This is the winning image of the world's largest bird photography contest


A bird planted in front of the border wall, heritage of the Trump era, which separates the United States from Mexico. It is the winning image of the Bird Photographer of the Year 2021, one of the most prestigious bird photography competitions in the world.

Among more than 22,000 photographs, the chosen one has been the one presented by the Mexican photographer Alejandro Prieto, 'Blocked'. “The border wall crosses deserts, mountains and even mangroves. It is not just a desert, and in fact, it is a very diverse space with more than 1,500 species of animals and plants threatened by the wall”, says Prieto. "I've seen a lot of different animals make it to the wall before turning around and coming back." So that the border fence not only divides and excludes two countries, but also a natural space and its species.

The border wall represents a real threat to the area's biodiversity because physically blocks crucial migration routes for animals such as lambs, pronghorn, black bears, bison, and even jaguars. “Prieto's image immediately caught the attention of the judges. It is not a typical bird, and the story behind the image is very strong”, said Will Nicholls, director of the contest. " The roadrunner looks so vulnerable in front of the massive border wall that dominates the frame”.

The best photography in the youth category.

The best photography in the youth category.

See photos: The best images from The Bird Photographer of the Year 2021


The Bird Photographer of the Year 2021 has had one main goal since its creation, and that is conservation. Thus, this year more than 8,000 dollars have been donated to the organization Birds on the Brink , which supports bird conservation projects around the world.

Photographers competed among eight different categories for the adult contest: Best Portraiture, Birds in the Environment, Attention to Detail, Bird Behavior, Birds in Flight, Blacks and Whites, Urban Birds and Creative Images. There was also a Conservation Award and Best Portfolio Award. The winner was endowed with a prize of $5,000.

Also, this year the youth prize was awarded to Levi Fitze, a 17-year-old Swiss photographer, for his image 'Morning Lek' of a black rooster crowing at dawn.

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