I Love New York: a love letter to the city of skyscrapers




Three simple letters (from typography American Typewriter ) Y a deep red heart by designer Milton Glaser , the genius whose logo is New York's official cover letter and who sadly we have lost this summer , precisely the day of his 91st birthday. Perhaps due to the death of this legendary new yorker and for spending months seeing a city that seems more like his own shadow, we have to explode, with more reason than ever, in a deafening I love New York!

There are those who cling to the magic of concrete jungle that Alicia Keys sang in the anthem 'Empire State of Mind' , a jungle of skyscrapers admirable from the heights of all its observatories, including the newest: The Edge. Others highlight the great cultural offer of some of the most impressive museums in the world such as the recently renovated and expanded MoMA or the indispensable Metropolitan, which this year celebrates its 150th anniversary. Although it is also very possible that we look for that life of glamor and extravagance what series like sex in new york they have mythologized

Once Upon a Time in America

I Love New York

But there is something else, invisible, that acts like a magnet. It is the energy that flows from the shale over 300 million years old that forms the base of Manhattan Island . It is defended by the most mystical New Yorkers who assure that this formidable rock , perceptible among the grass of Central Park and in many subway tunnels, it not only allows you to lift the formidable skyscrapers but also causes those tickles that you feel just by setting foot in the city and the sickness of nostalgia when you leave. It may seem naive but, those of us who notice it, are no longer looking for more explanation.

Coming soon, we will soak up that magical source of energy again . Because we miss every corner of New York. Starting by Central Park . And even more so now that we know of the existence of shale! We want to be able to fly over the traffic jams of rowing boats on your lake in the Bow Bridge , as we have seen in so many woody allen movies . Or lie lazily on the grass of the Sheep Meadow (it doesn't have to be in balls, like Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges in The Fisher King) hoping that the neighbor's frisbee doesn't hit us in the face. But this time we will go further and explore the north of the park, beyond the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Water Reservoir. This time we will play hide and seek in the bucolic Conservatory Garden and we will walk a thousand times in the labyrinth of trees to shelter ourselves under the intimacy of Huddlestone Arch, like lovers on the run.

Marriage Story

the new york subway

We still have much to do and admire. Like venturing into Fort Tryon, al north manhattan , in the Washington Heights neighborhood . From this historic park, bought and given to the city by the Rockefeller family, it is possible admire the cliffs of the New Jersey Palisades . Here, civilization all but evaporated into an abyss of rock and vegetation that puts us in the boots of Henry Hudson , the English explorer who sailed these waters in the fall of 1609. The first European to do so and the starting gun for the birth of New York. It is one of the few opportunities to enjoy the past, without having to imagine it.

It's time to get out of the muddy water walls of Manhattan. Our love for New York will push us up to the Bronx , victim of many prejudices. One way to combat them is to devour the memories of Vivian Gornick, fierce attachments , to discover life in the overcrowded neighborhoods of immigrants, many of them from Jewish Europe. Of course we will fall into the temptation of clowning on the stairs immortalized by the Joker but we will not stop inspecting the district that gave birth to Jennifer Lopez, Cardi B and even Hip Hop itself (which has an address: 1520 Sedgwick Avenue).

And why not explore, finally, Queens and absorb all its diversity ? We have to find a table in the Indian neighborhood to try the excellent samosas accompanied by lamb saag or chicken malai . or also eat Mexican tacos and Venezuelan arepas . All exquisite dishes just a few streets away, in the neighborhood of jackson heights . Already set, we will finish conquering brooklyn and the Polish neighborhood of greenpoint and the Russian, in brighton beach . Will we have time to visit the historic Richmond community of Staten Island ? We have so much left to do!



The hustle and bustle of Broadway won't change , despite its closed theaters. The parade of accelerated heels on the sidewalks of New York will continue to be the background soundtrack of its streets (in addition to the honks). But our new meeting point will be Grove Street and Bedford Street where the famous building that appeared in friends (although the entire series was shot in Hollywood). we yearn retrace the cobblestones of the labyrinthine West Village and wander through its streets, full of surprises. like the exclusive Grove Court , a row of houses where the humblest families lived in the 19th century. We have always had the feeling of walking through London but now even more so, with many of its restaurants occupying the street with their Parisian terraces.

We need to get intoxicated with the warrior spirit of New Yorkers who have always displayed that enviable ability to look ahead. It's not so much self-serving as it is a survival tool. But the truth is that, in any crisis, be it the 9/11 attacks or the devastation of Hurricane Sandy , the city proves that it can sleep but it will never stop. That's why we get so hooked.

The protagonists of Friends in a promotional image

The protagonists of Friends in a promotional image

We love this city full of contradictions where extremes coexist in a fragile and surprising harmony. Its impeccable streets lined with stinking garbage bags. The rest of its parks surrounded by the buzzing traffic of the avenues. Impatient and often haughty New Yorkers who will always have a second to help you. We allow it all. Even the disappointment of arriving on the island expecting the Sinatra's 'New York, New York' soundtrack and come face to face with the harsh reality of 'New York, I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down' of LCD sound system . Because that's how we love you, even if sometimes you sink us and don't make it easy for us. Even if you make us wake up from the dream that Hollywood has turned you into and it's hard for us to understand you. For that and much more, I love New York!

One day in New York

One day in New York

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