San Juan Reservoir, what can and cannot be done?


San Juan Swamp

San Juan Swamp

There are things that will never be the same, and others that have not changed. For now, to get to the San Juan Reservoir, all you have to do is take the M-501 again (the famous "reservoir of the swamps") and drive an hour from Madrid capital.

We finally have freedom of movement within our province . Most of the 650 hectares that make up this reservoir are within the municipal limits of San Martin de Valdeiglesias and (to a lesser extent, despite their proximity) Pelayos of the Dam , both belonging to the Community of Madrid (specifically to the Sierra Oeste region). However, there is also a part that extends through the towns of El Tiemblo and Cebreros, already in Ávila . Our route will extend through the first two.

On the banks of the M-501 , the road restaurants that are in the vicinity of the San Juan bridge will notify us that we are reaching the dam that separates the Picadas and San Juan reservoirs, both bathed by the waters of the Alberche River.

Gema Monroy the San Juan swamp

The San Juan Swamp that made us happy so many times

After crossing the roundabout shortly after and the gas station on your right, we will head for the access to the reservoir, specifically towards the frequented recreational area known as El Muro . Along its route we will see until five car parks, as well as a multitude of restaurants and beach bars . Most of its tables are on the terrace, but we can now also access those in interior areas. They're all open now though it is advisable to book, especially if we are going on the weekend , since this area is one of the most visited. The swamp has a total of 14 kilometers of beach , and obviously we will find more privacy the further we get from the main entrances.

Noteworthy is the spectacular the martuka , restaurant and chill out arranged on a cliff whose terrace offers enviable views of the natural environment in which we have . Here is also the beach of the wall , but as confirmed by the Local Police of San Martin de Valdeiglesias , for the time being, both bathing and staying on its banks are totally prohibited (that is, we can not plant the towel to sunbathe).

The only way to taste the water right now is the sports bathroom , for which we must be residents of San Martín de Valdeiglesias, be federated or sign up for one of the activities offered by many of the yacht clubs that there is in the area, such as Leisure and Adventure: boat party, wake board, water sky, flyboard, canoeing, paddle surfing... And this is the only reservoir in the Community of Madrid where bathing is allowed (under normal conditions), water sports and motorized water activities.

the martuka

The Martuka (San Juan Reservoir, Madrid)

Also, and as before, It is totally forbidden to make a fire, use barbecues or any other cooking device.

At the end of this road, above the Serengeti ( terrace with custom paellas , mixed dishes, salads and sandwiches, in addition to selling ice and drinks), is the red squirrel , the mythical campsite that rose to fame by starring in the second Julio Médem film in 1993 . It has reopened its doors since Phase 1, although without allowing tents at the moment. Namely, we can rent any of your bungalows or mobile homes , or go with our caravan. The restaurant and the pool inside it would have opened on June 15 under normal conditions, but this year it will take a little longer given the circumstances.

The same company has another campsite on the outskirts of Pelayos of the Dam , further away from the swamp but also more modern, next to the abandoned monastery that once served as a natural setting for various fanterror movies . We passed through there on our way to San Martín de Valdeiglesias to continue our route. The goal is to stop at Coracera Castle (visible from the entire town) to look at its tourist office. We discovered that it is temporarily closed (also the castle, which can be visited under normal conditions), but they answer our questions through the phone 670640313 (or the email [email protected]).

Coracera Castle

Coracera Castle

We return to the car with the aim of finishing the excursion in the natural area that we like the most in the swamp: the almoclón hill , popularly known as Virgin of the New for the hermitage that it has on its summit. It will take about fifteen minutes going by the M-957 and following the indications, which will make us turn right and, just at the corner of the first house, turn left onto a dirt road.

If we continued straight ahead, we would have reached the Virgin of the New Beach , undoubtedly the most famous of the swamp. Among other things, for having a blue flag since 2018 (this year it remains to be seen if it will be able to renew). In its vicinity, Wakea Experience It offers a restaurant with a private beach, chill out and all kinds of water activities: kayaks, pedal boats, boat trips...

We, however, turn towards the hill and park in the parking lot next to the hermitage, built in 1956 to replace the previous one, which was left selfless by the waters when the reservoir was built (1955) , and whose remains come to the surface in times of drought (if we see its tower, bad, although spectacular). Until there the pilgrims take their patron saint every morning of Easter Monday in pilgrimage, giving rise to a party based on jota and hornazo that concludes at sunset, when they return the figure to the church of San Martín.

San Juan Swamp

beautiful swamp

During the rest of the year, those who visit this enclave the most are the climbers, and that is on its rock there are up to 270 climbing routes (divided into sixteen sectors) . It is the basis of operations of the Great Sport Climbing School, equipped mostly by the Las Cabreras Mountain Club . Climbing, hiking and fishing activities are allowed.

Here we can make a couple of most comforting walks on foot. The laziest can settle for climbing to the top, just 600 meters from the hermitage , which will give us an incredible view of the swamp. But his thing is to make the laika path , a route marked with white and green markers. It is a circular route of just twenty minutes that will bring us closer to a couple of viewpoints where we will have a greater perspective, getting to see a large part of the aquatic extension of the reservoir, as well as the views of the Cerro de la Cabrera High . Ideal place to eat our sandwich and return with the batteries charged.

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