Cooking with Andrea Tumbarello, from Don Giovanni: how to prepare Pasta alla Norma


Pasta alla Norma

Pasta alla Norma

If Sicily were a divine being, she would be a Greek goddess: powerful, sometimes punishing, almost always protective, a little proud, and certainly seductive. . Loaded with a symbolism that her overwhelming mythology has been responsible for nurturing, the Italian island exudes so much personality that she could pass for an independent state of Italy. Sicily is a thoroughbred”, we explained in our Traveler Guide. And if there is a dish that condenses the essence of this island on the table, it is pasta alla Norma: with spaghetti, rigatoni or maccheroni.

In our search for authenticity, we have spent an afternoon with the famous chef Andrea Tumbarello to discover all the secrets of this recipe.

The chef Andrea Tumbarello

Chef Andrea Tumbarello in action


• 100 grams of dry pasta type rigatoni

• 120 grams of tomato sauce

• Pecorino cheese powder

• Cacioricotta cheese

• 1 eggplant


1. Peel and cut the aubergine lengthwise and one centimeter thick to fry it and reserve it between blotting paper to remove excess oil.

two. In a frying pan, chop 3 slices of fried eggplant and add the tomato sauce and a tablespoon of pecorino cheese, taking into account how salty this cheese is so that the recipe does not come out too salty.

3. While we boil the pasta for the recommended time, we cook the ingredients and on a flat plate we prepare the presentation of the recipe.

Four. In a ring of about 15 centimeters we put 4 slices of aubergines in the shape of a cross to add the sautéed pasta with the sauce inside.

5. Finally, we close the aubergines as if it were a gift and crown the package with some basil leaves and cheese freshly grated cacioricotta.


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(*) Vicente Gayo and Jean Paul Porte, camera operators and post-production. Assembly, Condé Nast Spain.

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