The map of the most popular town in each province of Spain


The most popular towns in Spain

The most popular towns in Spain

Spain exudes rural beauty from north to south. This anomalous year has made us lengthen distances but also shorten them, thus discovering the wonders that our land hides.

Because you don't have to cross borders to enjoy postcards from villages that rise at the foot of the mountains, stroll among charming colored houses or enjoy traditional cuisine with sea views.

East proximity tourism , fruit of the restrictions imposed by the pandemic , will continue to be the safest way to experience the trip for a few more months. For this reason, Musement, the booking platform for activities at the destination, has created a Map Which collects the most popular towns of each province of Spain.

The most popular towns in Spain

From Jaca to Cazorla, passing through Ribadeo

What criteria has been used for the selection? The 50 locations that bring infographics to life have been selected from a list of spanish municipalities with less than 20,000 inhabitants.

Once this first screening was carried out, the data from the monthly google search volume for the term “what to see in (municipality)” . That phrase was chosen because it is one of the most sought after when planning a getaway, as well as to prevent towns whose names have other meanings would benefit.

In case of a tie, the town whose name alone had the highest search volume was chosen. The result has been a wonderful source of inspiration that invites us to get lost on secondary roads when the perimeter closures allow it.

The star town? As expected, Peñíscola has positioned itself among the top positions : the photogenic town of Castellón -the setting for the filming of series such as Game of Thrones- accumulates an average of 74,000 monthly searches on Google and 3,600 searches for the term “what to see in Peñíscola”.

Peniscola Castellon

Peñíscola, the star town

In turn, Llanes, the beautiful fishing village of Asturias, and the charming balconies of Hondarribia (Guipúzcoa) , triumph among lovers of the sea and northern landscapes. For a good dose of mountains and culture, Jaca (Huesca), Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia), Albarracín (Teruel), Cazorla (Jaén) or Lerma (Burgos) are some of the names that you should mark with a highlighter.

On the other hand, if you are one of the travelers who prefer to savor the charm of places in small doses, Guadalest (Alicante), Pedraza (Segovia), Miravet (Tarragona) and Medinaceli (Soria) are some of the options that Musement recommends, since these locations do not reach 1,000 inhabitants but, nevertheless, they have numerous attractions.

Recreate the steps of Don Quixote de La Mancha in Consuegra (Toledo) , discover the Route of the Conquerors in Trujillo (Cáceres), taste the best wines in Haro (La Rioja) or Laguardia (Álava), indulge in good eating Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora), contemplate the picturesque beauty of Setenil de las Bodegas (Cadiz)... We count the days to be able to cross out each of the names on the map.


- Andalusia: Osuna (Seville), Frigiliana (Málaga), Setenil de las Bodegas (Cádiz), Guadix (Granada), Rute (Córdoba), Mojácar (Almería), Cazorla (Jaén) and Aracena (Huelva).

Setenil de las bodegas where the rock merges with the sky

Setenil de las Bodegas: where the rock merges with the sky

- Aragon: Tarazona (Zaragoza), Jaca (Huesca) and Albarracín (Teruel).

- Asturias: Llanes.

- Canary Islands: Teror (Las Palmas) and Garachico (Santa Cruz de Tenerife).

- Cantabria: Quotation marks.

- Castile and Leon: Tordesillas (Valladolid), Astorga (León), Lerma (Burgos), Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca), Puebla de Sanabria (Zamora), Cervera de Pisuerga (Palencia), Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila), Pedraza (Segovia) and Medinaceli ( Syria).

- Castilla la Mancha: Consuegra (Toledo), Almagro (Ciudad Real), Alcalá del Júcar (Albacete), Sigüenza (Guadalajara) and Belmonte (Cuenca).

Street of Puebla de Sanabria

movie streets

- Catalonia: Cardona (Barcelona), Miravet (Tarragona), Cadaqués (Girona) and Solsona (Lleida).

- Madrid's community: Chinchon.

- Valencian Community: Bocairent (Valencia), Guadalest (Alicante) and Peñíscola (Castellón).

- Extremadura: Zafra (Badajoz) and Trujillo (Cáceres).

-Galicia: Betanzos (A Coruña), Cambados (Pontevedra), Ribadeo (Lugo) and Allariz (Ourense).

- Balearic Islands: Valldemossa.

- The Rioja: Haro.

- Navarre: Olite.

- Basque Country: Bermeo (Vizcaya), Hondarribia (Guipúzcoa) and Laguardia (Álava).

- Region of Murcia: Moratalla.

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