Hong Kong airport begins to incorporate instant disinfection booths


The disinfection process only lasts 40 seconds

The disinfection process only lasts 40 seconds

Protecting both passengers and workers from COVID-19 is the goal of the latest technological additions to the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) , which include **disinfection cabinets, antimicrobial coating and autonomous cleaning robots. **

HKIA is the first airport in the world where the effectiveness of CLeanTech is tested live, a full-body disinfection channel installation that gets the job done in just **40 seconds. **

People who want to undergo the process will have to pass a body temperature check to get into the cabin.

At the moment its use is limited to personnel who carry out health tasks at the airport

At the moment, its use is limited to those who carry out health work

The interior of the cubicle is equipped with an antimicrobial coating that can remotely remove viruses and bacteria on body and clothes of people through the use of photocatalysis and nanoneedle technologies . In turn, as a finishing touch, ** a disinfectant spray is also applied. **

How is cross contamination controlled? To prevent microorganisms found in the outside environment from interfering with the disinfection process, **the cabinet is kept under negative pressure. **

Although for the moment the use of these revolutionary installations it is only intended for personnel involved in public health and quarantine tasks in relation to passengers arriving at the airport, at the same time, it is carrying out a pilot test of antimicrobial coating in all facilities.

For this, it is being applied an invisible coating that manages to destroy germs, bacteria and viruses to high-touch surfaces in the terminal, including: handles and seats of automatic passenger transport vehicles and passenger buses, smart check-in counters and kiosks, toilets, terminal seating areas, luggage carts and elevator buttons.

After completing the trial this May, the Hong Kong Airport Authority (AA) will consider implementing the system as a long-term disinfection measure.

CleanTech cabin interior

CleanTech cabin interior

Secondly, cleaning robots -operating 24 hours a day- ensure total disinfection of public areas thanks to an ultraviolet light sterilizer and an air sterilizer.

These robots can move autonomously and sterilize up to 99.99% of nearby bacteria just 10 minutes.

Antimicrobial coating to replace manual disinfection tasks

Antimicrobial coating will replace manual disinfection tasks

"The safety and well-being of airport staff and passengers are always our first priority. Although air traffic has been affected by the pandemic, the Hong Kong Airport Authority spares no effort to ensure the airport is a safe environment for all users," said Steven Yiu, AA Deputy Director of Service Delivery.

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