Lelisé, the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid


Lelis the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid

This is how it is enjoyed in this 21st century Asturian food house

Lelisé opened in Madrid a little over a year ago, in the midst of the rebirth of Asturian gastronomy in the capital. Although it is well known that in the Asturian land you eat very well, and drink better, it has been lately when their dishes have regained prominence led by the popular cachopo.

“Right now, we are living in a sweet period, in which unknown dishes and recipes are being made known outside of our terrina,” admits José Ignacio López, the chef behind Lelisé. And from that moment this restaurant that its owners define like a good food, an elegant winch (or cider house) or "a 21st century eating house" . Here López draws on his education between the stoves with his father and his current knowledge “to rework the most traditional recipes” he explains. "This is how we show the client that we young chefs don't want to lose our roots."

Lelis the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid

Grilled beef tenderloin with foie gras

Focused on dedication to the client, after the reopening and a decorative reform, in this second year they have decided that those traditional roots present in your letter are increasingly "more complex and surprising" . "A dish like cachopo allows us to 'refine' it, using foams, moulds, different batters...", concludes José Ignacio López.


For its pampering of the Asturian tradition from an affordable modernity. Because you eat abundantly, as you should eat.

Lelis the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid

The restaurant reopens with new decoration


In addition to what can be ordered on the menu, Its two menus give you the chance to get a good overall idea of ​​Asturian gastronomy. El Noreña (€22) is served at lunch and changes every week, always with typical dishes in the center of the table such as complete Asturian bean stew, verdinas or scorpion fish cake. The Tasting Menu (€35) is where José Ignacio López gives proof of this renewal of classic recipes, with dishes such as chocolate oxtail mille-feuille or hake Wellington.


Address: Victor Andres Belaunde Street, 28016 Madrid

Telephone: 91 795.81.94

Schedule: Tuesday to Saturday: from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and from 9:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Sunday night and Monday closed.

Half price: in letter between 35 and 40 euros. It has two menus: one for €35 and the other for €22.

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Lelis the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid

Vegetables with shrimp

Lelis the Asturian food house of the 21st century in Madrid

Mushrooms au gratin with honey alioli foam

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