What can be done in the Canary Islands in the


Man immersing himself in a natural pool in the Canary Islands

What can be done in the Canary Islands in the "new normal"?

With the end of the state of alarm, Spain has entered the so-called "new normal" , that reality in which we will live until an effective cure or a vaccine is found to deal with the health crisis caused by Covid-19, and which already regulates the Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9.

Maintain a safety distance of about two meters between people, wear a mask and wash your hands frequently will be the common rules that will mark our day to day wherever we live. However, there will be aspects that will change depending on the Autonomous Community in which we find ourselves.

Canary Islands will be governed by the Agreement that establishes prevention measures to deal with the health crisis caused by COVID-19, once phase III of the plan for the transition to a new normality has been completed, once the validity of the own measures has ended of the state of alarm.

This Agreement makes it clear that, although the measures may be modified, They will remain in force until the State Government officially declares the end of the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19.

These guidelines are intended to “the increase in the number and intensity of social and economic activities While the health crisis situation lasts, it is carried out with the due guarantees necessary to the protection of public health” and appeal to individual and collective commitment for its fulfillment.

To this end, the Agreement establishes that citizens will have to adopt the necessary measures to avoid generating risks that contribute to the spread of the disease as well as to avoid exposing themselves to said risks and they are asked to respect safety and hygiene measures established by health authorities.

This includes respecting the aforementioned interpersonal safety distance of at least one and a half meters on public roads, in outdoor spaces and in any closed space for public use or that is open to the public. If this is not possible, alternative physical protection measures such as the mask.


It will be essential to respect the One meter and a half safety distance between tables or groupings of tables. Same obligation in the event that the consumption is made at the bar.

No self-service and the use of commonly used letters will be avoided, which will be replaced by electronic devices, blackboards, posters, QR codes...

Also, the client will not be able to occupy a table without being accommodated by the establishment's staff after having cleaned and disinfected it.


They may open to the public, but only outdoor spaces and for consumption sitting at a table. Dance floors may not be used.

The capacity of the terraces will be 75%, always maintaining the safety distance of 1.5 meters and, if not possible, wearing a mask.


The Agreement does not establish a specific capacity limitation, but leaves to each establishment the decision to determine the capacity of each of its common spaces “in accordance with the established hygiene, protection and minimum distance measures.”

It keeps the customer luggage transport service, but guaranteeing safety conditions which will require that the staff have disposable gloves and/or disinfectant wipes to clean handles and handles. What should be avoided, instead, is workers driving customers' cars.

For the entertainment activities or group classes will opt for outdoor spaces and for designing and planning them in such a way that they can be control the capacity and respect the minimum safety distance between participants or, failing that, the use of a mask will be established.

If the establishments had sports facilities, swimming pools, spas or similar, they will have to mark the guidelines and recommendations for their use, in accordance with the prevention and hygiene regulations foreseen.


The Resolution establishes that “Temperature control may be carried out as well as another type of sanitary measure, on arrival or departure, depending on whether they are trips from airports or ports outside the territorial scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, or inter-island transfers.”


Each city council, within its municipal term, is in charge of establishing the maximum capacity of the beaches and maritime bathing areas in order to guarantee the safety distance of one and a half meters.

It belongs to them too set the conditions and restrictions of access and permanence depending on how the health emergency situation evolves.

To calculate the maximum capacity that is allowed on each beach, in addition to taking into account the height of the tides, the sectorization of activities and that transit and access spaces will be deducted, it will be necessary to consider that the surface of the beach to be occupied by each user will be about four square meters.

In those square meters, bathers must place their personal items (towel, sun loungers and similar items), keeping a safe distance compared to those of other users.

The capacity control may also adapt to the dates, days of the week, time slots or other circumstances that may lead to an increase in the influx, danger of crowds or difficulty in keeping the distance between users.

In addition, the population will be offered information through web pages or mobile applications on the situation of the capacity in real time.

For hammock rental services, it is established that there is an area of ​​individual hammocks separated from each other by two meters at all ends, guaranteeing its cleaning and disinfection.

If I had groups of two hammocks, will be for the exclusive use of couples and, in addition, they will have to be separated from each other by the table and a distance of 50 centimeters between the table and the hammock. The need for two meters of distance between the next group of hammocks or individual hammock is maintained.

It will be promoted clients use their own towel in the hammock and that they sanitize their hands before using them.

Every time a client wants to contract any of the services offered (hammocks, umbrellas or small tables), it will be necessary to disinfect them with an antiseptic and disinfectant solution.

The** outdoor showers and footbaths,** as well as the toilets, changing rooms and other public services Similar may be occupied by a maximum of one person except in the cases of people who may require assistance, who may have a companion.


The capacity of each pool will be limited to a number of users per surface of the sheet of water that allows maintaining the safety distance during the bath.

It will also be necessary unblock any system that prevents the water from being renewed, which must be associated with the natural movement of the tides.


They can resume their activity if the evolution of the epidemiological situation advises it and the regional Administration allows it.


They can carry out their activity and they can also do it with groups, as long as do not exceed 25 people and with the necessary measures to guarantee the safety distance or, failing that, using a mask.

The preference is set arrange these activities by appointment and avoid during its development transit through places or areas where crowds can be generated. It will not be allowed to supply audio guides, brochures or similar material.

In the event that the guide visits monuments and other cultural facilities, the conditions established for the development of this type of activity must be respected.


The companies authorized as active tourism companies may carry out activities of active tourism and nature, establishing the measures that are necessary to guarantee the safety distance during their development and, if not possible, using protective measures such as the use of a mask.


Instead of setting capacity limits, the Agreement entrusts it to the possibility of keep the safety distance. Thus, you bet on seats pre-assigned and distributed by coexistence nuclei and making sure that the audience remains seated.

The security personnel will be in charge of the safety distance is respected and to avoid the formation of groups and crowds.


The visits to rooms and cultural activities are allowed as long as the spaces have the Sufficient capacity to guarantee the safety distance between users and/or alternative protection measures are used, such as the mask.


Seated public and a capacity of 75% that does not exceed 500 people indoors and 1,300 outdoors are the requirements to be fulfilled for the celebration of recreational, leisure and leisure activities (also sports) that are organized sporadically and in places other than those authorized for the habitual exercise of said activities. Also those that are held in removable or open-air facilities.

All this taking the necessary measures so that it can be respect the safety distance of one and a half meters and control that there are no crowds. If this is not possible, the use of a mask will be used.

will be the security personnel the person in charge of respecting the safety distance and preventing groups and crowds from forming.

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