The rebirth of Cartagena: 10 reasons to love the new Carthago


The rebirth of Cartagena 10 reasons to love the new Carthago

The rebirth of Cartagena: 10 reasons to love the new Carthago

Founded in 227 BC, the city of Cartagena It has been one of the most valued enclaves throughout the history of the Iberian Peninsula. Its geographical location, its port and its silver mines attracted Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines and Muslims, until Fernando III 'El Santo' incorporated it into Castile. However, at the end of the 20th century, Cartagena entered a period of undeserved decline.

T flush the creation of Cartagena Port of Cultures, the tourist brand of the city, the historic port enclave has returned to being all light, life and fun. Take advantage of the moment and visit it without prejudice. Still don't know why? Well, at least for these ten reasons:

Aguirre Palace Cartagena Region of Murcia

The Aguirre Palace in Cartagena is one of the obligatory stops to admire the architecture of Cartagena.


The Roman Theater of Carthago Nova is the jewel in the crown . It was discovered in the late 1980s, when remains were found during the excavation of a site. The recovery process was launched and today the Roman Theater Museum is a marvelous example of the importance of the city at the time of the Roman Empire.

Dated to the 1st century BC, the theater had capacity for 7,000 spectators . After being affected by a fire in the 3rd century, the theater was abandoned until it became a market. In the 13th century the Cathedral of Santa María la Vieja was built in the upper zone. Although it was in ruins since 1939, it is now the most characteristic aspect of the complex, as a witness to the different uses that were given to the building. Already in the Contemporary Age, one of the most deprived neighborhoods of the city was located on the surface of the theater and its physiognomy was hidden.

But today we can say that Cartagena would not be the same without its Roman theater , which ended up being the city's recovery engine. Sit in the ima cavea and imagine that you are part of the privileged classes of Ancient Rome enjoying a theatrical performance among the whites, grays and reddish of the stone.

Roman Theater in Cartagena Region of Murcia

Sneak into Ancient Rome enjoying one of the main tourist attractions in Cartagena: its Roman theater.


Would you have thought that Cartagena could be an example of modernist architecture? You are right. Not everything is Brussels, Buenos Aires or Barcelona. The prosperity brought by the mining industry at the end of the 19th century created a new wealthy bourgeoisie, and the architectural design of the historic city center was transformed with art nouveau buildings.

The Town Hall is the best welcome that Cartagena could have . Inaugurated in 1907, it is the first great building to be seen when entering the city from the port, and to say that it will leave you in awe is an understatement. White marble, shields, elliptical windows, stained glass... you can even see some Civil War bullet holes in its domes.

Town Hall of Cartagena Region of Murcia

The Palacio Consistorial de Cartagena or the Town Hall constitutes a main symbol of modernist architecture.

The modernist architect Víctor Beltrí also left his mark with his curved and colorful creations. Among them, three Assets of Cultural Interest: the Aguirre Palace, Villa Calamari and the Grand Hotel . But there are many more examples, like Casa Maestre, Palacio Pedreño, Casa Zapata and the Cartagena Casino , of more than 2000 square meters.

Of course, keep in mind that walking around Cartagena does not allow you to look down at any time... neck pain can be considerable!


As if Cartagena's cultural and historical offerings weren't enough, it also happens to have **the second best beach in Spain according to Traveler readers**. You will not believe that you are only 3 kilometers from the center of Cartagena when you visit Cala Cortina, the perfect combination of clear waters, beach relaxation and accessibility , in addition to some of the most impressive surroundings, such as the old cannon batteries for the defense of the city.

Do not imagine the typical urban beach where you take a bath with views of the office or your ex's apartment in the background, because Cala Cortina is well enough located so that the effluvia of the asphalt does not reach it. Formed with volcanic sand, it is one of the best-known beaches in the Region of Murcia and exceptional to escape a few hours from the hustle and bustle and the asphalt. . Try to go during the week for an extra calm.

Cala Cortina in Cartagena Region of Murcia

Cala Cortina is a little piece of paradise hidden in Cartagena.


Cartagena has always been so important defensively that, at the end of the 17th century, it became the city where the galley squadron spent the winter. It was only the beginning of the construction of more than 20 artillery batteries to protect the area, that today are arranged along the mountains on the coast from Cabo Tiñoso to Cabo Negrete.

We doubt that the passion for war stories will overwhelm you enough to visit them all, so you can start with the best known, the Castillitos Battery and the Christmas Fort . The first is at 250 meters high in Cabo Tiñoso . Its appearance of a medieval castle has earned it fame among the 'spot hunters'. Although what is truly impressive is the view of the bay of Cartagena, towards which its cannons fired when the ships of the national side appeared during the Civil War.

neoclassical style, Christmas Fort had been abandoned since 1941 . Today, the battery is adapted to show military life in 19th-century fortresses, so it's the best way to understand Cartagena's defensive system without having to end up with blisters on your feet. Firm, ar!

Cape Tiñoso Cartagena Region of Murcia

The fortress located in Cabo Tiñoso makes you feel like you are in a history of chivalry due to its appearance of a medieval castle.


What are we going to tell you that you don't know about Spanish cuisine? In Cartagena they have it clear, and enjoy authentic temples to good food as Bodega La Fuente, where they produce their own anchovies and knead them by hand at a special counter.

And it is that salted meats are very important in Cartagena's gastronomy. This is how many of the fish from the Mediterranean or the Mar Menor have been preserved since ancient times. Mullet, bonito, sardines, croaker... choosing will be difficult for you.

But the king is the cauldron, a soupy rice accompanied by fish from the area that you can rarely finish (the rations are typical of the Carthaginian general Asdrúbal) but whose leftovers you will always order to take away. The one from La Marquesita is more than delicious.

They are so enjoying themselves here that they have even its own coffee, the Asian one, which combines coffee, condensed milk, cognac, cinnamon, lemon peel and the famous Licor 43 Cartagena.


If something is to blame for the historical evolution of Cartagena, it is its port . Before abandoned and dark, now the area of ​​the Paseo de Alfonso XII and the maritime façade of the walls is the favorite of locals and strangers.

The port of Cartagena has been fundamentally military and commercial, but today it is offered to the needs of citizens and visitors as a space for enjoyment of people both outdoors on terraces, on the seafront or in craft markets such as the National Museum of Underwater Archeology, the Naval Museum or the avant-garde El Batel Auditorium, which has transformed the design of the area. Lucky that we do not have to face any invading fleet to rejoice in this sanctuary of sun, placidity and sea.


Cartagena's coastal location made it desired by ancient civilizations. The origin of that desire is fully justified, because the bay of Cartagena is an enjoyment for the senses . If you are one of those “I cook it, I eat it”, you can rent a sailboat and sail through the Mediterranean between the mountains and fortifications that watched over the waters. Yes, definitely, if we were a Byzantine conqueror, we would also have wanted everything in sight.

There are also boat trips that leave every day from the port. The only thing you will have to worry about is which site to take to be amazed by the sunset. In addition, every Thursday in August and Thursday September 5 you can spend the night sailing to the rhythm of live soul . We can think of few better combinations than music, champagne and the lapping of the waves of the bay.

Coast of Cartagena Region of Murcia

The sea off the coast of Cartagena has little to envy to those crystal clear waters of paradisiacal beaches.


So prepared is the new Cartagena for your visit, that there is even a panoramic elevator so you can see the irregular profile of the coast, the hills and the intense blue entering the natural port.

The glass elevator takes you to the top of the Colina de la Concepción, one of the five hills of the city, where the viewpoint is located more than 40 meters high . The mount of Galeras and that of San Julián They are also two good options for friends of walks. In the first one is the one known as the 'viewpoint of affection' where, at the initiative of a citizen of Cartagena who had lost loved ones, a bench was installed in honor of love and friendship. What better way to remember our people than overlooking the bay?


Every big city is also big because of what surrounds it. In this sense, Cartagena is not far behind either. nature in the Calblanque Regional Park , marine atmosphere and diving in the fishing village of Cabo de Palos , beaches everywhere like The Gorgel or La Cala , navigation by the islands of the Mar Menor , story in La Union Mining Park … Tour this part of the Region of Murcia by car and realize, finally, that the southeast corner of the Peninsula also deserves the value that it should never have lost.

Cabo de Palos Lighthouse Cartagena Region of Murcia

Not only bathe, in the waters of Cabo de Palos you can also dive.


'History' and 'Cartagena' should be synonyms . The Roman Theater is joined by many other archaeological remains that attest to its leading role in the history of Spain, such as the wall from the Punic Wars, the Augusteum, a temple dedicated to the first Roman emperor Octavio Augustus, the refuge from the Civil War ... The character of Cartagena has been forged over the centuries and made it the last city to surrender to Franco's troops.

Today, Cartagena continues to make history through its traditions and festivals. Holy Week and the Carthaginian and Roman festivities are of International Tourist Interest , and its cultural programming has gems such as the Jazz Festival, La Mar de Músicas and the Habaneras Festival, a musical genre originating in Cuba.

Because we have many reasons left, and we want you to discover them.

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