Route of the taverns of Madrid


The Sherry Corner sherry

Sherry Cult at The Sherry Corner

Madrid speeds up its recreation and dispersion season. The August sky dawns clear. The ground, for once, goes along with it. It shines unburdened by the smoke of vehicles, of panting walkers and morning troubles.

During the dry season there is nothing more suggestive than irrigate parsimony with portentous concoctions. Those of yesterday and those of tomorrow. They coexist in wineries, taverns, wine bars, breweries, taverns, vermouth bars, popular festivals... This is our particular tribute to Madrid bottles, that reside in harmony both in centuries-old houses and in territories occupied by modernity. From the sea, the grouper; and from Madrid, the bottle.


Facade of Irreale

1. Beers

German Brewery (Plaza Santa Ana, 6) Back in 1904 Teutonic beer found its place (in one of the most bullfighting squares in Madrid) and convinced the residents of the Barrio de las Letras and illustrious travelers like Ernest Hemingway. Integrated into the historical castizo decoration, the brewery applied from the beginning the tavern code of the capital: caña and tapa.

Of course, its parishioners came here with the humble intention of enjoying an authentic pint of German beer. Throughout this century they have kept the decoration (almost) intact. Today his Prussian chimney no longer shines. On the other hand, their recipes remain among the traditional cookbook (squid, croquettes, battered cod) and the concessions of its condition: tasty german sausages.

unreal (Manuela Malasaña, 20) Last May, on the same street that gives its name to the design neighborhood, opened another of the temples in a neighborhood already familiar with this artisan concoction. Although we know the recipe (based on water, malt, hops and yeast), the Spanish take their first steps appreciating the infinite and delicious nuances of homemade beer. Irreale offers up to 12 fermented barrels that are advertised on the local blackboard (and on your Facebook profile) . Six taps that puncture every day barrels of German, Norwegian, Belgian, American, Spanish potion... Between its prodigious bar and high tables, experts and newcomers to the world of microbrewing congregate. The high ranking of many of them cries out for their brief and necessary tapas menu. Behind the bar, you'll find authentic hop scholars.

German Brewery

Interior of Cerveceria Alemana

two. vermouth

Ricla Wineries (Cuchilleros, 6) Tiny, noisy, friend of the fluorescent and enemy of the seat, This jewel without artifice was born in 1867 under the name of the Aragonese town of its owners. What was once a refuge for civilians during our great war has become place of pilgrimage for unconditional fans of the vintage: It is possible that Ricla has spent decades without changing a single barrel, or the jars, or even the bottles on display that accumulate dust and charm. Its absolute fillers are due to the Izaguirre tap vermouth (which they also sell in bulk), anchovies and anchovies, cecina de León, tripe and a metal bar in danger of extinction. Of course, the adventure of going to the bathroom involves kneeling down, crossing the bar, leaving the kitchen behind and say hello to the soul of Ricla, Ana María.

De Rodriguez & Salas (Meadow, 15) Emilio Salas and Ismael Rodríguez have made their complicity a beautiful praise of vermouth. And to other delicacies from the national recipe book with that sophisticated halo that excites its neighbors so much. Three whims: baby squid croquettes with pear alioli, smoked cod with truffle and fennel and nettles dipped in ajoblanco. The offer of this modern vermouth confirms that the red drink is a Spanish, Italian and French delicacy. And it's not a joke. In addition, Emilio and Ismael have earned the affection of the alternative public with a lax admission policy with dogs and bikes. Geek fact: Rodríguez and Salas perpetuate the verbenera tradition on Saturdays, when they bring their frog game out into the open air, the prize of which is, effectively, a glass of vermouth.

by Rodriguez Salas

Emilio Salas and Ismael Rodríguez in their vermouth

3. Sherry

the venice (Echegaray, 7) The versatility of Echegaray street gives a lot of play: Flamenco art nights, Lomography freaks, Japanese pioneers and sherry adepts. Almost a century ago, one of the purest bars on the plateau opened its doors. Strict in the content and discreet with its container (they do not allow to photograph the interior), La Venencia has been involved in the art of sherry for decades. The author of 'The Old Man and the Sea' was also inspired here. Not to mention bubbly soft drinks, or beers, or advertising campaigns on social networks. In La Venencia Andalusian wine is drunk, period.

Sherry Corner (Mercado de San Miguel) Under the beautiful dome of the gourmet market, the stall dedicated to sherry offers manzanilla, amontillados, finos, olorosos... and a unique tasting: audio-tasting (€20) . Without reservations, or queues, you get an audio-guide that proposes six varieties of sherry, which are accompanied by another six tapas, and illustrates about its tasting notes, the production process and aging in up to eight languages.

St. Michael's Market

The Sherry Corner in the San Miguel Market

Four. wines and spirits

** Licores Madrueño ** (Postigo de San Martín, 3 / Calatrava, 19) The only centennial liquor store in Madrid (from 1895) houses more than a thousand bottled delicacies. The oldest store, in Postigo de San Martín, contains an (artistic and historical) fund of incalculable value that one day hopes to see the light. While the moment arrives, the fourth generation of the Madrueño exhibits in the anteroom a huge lineup of bottles for all audiences: tequilas, rums, gins, spirits and a commitment as generous as it is honored by the national wine.

"The panorama of our country is unfathomable and we want to make a good part of its treasures known," they tell us. They have already conquered us. For its prices and for an impeccable offer. Apart from denominations, awards and recognitions, their selection responds to the desire to publicize wines made with care and good sense. Its headquarters in Calatrava has already captured the hearts of the 'latineros'.

Madrueño Liquors

The centenary facade of Licores Madrueño

The Wine List (Fernando el Santo, 21) Gonzalo Verdera is the creator of (and the Todovino Guide), a sales platform online with ten years of life. In his virtual winery, a selection that touches the 5,000 wines tasted annually. Just over two years ago, the project materialized in what has become his showroom: La Carta de Vinos.

The place combines a shop and a tasting room. In the first, with 500 wine references from Spain selected by the Todovino Guide Tasting Committee, you find news, discoveries and an exquisite value for money. The events take place around a spectacular wooden table that accounts for tastings by the glass, appointments with winemakers and courses to train palates. The Barcelona headquarters are located in the heart of the Boquería Market.

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