This book collects the most unusual experiences to live in Barcelona


A mermaid school in Barcelona

A mermaid school in Barcelona?

The first thing you will think when you pick up the book 'Incredible Barcelona' of the journalist Anna Sanchez it is "Is this really happening in Barcelona?" . And you worried about keeping up to date with gastronomic and cultural news, and there was a whole range of the most extraordinary waiting for you.

But, let us start at the beginning. Ana Sánchez discovered that she had an innate talent for discovering and experiencing extraordinary experiences in the section Barcelona of The Newspaper of Catalonia . “When I joined the section, several journalists scoured the city in search of curious stories. I began to discover paleolithic gyms, hobbit picnics, wizard gatherings, dog bakeries... And I started specializing in the unusual. Now my colleagues hardly look at me weird anymore, ”she tells

The book to live 131 unusual experiences in Barcelona.

The book to live 131 unusual experiences in Barcelona.

She says this because in the last three years she has become something like a Joan of Arc to whom nothing can resist, and on a Wednesday anyone can be practicing** one of the 131 unimaginable activities that she shares with everyone in her book* *. And it is more she has repeated in many of them.

“I have lived them all in the first person. I've even tried dog food, specifically the Snouts dog biscuit. I usually go for beers throwing axes. In fact, I did the book launch at Barcelona Ax Throwing . I also go when I can to some secret cocktail bar, to secret concerts, to the Theater of the senses. I have painted a couple of paintings drinking wine. And I usually go to do the Superman (Bungee up: you train flying)...".

And as if it were sewing and singing, she continues: "I start each year with water up to my neck, because I haven't missed January 1 for three to the first swim of the year at Sant Sebastià beach . I have called more than once. poetry phone of emergency. You call and they recite a poem. A Cyrano de Bergerac at home”.

Ana at a Hobbits lunch in Barcelona.

Ana at a Hobbits lunch in Barcelona.

Barcelona has very well hidden activities such as those described by Ana, which, as Isabel Coixet explains in the prologue **"make us question the monotony of life". **

Only in this city can you buy zombie repellent spray in The flame , the first shop specializing in humour; or get to know the first Friki Supermarket in Barcelona where you can find the Willy Wonka original chocolate bar.

Also in Barcelona You can be part of the ** plogging movement **, an ecological Nordic invention that proposes to collect garbage while running. And so up to 131 activities divided into shopping, fear, curious sports such as ax throwing or arm wrestling, fitness, art, literature, moviegoing activities, with pets, gastronomy (like eating big at La Kaña), also flirting and ecological.

“There are a thousand unusual ways to get to know the city.** You can take tours of Barcelona on a skate**, in a 600 or chased by a paparazzi for hire. There are vampire routes through the Gòtic and a night tour in search of ghosts through Sant Pere, Santa Caterina and La Ribera. You can make a parenthesis in a cafeteria with cubicles where you can take a nap. There is a tomb in the Poblenou cemetery where people go as if it were Lourdes”.

Ana at the Club Arc de Montjuïc.

Ana at the Club Arc de Montjuïc.

Is there still any more unusual activity to discover? we asked him. “I still ask myself that every week. Last Saturday I was at a dog beer tasting. I recently ate python stew. I have been to one mermaid school I have escaped from a coffin, I have learned to handle swords, to throw axes and arrows, I have fought with armor. I have said “I am your father” to Darth Vader. I have drunk wine from unicorn tears. My worst hangover is from Wildfire liquor. I know where to buy cassocks to do exorcisms. I've even chatted with KITT, the fantastic car...".

And the ones you have yet to discover!

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