Flying over Tuscany: the video that will reveal its beauty from the air


Tuscan sunsets are from a movie

Tuscan sunsets are from a movie

bucolic and pretty to no more power. This is ** Tuscany **, one of the most charming Italian regions. get lost walking between vineyards and cypresses , breathe fresh air and enjoy every corner of this little country paradise They are pleasures that must be given once in a lifetime.

Anders Lönnfeldt , video creator tuscany , was captivated by this landscape drawn by hills , sprinkled by charming medieval towns and with grape scent.

Were magic and peace of this utopian place that aroused the desire of the Finnish photographer and filmmaker to immortalize Tuscany and he has managed to condense to perfection Its essence in this clip of just a minute.

Contemplating Tuscany from above is priceless

Contemplating Tuscany from above is priceless

What I hadn't planned was that dramatic and improvised ending. “We traveled through Tuscany during one week . The plan was to shoot videos with the drone every day, but since it crashed , I just had the opportunity to record for two days ”, he comments Lönnfeldt to

“Some of the footage is shot where we lived, in Gaiole in Chianti. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen . The rest of the material was recorded in Crete Senesi. The last scene, where the drone crashes, was shot near the **castle of Abbazia di Monte Oliveto Maggiore**”, explains the photographer.

Anders Lönnfeldt describes us Gaiole in Chianti as a place of a boundless tranquility and unreal beauty. “And much **warmer than Finland**, of course” adds the filmmaker.

Secondly, Crete Senesi , south of sienna , dazzles with the panoramic views of its spectacular wheat fields , which change color depending on the season.

And of course, you can't go through the Toscana without enjoying a incomparable gastronomy , marked by the olive oil and truffle flavor , and always accompanied by the best wine.

Crete Senesi

Crete Senesi

We ate pizza and pasta, of course. But last night we tried something quite different. We walked a mile from our Airbnb to a local restaurant where they served a 5 dishes all made with truffle ” tells Lönnfeldt to

“We didn't speak Italian and they only spoke Italian, so we invited Google to translate to the table. Homemade red wine was delicious. We even had a chance to say hello to Mary, the restaurant owl. Her name was Locanda del Tartufaio , I really recommend it ”he continues.

At the helm of his own production company, since 2011, Anders Lönnfeldt has toured many countries, always hand in hand with his camera and his drone.

“I have traveled a lot in recent years. Some of my favorite places are Geiranger in Norway, the Dolomites and Tuscany in Italy, Los Angeles and Iceland. All these destinations have impacted me and I would like to return. In a couple of weeks I'm going to **Denmark.** And I'm also planning to make videos here at Finland, during the winter and spring” he confesses to

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