Natural pools in Spain that will make you forget the sea forever


The natural pools that will make you forget the sea forever

If there is something that we can boast about in our country, it is having authentic treasures hidden in our forests. The fact that under our feet there is so much volcanic soil has led to the very nature gave us little paradises to give us a dip. We leave the sea for another day.


The Aragonese Pyrenees in the month of August deserves a getaway. Even more so if we set the goal at Boltaña (in the Sobrarbe region) and the route of the Ara River through this piece of evergreen and radiant nature. You have to go up to Ascaso ravine , more than a thousand meters high, to be able to find the pools, perfect for taking a bath. Some of them, being between falls, seem like small infinity pools in front of Mount Nabain. There are about twenty pools, so there is something to choose from.

The natural pools that will make you forget the sea forever

The Cabriel River gives life to incredible natural pools


The natural environment that surrounds the Cabriel River It is one of the most fascinating Biosphere Reserves in our country since it was declared as such in 2019. The river slides forming beautiful waterfalls and pools of water of Turquoise Color where bathing is a pleasure. In addition, this area is an oasis for lovers of ornithology and the canyoning , due to the orography of the land and its vegetation. There is a route of about 13 kilometers around the valley that ends in the pools, ideal to finish the walk.


Few Spanish cities have the magic that exudes the beautiful city of Round . If there is something that can finish off a getaway to this area, it is to look for the cat cave , in the Sierra de Grazalema, just 15 kilometers from there. It is declared as Well of Cultural Interest and it is a true paradise.

The Guadiaro River is born (or reborn) inside this cave and causes beautiful waterfalls, as well as a small pool of crystal clear water at the entrance of the cave that is known as the cold puddle . As its name suggests, the water is frozen, but the heat that hits this area is appreciated. Although the access it's not free, During the week the price is practically symbolic.

The natural pools that will make you forget the sea forever

Cueva del Gato and Charco Frio. Guadarres River. Benaojan


You have to take advantage of the summer Orange Blossom Coast and venture through the paradises that Castellon hide inside. We moved to the region of Upper Mijares to find one of the most surprising natural pools in our country, that of Montanejos.

The Fuente de los Baños appears as a thermal pool that almost seems carved into the rock. It is said that its waters have healing properties due to its composition of salts and because it is kept at a constant temperature throughout the year. As usual, you have to book in advance and pay an amount.

Fountain of the Baths

Fuente de los Baños: a refreshing interior getaway


If the route through the "Madrileños" towns of Ávila falls short, you can always follow the road to discover new places where you can soak. Like in stewing , on the banks of the Pelayo River and in the unique setting of the Sierra de Gredos.

Both from Guisando and from Arenas de San Pedro there are routes to the Charco Verde, a natural pool of clean waters where to disconnect from the madding crowd. You can also make an excursion upriver to another pool, that of the shards , a whim of nature within the reach of a few.


Every time we get close to the Sierra de Cazorla we discovered something new. If we also go with the idea of ​​taking a dip, we find the perfect excursion through the paths that run through the Cerrada del Utrero Natural Area . The erosion of the water has caused sharp escarpments in the limestone rock where it crosses the Linarejos River, a tributary of the Guadalquivir, leaving beautiful pictures.

Following the path of the river you reach the pools of the linarejos waterfall , where the lagoon that forms under it is incredible. It is an area very popular with fans of canyoning.


Those who live in Madrid know for a fact that there is life beyond the natural pools of the loops . in the neighbor Guadalajara there are many who are already familiar with the ** Chorro de Valdesotos **, a pool about 3 meters deep located next to the town of the same name.

This natural pool of stone and crystal clear waters is a whim of nature that, in addition to guaranteeing a restorative bath, allows you to spend the day on a Sunday plan. Of course, here it is impossible to find loneliness because there are usually many people due to the routes through the forest or those that are made towards the Bonaval Monastery.


The Jerte Valley It is well known for having the most spectacular natural pools in Spain. But we are not talking on this occasion about the Garganta de los Infiernos, but about the seven waterfalls of the Nogaledas Gorge.

From Nacavoncejo to the Garganta there is an entire expedition that allows you to enjoy the incredible waterfalls drawn by the river Jerte, making its way through nature. Although you can go up to the first of the seven waterfalls, the most pleasant bath can be found at the second waterfall. It's what they call the Paradise Puddle . There must be a reason.

Nogaledas Gorge

Nogaledas Gorge


Galicia It is always a hit at any time of the year. If your summer destination is Pontevedra, you should know that there is life beyond the sea and shellfish. Inside, more specifically in the Sierra de Groba , the forests are outlined by rivers that seek the sea and overcome the unevenness through waterfalls . And under a waterfall there is always a pool. In this mountain range are those of Mougás, perfectly equipped for tourism. The Big Pool It is the most requested by bathers, but it is not the only one. And if you plan your visit for August 24, you will agree with the Pilgrimage of the Fear of Oia.


You don't have to go too far from the coast to find this authentic paradise of thermal waters that springs up between the rocks as if by magic. We are in the region of the Tarragona Highlands , in Gandesa, in front of waters that are 28°C throughout the year and that invite you to swim even in winter. Some of the pools have railings to facilitate access to those medicinal waters that, as they say, cure everything. Furthermore, the path of Green Way It is a unique excursion if you want to get in direct contact with nature and get more out of your getaway.

The natural pools that will make you forget the sea forever


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