This is the workshop for cheesecake addicts in Barcelona


Chis Keik a workshop specialized in cheesecake.

Chis & Keik, a workshop specialized in cheesecake.

maybe the cheesecake perfect is in San Sebastián, or at least, the most traveled recipe from all over the country. However, Barcelona overshadows it with one of the first workshops opened in the city dedicated, solely and exclusively, to one of our favorite desserts, the cheesecake.

** Chis & Keik ** is curious for several reasons, the main one being that here they make up to 100 varieties of the classic American cheesecake . Asun and Xavier Uñó, two brothers who grew up between Sarrià and the island of Nantucket in the United States, are behind this magnificent idea.

Thanks to some friends of their parents, they regularly traveled to this island located near New York and Boston, also known by Americans as The Little Gray Lady of the Sea , for the famous story of the whale Moby Dick , written by Herman Melville in 1851 . There they were able to learn a lot about what they know about confectionery, especially the recipe (which they keep under lock and key) of the typical American cheesecake . They serve it much more minimalist and with the “always homemade” blueberry jam on the side.

Asún is in charge of the business part and Xavier of the creation of the cakes; he has as many ideas as cakes, up to 100 variations , also from Carrot Cake . In fact, they are pioneers in Spain in making so many variations with a 48-hour prior order.

To avoid possible plagiarism they are not all on their website , but they will always know how to advise you if you go to their workshop at 53 Cornet i Mas Street.

prepare 3 sizes , the large one for 12 or 14 people that weighs around 3kg, the medium one for 8 or 10 people and the small one designed for 4 or 6 people. The best thing is the neatness with which they work in the workshop . Asún defines it almost like “an operating room for cheesecakes”.

That's why don't expect to see a bakery full of cheesecake . All their creations are in their refrigerator so as not to alter them. Once the orders are ready, they are sent in a fully designed packaging so that they arrive intact.

On its website you can find some of the most special and most demanded flavors: the classic with strawberries , the cheesecake "Creme Brulee" , the “Pure Caribbean mango” cheesecake, the tiramisu cheesecake, the baked apple , the one of matcha tea or the one of Oreo cookies.

There are some tremendously curious ones like the cheesecake Elvis Forever , inspired by Elvis's fondness for bananas and bacon, also the pink panther cheesecake, and other savory ones such as cheesecake "Ses Tanks" , made of sobrassada, or that of gorgonzola and walnuts . It will be difficult to choose between all of them...

PickUp Cheesecakes

Pick Up Cheesecakes


During the pandemic, the workshop has not stopped working (or coming up with new recipes and ideas). In addition to going further with delivery, now they do it throughout the metropolitan area, they have created the version of their cheesecakes in individual format.

"The idea of ​​developing Pick Up Cheesecakes arises from the need of our customers to ask us for individual portions. We have been very rigorous regarding the content of the product and the type of jar for the presentation and conservation of the Cheesecakes. Summer is coming and we have thought that now is a good time so that they can take them where they want, how they want and when they want," Asun told

This new individual portion of 290 ml can also be found in different flavors, all of them delicious. **You have to choose between **Classic Cheesecake, Pure Lemon Cheesecake, Cheesecake with Oreo Cookies and Cocoa Cheesecake. And in the same workshop they offer the version.

In April, they also presented their new vegan line , both in the Cheesecake and in the Carrot Cake. "It has not been easy because we wanted to achieve the same texture, flavor and appearance as our original products. When the same ingredients are not used (egg, type of milk, etc...) sometimes it is difficult to achieve the same results, but after many tests and mixtures with many ingredients... we have achieved the recipe!", he adds.

Address: C/Cornet i Mas 53, Barcelona See map

Telephone: For orders: 690 77 90 88 / For the workshop: 93 659 65 13

Schedule: From Monday to Friday: Mornings from 10 a.m. at 1:30 p.m. Afternoons from 4 p.m. at 6 p.m.

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