This is the instagram with which you will fall in love with urban Hong Kong


'Bridge of Transience'

'Bridge of Transience'

How does Hong Kong sound? How fast is the city going? Can you imagine it without fanfare? Vertiginous, noisy, chaotic... it's easy to picture one of China's main cities without having visited it yet, but this Instagram will make you change your mind.

Hong Kong can also be magical, silent and even mystical when the photographer and architect Kevin Mac he proposes it. “Hong Kong's city environment is unique in its diversity between international and local culture. Within the same street you can find both contemporary towers and shops in street markets. The coexistence and tensions between all these different things that come together have always caught my attention”, he tells

'MKneon' city of neons.

'MKneon', city of neons.

with his Nikon D850 has photographed his city and also Tokyo from the most urban perspective, although that is his photos have something magical that makes us able to see them without an iota of noise , it seems that everything is balanced like in a movie. Or better yet, his Instagram is a perennial 'Lost in Translation'.

Thus, among a cluster of signs, skyscrapers, cars, lights (because Hong Kong is one of the cities with the highest light pollution in the world), stories appear like that of a shoemaker in a tiny cabin working, taxi drivers who live inside their cars or young people walking alone at night… It's hard to tell the difference when it comes to models and real people, Kevin likes to train with both in his photos.

Among them, we can distinguish the Chun Yeung Market . “It is a very busy street market with a tram that runs through the center in North Point . I took this photo on a pouring rainy day which seems a bit calmer than usual,” adds Kevin.

There is no urban photography without a social context, that's why Kevin explains what's behind each of his favorites. The picture of 'Look Back' shows us a footbridge when a boy holding his father's hand suddenly looks back at the street where he reads a sign that says 'Senior Center' on an old building.

“It's an ironic moment about how the boy encounters something that could happen to his future when the population of the city grows, but the environment becomes even denser. The environment of the elderly centers is getting worse and worse in Hong Kong, ”says Kevin to

'Look Back'.

'Look Back'.

In 'Jailed Neon' He talks about the new regulation that came into force a few years ago in the city. “All the old cartels entered a dead end: 99% of them became illegal. This is one of the pictures taken in Wanchai , from a series of photos I'm still working on about neon signs that look like they're in jail."

'Jailed Neon'

'Jailed Neon'

Meanwhile in 'Bridge of Transience' , Kevin immortalizes one of the lesser-known pedestrian bridges with an exceptional view towards the trees only, “a very surreal moment in the city, since it is actually located in the Central area, which is also the area of ​​the CBD where people usually go to work," he adds.

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