Food porn or how to take perfect gastronomic photos


Pure Food porn

Pure Food porn

In this today of Instagram and gastronomic topics (everyone hides a gastronomic critic inside, remember) this very rare today of foodies and followers bought by weight, the value of something so innocent and so simple to take "a picture of what you eat" has acquired dyes of national debate.

On the one hand we have the restorers, theoretically delighted with the free dissemination of their works on social networks (despite the recent anger of New York hoteliers, which we will deal with in due course); on the other, **we have thousands of passionate foodies, armed with their iPhones and hipster filters**. And finally the harsh reality, which -so well- our admired Mikel López Iturriaga portrays: “The images megacuquis they are part of a parallel world that does not resemble reality. Because the reality your reality is much uglier , and what was an ideal cake with the face of Mickey Mouse has turned into a disappointing imitation, if not a formless cake with a diarrheic appearance.

It seems good to me, the truth is that I strictly follow that sacred law of _ Hakuna Matata _) despite the fact that I also I find this gastronomic overexposure a bit tiresome that invades every corner of the Internet. We are a bit Japanese when it comes to gastro. But it will pass us , as we missed the Rick Astley or Sad Keanu (cats we have not missed, that's true) . Conclusion: you have to stay with the good of all this -there is, well if there is- do a vital content healing exercise and rejoice very strongly that there are jewels like the photos that our protagonist today gives us: Aila Hernando .

I have been following Aiala for a long time because I am fascinated by her vision of gastronomy (and, therefore, of life). Each photo on his Instagram is a punch of color and good taste between the gray days and the backlash that so often floods social networks. Pictures of him make me happy. . So I have given him a little courage (caution is a virtue of mayors, said Cromwell) and I have asked him to tell us (some of) his secrets to take perfect gastronomic photos. And for dessert, a gallery with 25 of his best works .

Enjoy the photos and the suggestions of ** Aiala ** :

food-porn is a more than explicit expression to describe that phenomenon that turns food into objects of desire . We refer to that obscenely appetizing food that transforms a simple "shall we meet for a drink?" in an aesthetic of pleasure.

Virtually any food (with touch, taste and vision) is worthy of being photographed . It is not so much the what but the how, the where or if you are able to see beyond the bacon that accompanies your lentils. Here are some hints:

1) If we are talking about Instagram, the food porn app par excellence, please, goodbye to filters . They are nothing more than veils that prevent the image from being appreciated with the quality and color that it should enter our eyes.

two) color and clarity it is probably the first thing that makes us stop for more than a second to look - rather observe - that photo. If it is also something that you have prepared yourself, that you can place, choose the light, the cutlery, and all that, what more do you want?

3) Choose a place with natural light (next to a window would be ideal) - lamps, fluorescents and of course flash are prohibited -

4) An attractive surface, the more primitive, the better - that is, unvarnished wood, matte white table -

5) appropriate tableware (no, the trousseau your mother gave you when you left home isn't worth it), but it's worth it with: a simple white plate and silver cutlery. And all that remains is to place the food in a way that makes us want to eat it (even when we are not hungry).

6) In a restaurant, things get complicated. It's not always easy to take photos of food dishes in restaurants, so sometimes it is better to settle for photographing the place (if it's pretty enough, of course). catches full of color, symmetries, light and zenith planes are some of the things to keep in mind.

7) Details like a (pretty) hand, some flowers, the magazine they are reading (if it is not the Cuore) or some of the ingredients that you have used for cooking can be a good complement to a photo of ten.

8) Finally, creativity and good taste.

_ GALLERY: here you can see a selection of Aiala Hernando's gastronomic photos. _



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