Juices, smoothies and milkshakes from Barcelona



The best shakes, smoothies and juices in Barcelona


A tiny local in Gràcia with just two stools and a bar, it becomes the area's favorite dispensary in terms of juices and smoothies made to order, with surprising recipes and totally vegan (They even bring their own sweetener from Israel). Try the carrot cake milkshake, with a very successful taste of the original cake but something like a million times lighter and healthier (carrer Biada 1).

Adamah Juice Bar

The base of all natural juice


A beautiful wooden food truck is the base of operations for three entrepreneurs who combine their work with their personal project, determined to serve a fresh, natural and quality juice . juices cold pressed composed only of local and seasonal fruits and vegetables (some recipes will stop being made when winter arrives), without sweeteners, without pasteurizing and with a maximum of 48 hours between pressing and sale to the public , which often take place on the same day.

Their recipes are named according to the main properties of each drink . Thus, “Polynesia”, made from kiwi, strawberry, orange, lemon and mint, is an antioxidant; “Alaska”, made with spinach, pear, apple, kale, parsley and ginger, is energetic, “Waimea”, made with apple, spinach, ginger, lemon, celery and cucumber is depurative… For now, they travel to festivals and gastronomic events; Follow them on Instagram to keep up to date with their movements.

Mambo Cold Pressed

Enjoy juices made with seasonal fruits and vegetables


the ubiquitous Teresa Carlos It is, due to its design and history, one of the impenetrable names when it comes to “healthy food” in Barcelona. In the world of squeezing and pressing, it is not far behind with its cold pressed juices and shakes in more than twenty varieties that usually include superfoods like chia or maca . All unpasteurized and prepared in their workshop; They also organize detox plans. They are sold online or at their premises (carrer Tallers, Jovellanos or Argentería).


It has it all: five varieties of cold pressed juices, more than a dozen smoothies, very complete healthy bowls, hot drinks (lactose-free, organic teas, matcha latte...) and crepes with fruit. At its bar and two low tables you can have breakfast, snack or lunch; for 10 euros at noon they offer a galette of the day and a juice . They also sell ready-to-go drinks, but you want to stay for a while enjoying the light from their window. Ask for a “mocha time” smoothie, with banana, coffee, raw cocoa, dates and cashew milk. _(Breton of the Blacksmiths 4) _

Lo Lo Coffee

For €10 enjoy a galette and a juice


Pioneer store in the city to sell cold-pressed juices , the variety of its menu and the properties that its elaborations boast make you want to throw the medicine cabinet out the window. In addition to offering your vegetable juices and milks in glass bottle , organize packs for cleansing diets and dispense organic products and vegan pastries. _(Joaquin Costa 26) _


more natural, impossible


It amazes: before the rage for smoothies and the rise of recipe books to prepare them, these drinks were already consumed, usually in environments that tended more towards the multicolored hippielón than towards the refined cool. This place, with its bar that overlooks Plaza Street between Plaza de Sant Jaume and Vía Laietana, is one of the historic ones. In the same relaxed style and at a good price, we also mention classics such as the Veggie Garden (Carrer dels Àngels 3), La Hamaca _(Plaza Sant Agusti Vell 15) _ and the lassies at La Clandestina (Baixada de Viladecols 2). _(Jaume, 11) _


This is a bit of a cheat because despite its name, not a juice place per se , but since they also serve them in their menu of simple and healthy food and we are a bit obsessed with keeping track of everything that happens on Calle Parlament (impossible, we know), we include it. Wood, good desserts and sweets and cold pressed juices served in boats (which we were already missing here) . _( Parliament 20) _.

The Juice House

Wood, good desserts and sweets and cold pressed juices


ok maybe let's be a little skeptical about the properties of detox, but these cold-pressed juices have to be there because, for those convinced by religion to feed on juices for days, here they make long-distance shipments and prepare personalized packs. And if what you just want is a juice because you feel like it, here they are delicious and the offer is dizzying. In the same line, Be bo cold press _(Plaça de Francesc Macià, 5) _ sells green juices and detox packs for beginners and athletes. _(Passeig de Joan de Borbo 56) _


Order your personalized pack of juices


The claim is your 19 varieties of juices , but it is also a restaurant with a lot of flexibility to select combinations of dishes (menu with juice from 7.50 euros). Salads, quiches and vegetable creams accompany the green juices, cold pressed or smoothies. They also sell detox packs from 1 to 3 days. _(Via Augusta 21; Paris 201; Casanova 178) _

Green Shots

Combine your organic dishes with detox juices


Luminous healthy food restaurant – sandwiches, salads and vegetable creams - with a wide variety of juices and smoothies prepared at the moment. They serve tempting breakfasts and on weekends they have an appetizing brunch. Simple and rollaco , like the things we like. _(Provence 179) _

Rodriguez Co.

Simple and rollaco

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