These were the most visited cities in the world in 2019


Hong Kong number 1 for the third consecutive year

These were the most visited cities in the world in 2019

We are urban beings. Or that's what we seem to have become . It is estimated that a 55% of the world's population lives in cities . And yes: when we travel we also decide to do it from capital to capital. The annual study Top 100 City Destinations of Euromonitor International , compiles international arrivals in the 400 main cities of the world to know, in this way, how we move, from which city to which city and what are the most visited cities annually.


The great winner, the inamovibe, **the everlasting Hong Kong**, trips to number 1 on the podium despite the demonstrations by citizens and how they have affected air traffic in the Administrative Region.

The report states that arrivals will grow by 4.2% (that is, 1.5 billion trips ) at the end of this 2019. A figure that, in addition, is concentrated (47% of the total) in 100 cities that, for the most part, belong to the Asian continent: Asia is still the great queen of the ranking.

Top 100 City Destinations2019 Edition

Top 100 City Destinations2019 Edition

From this trend of 'fattening' figures with respect to those of 2018, we can deduce that tourism calls tourism , works as a catalyst for innovation and is consolidated as a fundamental socioeconomic engine of destinations.

Euromonitor highlights the importance of China's unstoppable economic growth which causes its population, with a comfortable economic situation, to begin to see travel as an inseparable part of their lives: "Many countries are focusing their attention on chinese population , through social networks such as WeChat, and by working closely with intermediaries. Also, income on the rise and the economic growth of asian millennial travelers , have also sparked a trend of intra-Asian travel and to nearby destinations such as Africa and the Middle East."

Hong Kong first in the world ranking

Hong Kong, first in the world ranking


Europe It remains the second most important continent, touristically speaking (with 32 countries in the top 100). Euromonitor highlights how the Brexit is already working as a deterrent:

"The uncertainty of Brexit remains a concern for travellers, leading to a slight decline in the number of arrivals in London in 2018. Despite everything, the city maintained the third position in the world ranking in 2018 but the forecast for this year makes it fall two places, thus placing it in fifth place in the 2019 ranking "says the report.

In the case of Spain, the two classics ( Madrid and Barcelona ) are the only ones present in the ranking. In the case of Barcelona, ​​occupying position 33 (and down 6 places from the 2018 forecast) ; in the case of Madrid, is located this year in position 47 of the world ranking, 8 places below the previous year.

The only assessment released by Euromonitor in this regard has to do with the traveler's sense of security: "security concerns continue to be a challenge in the case of some European destinations, due to potential terrorist attacks, rising crime rate and concern for refugee problem ".


Madrid drops eight places compared to the previous year


Like every year, Euromonitor also launches its trend pool. Last year the focus was on Porto, which broke into the top 100 for the first time. This year, on the other hand, three of the four 'discoveries' come from Asia and the fourth is from Africa.

Is about Singapore, Delhi, Hurghada and Fukuoka . Entering the top 100 for the first time, Fukuoka is the fifth most visited city in Japan (2.4 million visitors in 2018); Hurghada also debuts in the ranking in 82nd place (climbing 45 steps at once) and whose meteoric rise has to do, in part, with the investment of the city in the hotel sector and the renovation of Terminal 2 of its international airport.

Singapore continues to boast of that unstoppable growth year after year, with an increase in arrivals of one 5.3% and with cruise ship tourism by flag. This year it falls one position in the ranking, positioning itself in the world fifth (in the face of recent competition from regional destinations), but Euromonitor highlights from Singapore all the work it is currently doing to promote tourism and attract international companies that, certainly, they will make it grow much more in the face of 2020.

**Delhi,** ranked 11th, predicted to rise to 8th in the world in 2019 due to rapid development of tourism infrastructure

Fukuoka the great Japanese discovery

Fukuoka, the great Japanese discovery


1. Hong Kong

two. bangkok

3. London

Four. Macau

5. Singapore

6. Paris

7. Dubai

8. New York

9. Kuala Lumpur

10. istanbul




The goal is simple: find the 100 most visited cities according to the number of people arriving at the world airports . To reach this data, International Euromonitor analyses, each year, the international arrivals at the airports of 400 cities. This implies accounting for those foreign travelers who arrive in a country as their first point of entry, but also to those who arrive in the country of destination after having previously passed through another access point.

This year's report includes arrival data from 2017, 2018 and forecast for 2019.

¿ What does an “arrival” mean? ? Be a international tourist , that is, a traveler who visits a country for at least 24 hours, for a period not exceeding 12 months, who stays (paying or not) in public or private accommodation.

Each arrival is counted separately and also includes those who travel more than once a year and those who visit several countries on the same trip. The reasons for the trip contemplated in this report may be work, for pleasure, but also visits to friends and family.

What is excluded from this list? Domestic passengers, day visitors, transit travelers, cruise tourists and those who receive a salary in the country of destination. Students who stay in the destination for more than 12 months are excluded as they are considered “temporary residents” . In addition, beach areas or ski resorts are also excluded.

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