Madrid and Seville celebrate 'The Nicolas Cage experience'


June 18 is celebrated The Nicolas Cage Experience, an event where Madrid Y Seville are involved. Madrid in the Ice Palace mk2, and Seville in the mk2 Cinesur Nervion Plaza will project several films by the renowned actor along with various parallel activities.

In this new cinephile prank could not miss Carlos Palencia , the director of the shabbycon, festival that has been paying homage to the worst B-series cinema for more than a decade. He will work in Madrid as master of ceremonies together with the producer John Perez (responsible of Weekend Worship Time ) a series of events where classic eighties film titles are screened. On the other hand, the podcaster Paco Fox , (responsible of Worship Time Podcast, Videophobia ) will be in charge of presenting the event in Seville.

Still from 'The unbearable weight of a huge talent'

Still from 'The unbearable weight of a huge talent'.

Nicolas Cage he is nowadays an actor both applauded and booed by the public. Nevertheless, Carlos Palencia He defends that dedicating this tribute has not seemed risky to him, but rather the opposite. "We've been wanting to do an event focused on Nicolas Cage for a long time."

His characteristically exaggerated and histrionic way of approaching interpretations of him have made him a unique Hollywood actor, a rare bird that raises as many passions as laughter". The huge number of events similar to ours (held every year in other countries), along with the endless number of memes centered on his figure, have helped Cage to become quite a internet legend.

John Travolta and Nicolas Cage in a still from 'Face to Face'

John Travolta and Nicolas Cage in a still from 'Face to Face'.

In any case, and despite whoever regrets it, the actor continues to release something like two or three movies a year. The unbearable weight of a huge talent She is the one chosen to pay him this tribute. “We have chosen this film because it is a project that Cage fans have been dreaming of for several years, a action comedy where the actor plays himself in the key of self-parody and that is truffled with hilarious winks to his entire film career, especially to his great successes of the nineties "says Carlos Palencia.

It is the perfect tribute that Hollywood owed the artist. The cast of this film is completed with Peter Pascal (The Mandalorian), Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother), the comic Tiffany Haddish (Girls trip) and even Spanish Paco Leon (Aida). Along with The Unbearable Weight of a Huge Talent, they will also screen Face to face Y with Air , both from 1997. “They are two of the most celebrated and successful films of his career, plus two hilarious titles to see on the big screen and in the company of an audience devoted to the cause”.

Poster for 'The Unbearable Weight of a Huge Talent'

Poster for 'The Unbearable Weight of a Huge Talent'.

And it is that Carlos points out that “in both films Cage disheveles to the extreme, making an art of overacting and, likewise, they are two titles that have many connections with The Unbearable Weight of a Huge Talent. We think it will be a very cohesive schedule , and that the public will appreciate seeing the three movies in the given order”.

In addition to the screening of the three films, the tributes will include various parallel activities: "The event also collaborates with the Editorial Astiberri . Thanks to this, we will have present Paco Alcázar and Torïo García, authors of the book Nicolas Cage's first 100 films , who will be signing copies".

Nicolas Cage in a still from Con Air

Nicolas Cage in a still from 'Con Air'.

The Nicolas Cage Experience is organized in the hands of the mk2 cinema chain , the producer ADJ Audiovisual Projects , the Editorial Astiberri and the Nickcagepedia website . The itinerary begins with Face to face at 4:00 p.m., continuing with Con air at 7:00 p.m., and ending with The unbearable weight of a huge talent at 9:30 p.m.

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