Why Lille is the perfect Christmas getaway


Why Lille is the perfect Christmas getaway

Why Lille is the perfect Christmas getaway

Have you ever heard that warmth emerges with a particular fervor in the north of France ? Not even in cities as attractive as lyons , Rennes either Marseilles you can feel as comfortable as in this little piece of heaven.

Halfway Lille is between Paris and Belgium. , a site that fuses the highlights of the French culinary proposal, with settings that convey the feeling of being lost in some magical corner of Bruges or Ghent (and especially this time of year, when it transforms into a **dreamy Christmas metropolis)**.

Lille is a dreamy Christmas metropolis

Lille is a dreamy Christmas metropolis

** Lille is a place that manages to envelop ** its residents – and its tourists too – with an overwhelming and overwhelming energy.

In addition to holding a cultural bearing that is worthy of attacking in front of the main European villas, reveals a charm that combines the Belgian and French spirit in a rarely seen composition. That will be one of the reasons for its magnetism and, of course, its amazing christmas essence.


The Christmas Village in Lille displays its traditional wooden facades from November 22 to December 29 , with a total of 85 stalls –some somewhat smaller and others more spacious–. The main stage is located at the Place Rihour and, from there, the little streets are flooded with enormous crowns of garlands that cover the city in an elegant way.

Christmas Village in Lille

Christmas Village in Lille

It is not the first time that the fantastic lilloises decorations cover the Nordic city, in fact this is a particularly special year as the market celebrates its 30th anniversary and in honor of it there will be surprises, small concerts , Christmas story readings and painting sessions for children.

Once in Lille , –which you can reach by plane or train from Paris or Brussels–, your senses will be fascinated by the intense scent of mulled wine and gingerbread , which will merge with delicious homemade pancakes, sweets and soups.

In addition, the local artisans they do not hide their excellence: they will receive you with top quality specialties showing regional products, decorative objects , baskets of gourmet products, international handicrafts from countries such as Russia, Canada and Poland...

Even here you will have the opportunity to buy gifts for the whole family and, in case you don't find what you were looking for here, the renowned **Printemps store** will be your best option.

Place Charles de Gaulle and its mythical trip around the world

Place Charles de Gaulle and its mythical trip around the world

But the magic doesn't just happen in Place Rihour: at 300 meters, in Place Charles de Gaulle, is the mythical tour of the world and a wonderful christmas tree decorated by thousands of little lights.

In fact, more than 1600 lights are scattered throughout the city, but in their eagerness to celebrate they did not forget the climate change and, therefore, the decoration has been made 100% with LED. Even the frying oils of the exhibitors will be converted into renewable energy and the cups are recyclable.


The Christmas decorations extend to the majestic -and dazzling, by the way- Port of Paris , a triumphal arch built between 1685 and 1692 commissioned by Louis XIV. If you go there, do not hesitate to go up to Beffroi de Lille , a building that offers panoramic views of the city.

Christmas decorations at the Port de Paris

Christmas decorations at the Port de Paris

Lille is also known for its outstanding cultural value and has an endless list of museums, among which you can not help but appreciate the Palace of Fine Arts , owner of one of the best collections in France; the Lille Metropole Museum of Modern Art , with a total of 4,500 works; and, for those who are interested in history and wars, the Canonniers Museum won't let them down.

Another essential stop is the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de la Treille , which fuses the neo-Gothic style with the contemporary. It is worth entering just to admire its light effects.

Saint Sauveur Gare can be an attractive alternative. It is a recycled old train station and transformed into a cultural center with exhibitions, events and film sessions.

The old town (or, as it is often called in French **Vieux Lille)** is a real gem. It is inevitable to feel like in a christmas fairy tale , with its cobbled streets with irresistible colorful facades, extravagant and decorated... An invitation to immerse yourself in the architecture of the 17th century.

It is inevitable that you feel like in a Christmas fairy tale

It is inevitable that you feel like in a Christmas fairy tale

The Citadel Park It is the meeting place during the weekends, where many usually go for a walk, skate or practice all kinds of activities. This place gives us opportunity to mingle with the locals , while admiring the wall of the old citadel that has been built by Louis XIV.


If at any time you are looking for a culinary proposal other than the one offered by the markets, ** A L'Huitrière is the right place**. Located in the historic center, it offers extraordinary –and typical– lilloise dishes such as chowder and lobster.

Estaminet Au Vieux de la Vieille It is a traditional Flemish restaurant, with typical dishes from the north: crepes au gratin stuffed with endives, traditional ham and cheese from this region (the so-called Maroilles ) as well as Mousse with speculoos. Here we can drink beer and coffee , surrounded by an environment of the early twentieth century.

Maison Mert is an iconic pattiserie

Maison Méert is an iconic pattiserie

Founded in 1761, **Maison Méert is an iconic fine patisserie in the city** noted for its confectionery and pastries. Your badge? Definitely, the vanilla waffle.

In case all this is not enough for you, for more than 100 years has an exclusive tea room designed by architect Louis-Marie Cordonnier , who created two emblematic monuments in the city (the Grand Theater of Lille and the New Chamber of Commerce) .


But let's be honest: if you go away for a weekend –and, especially, if you do it with your friends–, you're not only going to seek to get lost among Christmas markets and lighting , you will also want to go to bars and... what better place than Lille , a European city that embraces Belgium's beer heritage like no other.

What better place than Lille to go out

What better place than Lille to go out bars

Here you will find almost all places full of people -even in winter-, the locals, the tourists and the dozens of university students who choose Lille as their home, make it a vibrant international village , a city where the festive atmosphere It goes beyond the day of the week.

The recommended ones? The Lobby , with a wide selection of beers and most pleasant music; Oz Coffee It is a surprising option for its peculiar Australian theme; The Capsule_,_ offering a variety of 12 beers on tap (in case you have questions , let yourself be advised by their waiters). And, if you're more into cocktails, don't hesitate to come to Le Dandy.

Lille is a city that never loses its grace in any season of the year , although precisely in this month it becomes more attractive than ever. It's worth getting away for a weekend get lost among its Christmas markets and being part of that French _je ne sais quoi that makes us fall in love over and over again.

More than 1600 lights cover the city of Lille at this time

More than 1600 lights cover the city of Lille at this time

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