This is the universe of the creator of the pastel-mandala, the latest Internet revolution


full color creations

full color creations

he himself carries 21 years being vegan , so it makes sense that he would only use these products for his creations. In fact, his relationship with plants is very intense : "Having eaten exclusively vegetables for the past 21 years probably has increased my sensitivity to its energy . In fact, many times when I go hiking or camping, I have to stop to listen to his wisdom! ", He confesses.

What he does not intend to confess is how he gives birth to the originals kaleidoscopic illustrations that crown their vegan cheesecake and that are all the rage on the net. The only thing we managed to get out of him is that " each color is mixed into the base in small doses , and then I apply it according to some special instructions that I receive in a state of deep meditation ".

The creator and his work

The creator and his work

The base recipe, however, did not come to him by the art and grace of nirvana, but rather he learned it from a friend , that she used to cook it for him. However, he did not prepare it until many years after possessing the instructions. It was Valentine's Day, when his wife, Tracy, asked him to make a cake with all the colors of the rainbow . Posting it on Instagram, they realized it was a hit: everyone started asking him an equal.

Given the his creations are unique being based on the person who is going to receive the cake -of whom Stephen will ask for a photo in case he cannot meet her-, that of ask him personally it's still the only way to take a bite out of one of his creations. For this they have ended up enabling an email address , although we are not quite sure that the cake arrives intact very far from California, where they both live.

his house is east of los angeles , near the San Gabriel Mountains, where they moved a few years ago after an impetuous love story that was born at the dawn of the internet. His partner, today a fashion designer well known locally, she was a teacher at a nursery school in New York , and he played on a psychedelic rock band in Washington.

After a few exchanges via MySpace , where they met, and some phone conversations, they decided to go camping together to Assateague Island , a natural paradise famous for its herds of wild horses and its virgin beaches. A month later they were moving to The Angels. That was in 2006, and in 2010 they returned to the Assateague beaches, this time to declare themselves husband and wife.

Since then, the tandem has become essential in the most boho atmosphere of the area , and recently a local magazine defined them as two lovers who "inspire a large community of people around the globe to connect with the beauty of nature, of the ceremony, of one's own creative potential and of a more eclectic and authentic style ". Tracy achieves it thanks to her constant search for vintage garments and fabrics , which she transforms by collaborating with local artists, tailors and dye companies in order to develop modern garments, produced in a ethical and sustainable.

His final creations, highly influenced by latin american culture -says that in a reading of coca leaves that they did in Peru they revealed to her that she had been from that country in the first of his three past lives - is sold at vintage markets such as **A Current Affair,** which takes place every fortnight in Los Angeles. It is also possible to get them on ** her website ** or in some of the spiritual female encounters so fashionable now in the most hippie areas of the United States, such as **Spirit Weavers**, which takes place once a year in the beautiful Mendocino, north of San Francisco.


"When I moved here, I transformed immediately for the possibility of enjoying the light and clarity of the sky. Being able to see the sun and the moon almost every day changed everything for me !" Stephen explains of his arrival in the San Gabriel Mountains. "If there's a meteor shower or any other major cosmic event on the horizon, with a short walk to the desert or the mountains we can reach a point where the night is so clear it seems we can touch the shooting stars . Also, I get a special feeling from California plant life: spending time with these ancient masters It's very important to me," continues McCarty.

The site where she works as a chef, **Kitchen Mouse**, also maintains that natural and inclusive vibe with its vegan and gluten-free recipes, created from the local product of Californian farmers. "It's a very special place, with great food, including and welcomes many different flavors and cultures . I am honored to be able to dedicate my time and energy to that restaurant!” he enthuses.

His other landmarks in the area are **Satdha , in Venice -in fact, it is his favorite for dinner-. It's about a vegan thai, near which is **Kippy's, an organic lactose-free ice cream parlor in which Stephen recommends the coconut cream. The alchemy of ** Moon Juice **, with its snacks and juices so delicious that "you can't find the same" and the " biodynamic chocolate " by ZenBunni , handmade and natural, complete the chef's gastronomic route.

This is all east of LA, but for a ride, his pick goes through head for the coast on Highway 1. Thus, we can "experience the beauty of Malibu's beaches , or go to Topanga Canyon Boulevard to traverse the magical terrain of that special place," he explains excitedly. "If you have more time, head over to Joshua Tree or take Highway 2 towards Angeles Crest, a wild place that will leave you breathless, just half an hour from downtown LA", concludes this adopted Californian, always with excitement in his eyes.

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