The best boat trips in the world


In a time when everyone seems to be in a hurry the plane has become the most used means of transport by travelers to cover long distances. However, our beautiful planet deserves to be discovered a different rhythm, much more leisurely. is the call slow travel, from which the Boat trips They have become a great standard bearer.

seas, rivers and lakes become arteries through which our traveling dreams flow, allowing us discover landscapes and cultures different on board boats of all kinds.

We must let ourselves go feel the breeze on our faces and imagine ourselves as adventurers from another era. Since long journeys to short journeys of a few hours, these are some of the best trips in boat for our world.

Milford Haven boat in Milford Sound New Zealand

Milford Haven Boat in Milford Sound, New Zealand.


In the south island from new zealand found one of the fjords most beautiful in the world: Milford Sound.

To explore it in depth There is no better option than taking a boat that crosses the cold waters of the ocean towards the beautiful bowen falls , St Anne's Lighthouse, iconic Mount Pembroke and the majestic miter peak, that rises like a true stone titan 1,692 meters high, crowning the fjord. Some of the voyages touch the Tasman Sea.

This fantastic place was formed by the erosion of a glacier and, if we are lucky, we can admire the typical fauna of those icy places on the planet, including seals, penguins and dolphins bottle nose.


Venice is one of the cities most original and charming of the world. Its palatial buildings overlook some canals that, little by little, trying to regain its splendor limiting access to tourists.

Heading to Murano on the vaporetto and leaving behind the impressive panoramic view of Venice.

Heading to Murano on the vaporetto and leaving behind the impressive panoramic view of Venice.

Therefore, it is best move through those channels as many local people do, with their small boats, called vaporettos, which still take us to some of the most monumental of the city, how they transport people to work. In a journey of little more than 40 minutes through the waters of the Grand Canal, between Piazzale Roma and San Marco Valaresso, we can enjoy some views impressive of the ancient and powerful Republic of Venice.


Impossible not to be captivated and impressed by taking one of the most historic and beautiful boat trips in the world. Navigating the waters that surround the Galapagos Islands is to do it through the pages of the history of evolution of our species.

Silversea Silver Origin ship at Kicker Rock Galapagos

Silversea's Silver Origin ship at Kicker Rock, Galapagos.

Charles Darwin arrived in the Galapagos in 1835 and there collected no less than 193 species of plants, 17 of snails, 26 of terrestrial birds, 15 of marine fish and many other animals and insects. If we want to feel like him, we can take a boat that leads us to some of these islands located about 900 km from the coast of Ecuador. The most common is to fly from Quito and then take cruise ships between islands.


A walk from Kuala Tembeling, in Malaysia, along the river trembling in a motorized boat –or sampan, as these flat-bottomed wooden boats are called in Malaysia– is the best way to reach the beautiful Taman Negara National Park and one of the best boat trips you can imagine, without a doubt.

Lata Berkoh River in Taman Negara

Lata Berkoh river in Taman Negara, Malaysia.

The Taman Negara is the largest national park in Malaysia, housing one of the oldest tropical forests in the world. The Tembeling River is very deep and wide, and has the honor of being the main tributary of the pahang River, the longest river artery in Malaysia (459 km).

This trip to Taman Negara lasts a little over three hours and it will show us, framed in an impressive landscape, diverse daily scenes of the people and the fauna of the place. So they will parade before us humble fishermen that spread their nets in the waters of the river, competing with the local otters and rebuking the playful children that bathe too close to their intended prey.

we will also see villages (kampungs) inhabited by timid people who will watch us curiously as they walk alongside their water buffalo. And, from the tops of the trees, the monkeys will follow with their eyes those who dare to undertake this boat route so unknown.


The Mediterranean owes Greece as much as Greece owes to the Mediterranean. History has made it impossible to understand one without the existence of the other. Therefore, the best way to discover part of the Hellenic country is to do it aboard a ship.

Naxos old town.

Naxos old town (Greece).

A trip unforgettable and idyllic is the one that runs part of the Cyclades Islands, located in the center of the Aegean Sea. It is impossible to explore the more than 220 islands that make up the archipelago, but we must make a stop at the romantic and rocky Santorini, the lively Mykonos, the great and fertile Naxos, and the quiet island of stoppages.

Each of them offers something other than travelers, from the most impressive sunsets enjoying a glass of wine, to the nights in which the sunrise surprises us dancing on the disco stage, going through beautiful hiking trails and relaxed days on beautiful secluded beaches.


The river Amazon is one of the greatest sources of life and biodiversity of the planet. This is not just any boat trip, but an authentic adventure that we can start in the jungle Iquitos, in Peru, and finish in the Brazilian Manaus.

Nothing less than almost 2,000 kilometers of crossing by the most impressive river on Earth. From it –and also thanks to the frequent stops– we will be able to see how do people live in their villages lost in the jungle, admire the strange and exotic fauna –both terrestrial and fluvial– and try to let ourselves go and imagine what that Eden's garden before the arrival of the human being.

Although there are companies small luxury cruise ships, crossings are usually carried out in fairly basic boats, in which frequently sleeps in hammocks, which adds an extra point of explorer sentiment to the trip. The sunsets are impressive, as are the awakenings to the sound of the sounds of the jungle.


When the Portuguese first came to Mozambique, at the end of the fifteenth century, they called that place A terra da boa people”. Yes, Mozambicans are magnificent hosts: cheerful, lively and hospitable. This character may be somewhat normal, considering that they live together with wonders of the size of the islands of the Bazaruto archipelago.

Dhow Cruise in Bazaruto Mozambique

Dhow Cruise in Bazaruto, Mozambique.

Moving by boat between them will take you to discover colorful corals and fish, waters of different shades of blue and green, and the largest possible trophy: the amazing whale shark

The whale shark, which can measure up to 12 meters, has a beautiful mottled and striking skin, which we can appreciate even without submerging , because it usually swims very close to the surface for long periods of time. A real boat trip dreamlike through the waters of the Indian Ocean.

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