You know you're fully integrated into San Francisco when...


It's not easy, but once you integrate into San Francisco...

It's not easy, but once you integrate into San Francisco...

It does not matter if you are a native of the city or if you have come to it from somewhere else. It's easy to get comfortable in San Francisco, especially after the initial reluctance to accept its wintry summers. If you have observed several of these peculiarities in yourself, it is that you are perfectly integrated into the life of the bay.

- You are part of at least one book club which currently has 1984 of George Orwell on your list of next titles to read but it is being debated whether A happy world of Aldous Huxley It would not be a more adequate reflection of the moment in which our society finds itself.

- All your circle of friends, co-workers and acquaintances in the area assume you are on the left and you have certain progressive ideas even though you've never been asked. And no one doubts criticize the new president without any type of problem: from your boss, to the cashier of the supermarket or your neighbor.

- It doesn't surprise you listening to all kinds of languages ​​on the street and at no time do you assume that those who speak them have to be tourists. After all, you are not you contribute to the sanfranciscan cultural melting pot.

life in the valley

life in the valley

- On the same day you can eat a **Filipino burrito at Señor Sisig **, a soup with Matzah balls at Wise Sons Deli , a few caps of dim sum in yank sing or simply a mushroom and tofu burger in Kronner Burger . And it is that going hungry, or losing weight in San Francisco, is complicated.

- But the gastronomic offer does not justify that you are not fit. And there is nothing that a Californian (also by adoption) likes more than do exercise , preferably outdoors.

- You are aware that improvising on a Friday night is not the best idea and you insist on not doing it every time you have visitors from out of town. You also insist that they not pretend to have dinner after ten o'clock at night. After all, this is not New York.

- You have resigned yourself to living in a city whose infrastructures have become too small. This implies that yes, you're going to be downright tight in that Bart or Muni wagon and have the next person's elbow in the ribs. But you have stopped reaching for your pocket or bag every two minutes because you know that it is unlikely someone will slip their hand surreptitiously to steal your wallet.

- You know that the chances that the subway or bus you have to take objectively smell bad are very high and you don't even want to think about having to identify the liquid that is probably dripping on the floor.

- Do you consider a party to be a success if: **they talk about food and the new restaurants that have opened in Oakland **, there are people from at least five or six different nationalities, they talk about books, music and movies, not commercial.

- After some blunders, you have learned to stop criticizing things like how little Siri understands you on your iPhone or how badly Google Maps sometimes works . And you never know if you are talking to the engineer in charge of that project.

- The Serie Silicon Valley It seems to you a costumbrista portrait and nothing exaggerated of the life of some of your acquaintances.

'Silicon Valley'

'Silicon Valley'

- You have stopped being surprised every time you see someone on the subway using the latest iPhone the day after they announced it. And really the only thing that amazes you technologically is to see a device that is more than two years old.

- Have you tried at least one meditation app and you beat yourself up a bit for not continuing to meditate daily when the free trial ended.

- The arrival of summer marks the time to buy at least a couple of new jackets. You know you are going to need them more than ever for a frosty and foggy July and August.

- You are aware that simply you have become accustomed to the standards of a city of exorbitant prices and you begin to not know how much a loaf of bread or rent for a two-bedroom apartment should really cost.

- When you venture beyond the metropolitan area of ​​the city, you get anxious because you know that not everywhere you can ask for that almond milk tea without even blinking and besides pay it with Apple Pay. That day you try not to leave your wallet at home.

- When you meet a native San Franciscan you go through an initial phase of surprise to proceed to treat him with a certain reverence. They are very scarce.

Follow @PatriciaPuentes

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