine, the Canadian remedy that could be Spanish


Hangover in Osaka? Yes, the Japanese also go overboard with sake from time to time. And when that happens, they turn to a little fruit that cures everything: the umeboshi plum (or Japanese apricot) . It is an unripe fruit that ferments for two years and is full of properties. Fermentation is done with salt and shiso leaves, which increases its citric acid content. It is a fruit used to relieve constipation, bad breath, lack of appetite, tiredness, dizziness, intestinal problems... and of course hangovers! This pickled plum provides great energy to kidney and liver cells and helps the detoxification process and reduce abdominal pain..

Another recipe to recover well from a hangover is a warm miso soup (if it has clams much better). This soup contains choline, which helps the liver process alcohol. It also provides vitamins, nutrients, enzymes that calm the stomach and probiotics that strengthen the digestive system and prevent nausea. If you're tired of water, you can also take a drink from a bottle of Pocari Sweat, a Japanese isotonic drink similar to Aquarius that will give magnesium and potassium to your battered body . In addition, its nutrients will accelerate the expulsion of toxins and you will feel much better.


Umeboshi, salted plums in syrup


A true gastronomic icon to combat hangovers in Mexico is the beef belly , a beef tripe broth that is prepared with epazote, onion and chili. Mexicans use this dish a lot to regain strength. The broth provides hydration and the meat provides vitamin B6, good for calming the symptoms of the day after. Of course, we warn that the stomach can suffer a bit from the spicy . You can accompany the broth with freshly made tortillas and a good glass of water. Some very spicy chilaquíes are also very helpful . You dare?

*** You may also be interested in...**

- The first hangover clinic is in Sydney

- Map of bars and dishes against hangovers

- Guide (gastronomic) to survive the hangover

- Hangover in Osaka: Japanese remedies for the day after

- Ways to survive a hangover in Berlin

- Melopeas: a sentimental journey through those bar hangovers

- Four coordinates to summon the hangover in Europe

- All the articles of Almudena Martín

Hangover in Las Vegas

What's your hangover remedy?

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