How to flirt with a Basque


How to flirt with a Basque

a tricky business

Because it is a fact: in the Basque Country there is less league than in the rest of Spain . Beyond the fact that the recurring topic points it out and is ratified by Borja Cobeaga, what a week Y Eight Basque surnames , also says a study , one prepared by a brand of condoms, in which four out of ten respondents pointed out that in the Basque Country – and above all in Bilbao , you know what those from Bilbao like to win, whatever it is– it is where the thing of seduction and romance is most difficult.

Even so, there is a ray of hope to cling to (and it must be painful to cling to a ray): the Basques, with more or less difficulties, YES they flirt. Otherwise they would have become extinct..

And a society from which romantic troubadours of the stature Mocedades, Álex Ubago, Amaia Montero and La Polla Records you have to have a place reserved for love. It's just a matter of finding it. In addition, there are the cases of flirting-consummated-with-Basques of Imanol Arias and Pastora Vega, Aitor Ocio and Laura Sánchez, Iker Casillas and Sara Carbonero, Edurne and De Gea... They are living proof that IF POSSIBLE. YES WE CAN! Well, they inform me that Imanol Arias & Pastora Vega and Aitor Ocio & Laura Sánchez are no longer a couple. Well, they inform me that Iker and Edurne are from Madrid. They are clearly exceptions that prove the rule.

How to flirt with a Basque

“It is the innocent and not the wise who solve difficult questions”


– Trying to flirt with a Basque man or woman is good for self-esteem. The fact of failing to eat a donut in Euskadi does not have to be frustrating, it is the norm, many punctured that bone before, there is no feeling of failure. And in the hypothetical case that one succeeds, we are talking about a feat worth telling to future generations.

– To flirt with a Basque the first thing we are going to need he is a basque or a basque . If he is not alive (or alive), which is ideal, yes unless he is in good condition.

Threaten with an AK47 –does not need to be loaded– maybe it will help soften the refractance (I'll have to Google this later) of the Basque (or Basque) in question, but it's a rude, discourteous and illegal act and we don't go through that. In the same way, burundanga and truth serum are also totally inadvisable.

If the courtship takes place beyond the borders of the Basque Country, the chances of conquest increase exponentially. Outside of his comfort zone, the Basque (or the Basque) loosens his hair more (or the mullet or the dreadlocks or the radikal bangs, depending on the case). This may be due to the influence of the sun's rays (apparently, in Euskadi, they say, it rains a lot).

YES they link. Otherwise they would have been extinct.

YES they link. If not, they would have become extinct.

– Going deeper into the concept of “Basque men and women out of context”, we will point out that many Basque men and women can be found summering in –to cite just a couple of examples, it is not a matter of overwhelming– the Cadiz coast and the Ural mountain range . And of course also on the world tours of the Donostiarra Choir and in the league trips of Atletic de Bilbao . There we leave it.

To flirt in Euskadi it helps a lot to be Brad Pitt or Sofía Vergara Or at least look a lot like them. The clones of Rappel or Belén Esteban they have it somewhat more difficult; these Basques...

– According to a joint study by the Universities of Granada (where the Alhambra) and Valladolid (where the mouthy mayor), the key to the proverbial and atavistic lack of ease in the amorous socialization of Basque university students is in anxiety , so it doesn't hurt to carry a sack of Trankimazines and distribute them happily; they don't dispense them without a prescription, yes, damn tikismikis pharmacists; Neither does Viagra; which is for a friend; obviously.

The shell beach

Don't expect a Basque man or woman to give you their phone at the first opportunity

– Flaunt bundles of 500 euro bills perhaps perhaps at a given moment it could be of some help in some cases with depending on which Basques or which Basques. [This last assumption we must recognize that we cannot prove it empirically; in fact, we have never seen a 500 euro note, alas! ]

– At the compliment level , a Basque hunk may find it uncomfortable when you yell a word like a word like Panpoxa , more than anything because it means "Beautifull" . If the Basque subject is of the female gender, and especially if it is about the Olympic medalist in Wrestling Maider Unda, it is advisable to be careful with what is said.

– Don't expect a Basque man or woman to give you their phone at the first opportunity and just like that. The Basques and Basques are reluctant to give the phone. And the more expensive and state-of-the-art the device is, the more they resist giving it away, or even selling it at a loss, what guys; and what aunties

– If you strike up a conversation with a Basque man or woman, try casually blurting out the following sentence: Nai baduzu il senarra, emaiozu urdai zarra, gazta zarra ta ardo zarra _(If you want to kill your husband, give him old bacon, cheese and wine) _. Unless you are in a medieval market or on the set of ' Game of Thrones ’, the interlocutor will most likely be surprised, bewildered and perplexed. And even the most novice recruit knows that bewilderment and surprise and bewilderment are key factors in successfully deploying a seductive attack.

The wild terrain does not help

The wild terrain does not help

The orography and climate of the Basque Country invite closure (they also invite you to go hiking and pick mushrooms and to have an umbrella handy, but that's another story), hence Basque men and women are more closed; which does not mean that they are necessarily narrower, there are the examples of Álex de la Iglesia or Robin Food.

Basque men and women love to eat, and eat rich, rich, as Zarathustra would say . They have a fine nose and accustomed to delicacies, which abound in that land, just as Michelin stars abound. So the stomach can be a pathway to the heart or, failing that and depending on the intentions, other more erogenous zones.

– When it comes to flirting in the Basque Country, the poles adorned with the Spanish flag, the red and white bracelets and the chulapo and chulapa suits are a Big NO NO (and also a foolishness and incidentally a tacky one).

– The optimistic aspiring conqueror of Basque men and women must be clear that his initiative is going to become a tour de force (he goes and how well Frenchified expressions look in an article) in which he will have to compete with the gang (the group of friends, sacred and quite hermetic in these latitudes), football (true local religion) , waves (surfers, abundant in the region, have their priorities quite clear), the feasts at the Gastronomic Society, the chuzos de punta (who invite you to stay at home) ... And if what you want is to grow up, it is essential to have the approval of the amatxo of the subject we aspire to conquer.


Mundaka: the Iberian MUST

– Basques and Basques play absentmindedness. That is, that they don't pay any damn attention to you doesn't necessarily mean that they don't like you. The reason for this attitude is an even greater mystery than that of Mr. Anasagasti's hair (the mysterious thing is that, despite his teasing, he continues combing his hair like that; his hair itself is manifestly sparse).

– On the positive side we will say that Basque men and women drink (tkakolí, cider, kalimotxo, marianitos, zuritos, champagne, gin and tonics...) great, and it is already known that alcohol disinhibits and fosters interaction. They have numerous occasions to do so, between events and festivities: Big weeks, tamborradas, marijaias, festivals, patron saint festivities, verbenas, covens,… And, as if this were not enough, for a few years they have introduced pintxopote on Thursday nights –drink + pincho at popular prices–, initiative that has swept If you still fail, you can always console yourself thinking that although you didn't get katxo, at least you did get a good piece of katxis.

That which, we will end with a small list. Mentally mark what you would be willing to do. The more hits, the more chances you have to flirt.

– Say yes to everything

– Become a trainera rower

– Let him do what he wants

– Cut logs like a rip

– Admiring Chillida and citing Unamuno

– Know how to roast a chop as God intended

– Assuming it rains a lot

– Say “This is the most beautiful thing in the world”

– See ball broadcasts on the ETB

– Dance bogalooo (this last one is invented, but a list of ten things is better than nine)

* Okay, Pío Baroja's quote doesn't come much to the point, but at least it gives some intellectual substance to the start of this nonsense.

*NOTE: The author does not intend so much to show off his chest –but also– as to serve as a hopeful living example by confessing that he has lived for more than fifteen years with a Basque woman with whom he has two children, a mortgage and a bearded dragon. IF POSSIBLE.

Eight Basque surnames

Eight Basque surnames

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