They inaugurate in Tenerife the path with the greatest slope in Spain


Route 040 Tenerife Canary Islands

Route 040, the path with the greatest slope in Spain

Good legs and lungs will be what you need to discover the new girl from Tenerife, Route 040, that has just been inaugurated, displaying to those who dare to visit it the more than 3,600 meters of unevenness that is spent

Integrated in the Canarian Network of Trails, the tour departs from Socorro beach, in the north of the island and about 12 meters above sea level, and ends at the Pico del Teide ; with a length of about 53 kilometers between ascent and descent.

Do you see why the legs and lungs? And it is that completing it will take you, due to its orography and length, about 12 hours, if you choose to do it walking, and between 4 and 6, if you do it running. Yes, it is true that elite athletes use it to train, but it is also suitable for beginners. Remember, everyone at their own pace. Of course, those who want to travel the last section, the one that goes from La Rambleta to the top of the Pico through the Sendero Telesforo Bravo, must request special permission on this website.

The layout of Route 040 has allowed recover old paths in disuse or abandoned and, in addition, it has just been rehabilitated fine-tuning the signage, adapting its condition and reviewing the safety of a path that It goes through natural spaces of the Protected Landscape of Los Campeches, Tigaiga and Ruiz, the Corona Forestal Park and the Teide National Park.

In order for Route 040 to become a reality, the Realejos City Council, Tenerife Tourism and the Environment, Tourism and Roads areas of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife have participated in the project, whose presentation was sponsored by Iberia Express. , in addition to the Insular Water Council, the Teide National Park, the Autonomous Organization of National Parks and the Tenerife Federation of Mountaineering.

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