La Venuseta, the solidarity pole that fights against breast cancer


‘If life gives us sticks, we will make popsicles’. With this declaration of intent they are presented from The Venusette, an ice cream launched this summer 2021 with the main objective of raising funds in the fight against breast cancer for INCLIVE (Health Research Institute of the Clinical Hospital and the University of Valencia).

But The Venusette It is not just any pole, we are facing an authentic goddess inspired by the venus de milo . But this time in addition to missing both arms, she also she is presented without a breast. "She was born with the purpose that every day more goddesses, even without boobs, recover their smile", they indicate from La Venuseta.

after her all a fight against cancer and a feeling of camaraderie which only confirms that in turbulent times, the solidarity She comes ready to win any kind of battle.

From this combination a project is born that It has already managed to exceed 2,600 Venusetas sold and on the way to 3,000 copies!


Although this story has many characters that have made the project possible, the absolute protagonist is Maria Jesus Gonzalez.

She is the one who, in the process of recovering from a cancer diagnosed in October 2020, decides to create together with her partner Gonzalo Bayarri (at the head of Helados Bayarri for more than fifteen years, an artisanal ice cream parlor on the seafront promenade of Puçol beach in Valencia) a frozen whose benefit was entirely destined to cancer research.

“My type of tumor, a decade ago had a very poor prognosis because there was no medication to cure it, now there is. He always repeated the phrase that 'science saves lives' and also several friends of the family suffered in the past similar tumors with which they could not receive these treatments. Both circumstances made me want to contribute my grain of sand to the cause from my own means”, comments Mª Jesús González to Condé Nast Traveler.

“And of course, return with this Venuseta to specialists and researchers , a pinch of your care and dedication that I have received throughout this disease process, ”she adds.

‘If life gives us sticks we will make popsicles.

‘If life gives us sticks, we will make popsicles’.

Said and done. Once the idea of ​​doing a solidary pole with a special shape, they decided to get down to work to arrive on time and launch it with the arrival of summer.

The next to enter the field of play was Santiago Sanchez , a publicist, friend and colleague of Mª Jesús during her years at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He –at the head of the Rosebud agency as a founding partner– is the one who assumes the creative direction, signing the design and production of the communication campaign altruistically.

“The first thing Santi did was give it a name and create a storytelling for the ice cream, later it would arrive the spot, the web design and the packaging. It would be called “La Venuseta”. The reason? Wanting to give it a close point that would combine the classic universe with contemporary popular culture. Furthermore, being from Valencian strawberry with a citrus touch (characteristic of La Terreta) the name suited him perfectly”, indicates Mª Jesús González.

This Venus de Milo would be presented without a breast, as a symbol of classical beauty. In the words of its creator: “In her case, a mutilated beauty, since she has no arms. Something that, without a doubt, makes it a more unique and iconic sculpture. If, in addition, one breast was removed, a conceptual and symbolic turn was added to the figure. La Venuseta makes visible and vindicates other beauties beyond the canons” , sentence.

From the agency itself they added the work of the artist and illustrator Sergio Mora, who was in charge of making the illustration that gives an image to the ice cream. Y the failing artist Paco Torres designed the modeling of the figure. To all this equation were added Workshop The Machine (video animators, t-shirts and social networks) and Alex Canosa (design and impression of molds).


From the first moment they wanted this solidarity pole It was a hymn to hope, full of optimism and where the dramas were left behind.

“When this disease comes into your life, you realize how unnoticed science had gone for you, and this is a daily task to which millions of people in the world contribute with their knowledge, dedication and passion. One of the objectives of this initiative, apart from raise funds to help continue breast cancer research, It was precisely that raise awareness in society so that it promotes and grants recognition to the research effort” , comments Mª Jesús González.

For weeks they carried out flavor tests until they reached the pole they were looking for. If something was clear from Bayarri Ice Cream is that they should be 100% natural ingredients, from proximity and with a popular flavor in order to reach the maximum number of people.

The result? A sorbet made from Valencian strawberries with a citrus touch of lemon juice and candied ginger. Sold at €3.5 per unit, at the time these lines are being written they are already at 2,600 copies and counting!

Does its flavor Valencian strawberry with a citrus touch.

It's taste? Valencian strawberry with a citrus touch.


Although we are almost saying goodbye to summer, in the case of La Venuseta is going to stay with us a little longer (at least until the end of October) and will return with the same force in the next season of good weather.

“In the beginning there were many unknowns and we were counting on this summer to be a test bed. But now we can say that there will be Venuseta for many years. Personally, It has been very exciting to hear the stories of the clients who have come to buy the polo shirt, people who have had the disease, who are in the struggle or who came to buy it from a sick friend/relative to take it home because they could no longer do so. Also travelers who, being en route and going to their destination on vacation, have deviated from the road to come for a Venuseta…” says its founder.

And now it's your turn... why not miss this solidarity pole? It is Mª Jesús González herself who responds. “Because apart from being great, You are going to contribute a little pinch to cancer research and that means optimizing the survival and quality of life of affected people” she indicates.

Do not hesitate to put a Venuseta in your life , science and –of course– your palate will thank you forever!

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