Which movies can you watch on a plane (and which ones shouldn't you?)


My best friend's Wedding

If you don't want to end up like her, put on a good movie.

“Please, have a screen. Please, let it have a screen.” You are about to board, you have several hours of flight ahead of you, even if you have a reading book and a mobile phone or tablet full of (legal) music and entertainment downloads, you pray that your seat has that little screen in front of you with old and more or less new movies that They will make your trip more or less enjoyable.

Bingo! It has a screen and probably a large selection of movies. Every time the airlines reach better agreements with distributors, it seems, and the films go quickly from the billboard to the plane, there are titles that do not even step on Spanish cinemas and you can fish in an Iberia to London (not to mention foreign airlines) . Then comes the next dilemma: "What do I see?" So much offer overwhelms us: Classics, Premieres, In Spanish, Comedy, Drama, Indie… What do I see?

Choosing a movie on a plane is not only a matter of personal taste, nor exclusively of the mood of the moment, you are in a very small place, probably sitting among strangers and everyone can know what you are watching, gossip on your screen, get scared , blush, smile. Choose well, there are movies for planes and movies that are not for planes, we explain it a bit.


First movie or series buff impulse on a plane: see something goofy, simple, a romantic comedy, maybe even one you've already seen... Rewatch an episode of Friends. We all fall here. And suddenly... surprise, boom: crying his eyes out with the umpteenth breakup of Rachel and Ross (even if you know the ending) . What happen? According to the only published survey, conducted by Virgin Atlantic on 55% of those asked said they cry more on flights, and 41% of men admitted hiding their tears under the blankets. There is no more (very) scientific research to explain it, but it seems proven that we cry more on airplanes. Psychologists and biologists agree. Why?

First, by the emotional state in which the trip puts us: maybe you leave something important behind, maybe you are very afraid of the place you are going to or maybe you just feel stressed about flying. You have all your feelings on the surface and boom ... even if it's the 20th time you've seen Legends of the Fall, it would end up falling to the mucus. Therefore, if you want to avoid these moments, perhaps avoid the “Drama” section and the occasional romantic comedy. Ask the writer of Traveler who she chose A star has been born, with Lady Gaga, on one of her last flights.

Land as you can

You'll cry... you'll sweat... you'll cry.

Second, the physical space also imposes. The screen will be small, an aberration for moviegoers, but you have it so close, that intimacy is greater, you feel more. You cry more.

The good? You will also laugh a lot more. For the same reasons, your emotions are very much on the rise, so if you'd rather laugh in public than cry, go for the wackiest comedy on offer. for something, My Best Friend's Wedding was one of the most watched movies on airplanes for a long time. Personally, since that film, I always choose something by Melissa McCarthy on airplanes. Because, in addition, there is always something of the prolific actress.

My best friend's Wedding

Melissa McCarthy, the best flight partner.


A flight is always a great opportunity to recover the great premieres of the year. Or not? There is diversity of opinion here. Purists will beg you not to watch the latest Star Wars on that mini airplane screen. (I have done it and so richly). Yes, the spectacular visual and sound effects are lost, between elbows from the neighbor, rides from other passengers, turbulence. But hey, maybe you're one of those people who doesn't need to watch all the action movies in giant pants. Or maybe yes. If you are among the latter, Take a look at the “Classics” section. A naked eve either One of ours they never fail Because be careful with the classics if you put them on to fall asleep, the same thing ends up hooked again.

the passing lovers

If you want to avoid conversations, focus on your screen.


Be discreet. Movies with sensitive content. Another theme, great song, from movies in the clouds: movies with sex scenes and you have a child sitting next to you. It's not your child. And even if it was. To do? Don't look at the child. Or don't watch the movie. You have two options: censor yourself or blush a little when the dust passes. It's not that bad either. You can also be sensitive to an excess of violence. The game is between Tarantino and Nymphomaniac.

Sometimes the airlines solve the mess for you: censoring movies. Depending on the countries you travel through, you will find many surprises. I saw get me out of paradise (following the idea of ​​watching silly comedies) in an American company and there were all the nudes and semi-nudes just like that. Not to mention beeps on some swear words. And the one that got messed up (rightly so) because Delta removed the kisses between Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara in Carol.

We always prefer self-censorship: a lot of sex is coming, cover your neighbor's eyes.

The terminal

Horror movie for a flight.


Golden rule, even for those who are not afraid of flying: not see anything related to airplanes… The planes themselves have already thought of you and, surely, will not program They live! Although some horny programmer would put Snakes on a Plane. And why not Land as you can.

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