Good morning Madrid! Breakfasts for a different morning in the city


Beyond good coffee and toast with oil and tomato

Beyond good coffee and toast with oil and tomato


(Coffee with milk €1.60. Glorieta de Bilbao, 7) .

The expected opening of the mythical Commercial Coffee (one of the oldest in the city, opened in 1887 ) is already a reality and we predict that it will not leave indifferent, neither the old customers of the place who have come back to see what they had done with their usual cafeteria, nor the new foodies who have responded to the call of the boys of the the hideout group (their new owners) in a flock. More than a facelift, the new Commercial Café has undergone an (almost) complete facelift, with an elegant and solemn image that seems to recover the splendor it had years ago. Of course, it has been kept almost in its original state. bar area, lamps, columns, wood… everything has been respected to the maximum so that he did not lose the soul of this historic coffee bar which, now, is also a restaurant. But there is more, because the upper floor, previously almost in disuse, is the one that has undergone the most cosmetic surgery, with several table areas and a cocktail bar. back to breakfast : here you come to have the classic, a coffee with milk and toast with tomato, or a traditional chocolate with churros . A breakfast that tastes like those of a lifetime.

Commercial Coffee

Chocolate with churros in a myth of the city


_(Coffee €2. Francisco de Rojas, 9) _

If you like to have breakfast without disconnecting from your chores in front of the computer, The Coffee Collective this is your place. A coffee shop industrial nordic style open in the Chamberi neighborhood with two floors, although it does not seem so due to its discreet facade. At street level, the coffee itself, with several areas (one with low tables, another with high stools) and the machine with which they make coffee every day: a Victoria Arduino, the Rolls Royce of professional coffee technology.

On the ground floor, the area to work at ease , with different individual seats, sofas and tables even to share; so spacious that there is even room to organize a group class (English, for example), if that is the case. But let's go to coffee: specialty only , Accompanied by artisan, vegan and organic pastries . The brownie sucks but well, the lemon pie could not be more delicious and the spelled bread toast with organic tomato and organic oil could not be more macrobiotic.

The Collective

Organic, vegan, macrobiotic... and perfect for work


(Coffee from €1.80. Cardenal Cisneros, 62).

If you like them powerful breakfasts , either out of gluttony, or because you know that until noon you will not have the opportunity to put anything in your mouth or, simply, because it is fashionable, take note: Saint George's Cafe . A mini local open in Chamberí that will be talked about a lot, not only because of its specialty coffees and its homemade, healthy and delicious pastries. australian inspiration (its owners have been living in Melbourne for the last few years), but for being one of the first to bring to Madrid the bullet proof coffee, that is talked about so much on the other side of the Atlantic. A calorie bomb made with coffee, coconut oil and butter a, the favorite of celebrities for its satiating properties and its low sugar content. That said, a bomb, perfect to start working like a motorcycle from the first hour.


_(Coffee with milk €1.40. Croissant €1.80. Fernando VI, 2) _

More than for a quick and rushed coffee, the little duchess It is a refined confectionery to have a leisurely coffee and with fine pastries in the Salesas neighborhood, whether you live in the area or if you are shopping and decide to stop on your shopping route. you will be lost among the sophisticated chocolates and tartlets that Oriol Balaguer (the new owner of the legendary pastry shop since 2015) prepares daily. But you'll be right for sure if you ask for a croissants , because it holds the title of best butter croissant of 2014 in Spain. Does it seem little to you? Lemon tart, black forest, charcoal, mille-feuille, chocolate palm trees...

La Duquesita Croissants

La Duquesita Croissants


_(Coffee €1.50. Star, 5) _

For the record, we already know some more, but ** Chilling Café ** boasts of being one of the first vegan cafes in the city . In addition to quality and naturally roasted coffee (its supplier is Nomad Coffee ), with which they make flat white, cappuccino or latte, here they serve an interesting range of pastries and savory snacks, made only with products that do not come from animals. Cakes, cookies, matcha tea tiramisu, toast (with hummus or melted vegan cheese, for example), and even salads, creams and burgers, to name a few of their Dish of the Day options. Because even if it's not a restaurant, at Chilling you can start with the morning coffee and finish eating. And if that was not enough, They also have brunch.


_(Coconut water €4.90. General Pardiñas, 21) _

The paradise of fresh fruit and Caribbean aesthetics has landed just a step away from the Retiro. Is named Rawcoco Green Bar , and because of its bar full of fruits and vegetables, you already know that here you eat very healthy; in fact, the entire menu is prepared with the advice of a nutritionist, so you will not find anything that is not healthy. To give you an idea, superfoods are the local kings and wheatgrass one of the most demanded (Apparently, a 30-milliliter shot is equivalent to a kilo of vegetables!) . Cold press juices, smoothies and shakes, as well as infusions and of course coffee, specialties made by a barista, perfect to accompany your selection of homemade cakes -the carrot cake is their speciality-, artisan pastries and salads. But if we have chosen it for this selection it is because in Rawcoco Green Bar , in addition to all this, you can ask yourself to have a freshly opened and squeezed coconut for breakfast , and drink it as if you were in a Caribbean palapa. As it is.

Rawcoco Green Bar

Superfoods, açai bowls and all the fruits you can imagine


(Coffee €1.40. Cake €4. O'Donnell, 15) .

There are times when the simple is what you like the most, and also the hardest thing to find in these times of foodies. But we like challenges, and we have found it: specialty coffee and homemade cakes for breakfast, made at the very first hour of the day by a pro confectioner. The place is called Jane Lemon and the hands that knead and bake are those of Laura Black , early riser by profession and pastry chef at heart. Everything she does is addicting, but you have to take into account yes or yes, the black beer cake, the carrot cake (spongy and with a secret mix of spices), the brownie and the lemon cake with poppy seeds , one of the most requested since it opened its doors near the Retiro. So much so, that rare is the day that does not have to do two. And if you already have so many unconditional fans, it will be for a reason.


_(Brunch from Monday to Friday €15. Saturdays and Sundays €18. Argumosa, 43) _

why wait for weekend brunch , when there are places where you can take it daily? Well, that's what they thought of Cloud, the avant-garde gastronomic space led by the chef Javier Muñoz Calero at the Reina Sofía Museum . That not only offers a top breakfast (international cut, with sweets, savory and smoothies) but also a bread and dip brunch. Just be careful, they don't call it brunch, but late breakfast ’. And add and continue, because they are not satisfied with offering it every day, but have five different ones to choose from!, whose names explicitly indicate which is the main dish to taste. They are the following: Migas brunch, Iberian brunch; omelette brunch; Benedictine Brunch; and Veggie Brunch, with a vegan burger. Each one is accompanied by toast, mini pastries, smoothie, yogurt, fruit, coffee or infusion, and a cocktail for those who want a complete. And to top it off, The price could not be more adjusted . There are plenty of excuses to drop by here.


(From €13.98)

If, in addition to having a late and long breakfast, what you most want in the world is not having to leave the house to get it, it is always good to know about options such as Good morning Matthias , which brings you a breakfast at home, or to work or wherever you want. The packaging is the best: a cardboard box with a personalized message; and the content, the healthiest (if that's what you want), with fresh fruit, cold press juices, organic yoghurts, artisan bread..., or the sweetest (which is the coolest thing at breakfast time) , with freshly baked pastries, smoothies, jams and even coffee cold brew . But, what is a good breakfast without reading to match? said and done: add to your breakfast box from the daily press to trendy magazines or even the most widely read gossip magazines, to be up to date with everything. Can it be more complete?

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