Guide to use and enjoy the Ses Salines Natural Park (from Formentera)


Ses Salines

Ses Salines, paradise within paradise

virgin beaches, solitary coves, defensive towers, saline ponds and numerous species of birds. The true paradise of the Mediterranean is found in the Ses Salines Natural Park , a space of great cultural, ecological and landscape value with the sea always present.

We already knew that the Balearic Islands they had it all. As great promoters of ecotourism, one of their big bets is the Ses Salines Park in ** Ibiza and Formentera **, a World Heritage Site and protected as Natural Park since 2001.

It is made up of 3,000 terrestrial hectares and 13,000 marine ones that range from the south of Ibiza to the north of Formentera, including the islets of the Strait of Es Freus.

Salt flats in Formentera

Salt flats in Formentera

the rich Mediterranean biodiversity is present both in the waters of the park, with a transparent sea full of life, and on land, where the fabulous dune beaches they delight bathers.

In Formentera the landscape is made up dune systems and marshes , while Ibiza It brings together a greater diversity of landscapes: salt flats, mountains and sandy and rocky beaches.

In Ses Salines, always watched by defensive towers from the 16th and 17th centuries, action is never lacking. Here we can enjoy great experiences among which stand out a rich gastronomy , exceptional accommodations and art galleries.

Regarding cultural activity, we are left with La Nave Salinas Foundation , In ibiza, an old converted salt warehouse in a space for art that this summer exhibits Universalis, the successful exhibition of the American artist Kenny Scharf , a benchmark for the artistic and cultural movement that emerged in the 1980s in the **East Village of New York**.

We travel to Formentera to fully explore all the wonders that this spectacular environment encloses. We assure you that there are no beaches like those of Ses Salines !

The ship

La Nave Salinas Foundation


The trails that run through the park are as numerous as the number of ecosystems that we will find in them. Most species of trees and plants existing in Ibiza and Formentera are present in the Ses Salines Park.

The Mediterranean pine forests and juniper groves witness a large part of the natural landscapes in Formentera. There are also no shortage of dune systems to give shelter to **the beaches in the north of the island and those of Espalmador**.

Bird watching lovers will find their little paradise here, since the fauna of the park is mainly made up of more than 210 birds aquatic and terrestrial. The Estany des Peix and Estany de Pudent wetlands welcome most of them with the flamingos as protagonists.

The Pitiusas lizards, with some 30 subspecies, also glide freely along the paths of the park. The best way to get to know the biological wealth of Ses Salines is to explore its paths , among which we will enjoy the most lonely places on the island exclusively.

On Saturdays there are guided tours, but for those who prefer to discover it freely, there are greenways to **travel on foot or by bicycle**, always with the possibility of combining them with peaceful baths.

In La Savina and Es Pujols bike rental companies abound. We get one and get ready to discover all its corners, always avoiding the hottest hours.

Pudent Pond

Pudent Pond


With 3.5 square kilometers, Estany Pudent is the largest of the two ponds in Formentera . Here nature and history converge. The enormous wetland has played a fundamental role in salt extraction and how base for military seaplanes during the Civil War.

Currently stands out for being the habitat of flamingos and other birds who choose these waters for their high salinity, which in some sections are completely pink due to the species that live in it. You can also see the salt accumulated between the rocks.

We border it from Es Pujols to La Savina to continue along the Estany des Peix.

This other pond open to the sea is used for practice fishing, canoeing and sailing , and for the protection of small boats. being a natural bay , offers the ideal protection for the habitat of animals and plants.

Next, we will go to the area of rocky cliffs of Can Marroig , among which are hidden natural pools and the park's Interpretation Center. If the road around the ponds is lightly traveled, this area of ​​the island will be lonely for us.

In 10 minutes we will have reached the Gavina Tower , the perfect end of the route to enjoy the sunset by the sea.

Gavina Tower

Gavina Tower


We start the route in La Savina with the turquoise blue of the sea on the left and the greenish lake on the right, avoiding the lizards that cross the path.

In the Es Cavall d'En Borras beach We will make the first stop between sand dunes covered by a juniper forest. The popular beach bar beach kiss receives us.

Further on, a bench with the message “There is no summer without a kiss” It tempts us to stay, but the journey is long and we must continue.

Another nearby beach bar is The shark . At this point, a tongue of semi-virgin sand stands out, from the tip of which it almost seems that we are touching the paradisiacal island of espalmador . We have reached the peninsula of It's Trucadors , made up of the Levante beach to the east and by Illetes , the favorite, to the west.

In Ses Illetes, we get into the water before its photogenic pier . The salt invades our skin and our lips, marking us with the name of the park.

Ses Illetes

Ses Illetes


Levante beach, unlike its neighbor Illetes, is rarely visited. Miles and miles of lonely dunes they make their way before a somewhat rougher sea than that of our previous route.

We leave the bicycle and take off our flip-flops to sink our feet through the immensity of sand that will guide us to Es Pujols, another beach with crystal clear waters and perfect sand invaded by Italians. We have returned to the beginning of the road!


Approximately 85% of the territory of the park is in the sea, being the underwater meadows of Posidonia one of the essential elements for its maintenance.

This marine plant, unique to the area, intervenes in the quality of the waters and in the fish populations, preserving the beaches from the erosion of the waves. It is also to blame for those turquoise waters so common in Ses Salines.

An original way to navigate these impeccable waters is to do it in lläut , a traditional Balearic boat. There are several companies that they offer group excursions or rent boats with or without a skipper , according to the needs of customers.

Go snorkeling or scuba diving and delve into the caves formed on the coast , will be another ideal way to wrap yourself in the wonders of the park.

Illa de Castelví, Illa des Porcs, Illa de sa Torreta… Several small islands are shipwrecked in the heart of the park. Among them, Espalmador is the only one that can be visited. Although it is for public use, it is a private island, so here we will not find beach bars or sun loungers , a fact that elevates her to nirvana.

It's Pujols

It's Pujols

Most of the boat trips offer Espalmador among their stops, but if we prefer to dedicate a whole day to this little Eden on earth, we can travel to it with the company Barca Bahía from the port of La Savina or from the instagrammable dock of Illetes.

A secret: early in the morning or late in the afternoon , we can enjoy it for ourselves.


Looking for a place to stay in the park, we find the only five-star hotel on the island, Five Flowers Hotel & Spa , inaugurated last May and located just 250 meters from the lively beach of Es Pujols.

This accommodation stands out for its infinity pool with Jacuzzi and glass wall , located on the top floor and with direct panoramic views of the park: the reservoir on one side, the sea on the other, opposite Ibiza.

Five Flowers Hotel Pool

Five Flowers Hotel Pool

We can also enjoy the views of Ses Salines from its acclaimed restaurant kokoy of the renowned Japanese chef Hideki Matsuhisa, Michelin star for its establishment koy shunka in Barcelona .

But the fabulous services of the sky bar with signature cocktail bar , excellent Japanese cuisine and its 360-degree perspectives at sunset, are also available to non-hotel guests.

Beyond the common areas, among which also stand out a spa and another pool with pool bar On the ground floor, we enter the rooms with a flower power style so full of details that will conquer us.

White predominates here, although with large doses of color in its decoration inspired by the boho-chic life of Formentera.

Whiter than Five Flowers is ** Blanco **, another cozy hotel located in the park, with a large swimming pool perfect for enjoy a few laps before entering Ses Salines.

The locality of It's Pujols It is, together with La Savina, the only one found within the park. Along its extensive promenade are distributed restaurants and craft stalls.

At night, the clubs and bars of Plaza Europa and adjacent streets , put the party touch with summer songs.

As for its restaurants, we tried with great satisfaction Integral , perfect for vegetarians, The Kasa dei Kolori , brunch and Italian-style breakfasts, and Casanita , for special dinners.

In La Savina we stayed with the Mediterranean cuisine dinners in Chimera to close this illusion of sea and nature that is the Ses Salines Natural Park.



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