People keep booking cruises (and it could be the best time to do it)


Cruise ship plying the sea off Mykonos Greece

People keep booking cruises (and it could be the best time to do it)

It is undoubtedly curious, but cruise bookings for 2021 have reached a all-time sales record in the United States, one of the markets in which this mode of leisure is most established. In front of the headlines ships with positives on board that do not know in which port to dock Due to the closure of borders, the public of this type of vacation is, it seems, especially optimistic about the upcoming vacation seasons.

"I know that in Spain the data is also out there, but there is nothing published by reservation centers or cruise lines in Spain," Jesús García, chief editor of Cruise Addict . "We are chatting with CEOs and directors of the most popular shipping companies, as well as with large agencies, who are pointing us to these growths in reservations in 2021. In fact, the other day, Fernando Pacheco, general director of MSC Cruises Spain, confirmed to us that they were seeing 'very positive trends for the summer of 2021 and 11.6% more reservations made this season compared to 2019'".

From the specialized agency SoloCruises , for their part, confirm that the year 2021 had already been pointing to ways since before the crisis, although right now the number of reservations has slowed down a bit. Even so, they bet that 2021 will be a good year, taking into account all the trips that were going to be made on these dates and that have been postponed to next year.

They have the same opinion from the reservation website Miramar Cruises : "There is a fairly focused demand for 2021, which allows the reservations to be closed for next year. And, in addition, all the cruises that have been canceled are very positively accepting the date changes for 2021; today, almost 80-90% of customers who had their cruise for 2020 already have changed for a departure in 2021 ", they explain from the agency.

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The investment bank UBS has registered that, beyond the date changes, the growth that is taking place is real and belongs to new reserves. The data sounds paradoxical if we take into account that this type of leisure requires that many people spend a lot of time together in one place, just what the authorities are trying to avoid right now. And that the rest of the tourist activities are rather stopped, if not frozen.

"The cruise passenger is the most loyal customer there is to a product, and he is always willing to explore new routes and new ships: he bases his vacations on a cruise," says Hugo Iglesias Docampo, CEO of Miramar Cruises. It is an opinion with which all those interviewed agree. "Once that you try one, the possibility of repeating it is high due to the large number of benefits they provide", adds García.

Another reason that experts point to is the high planning that requires such a journey. "We are talking about a type of client who, in general, tends to book well in advance, since, in this way, get more benefits . Being in advance allows you to choose the best located cabin and not have availability problems for families that need triple or quadruple cabins. In addition,** the price is usually better when booking in advance**", adds Natalia Jiménez, executive director of SoloCruceros.


Jiménez points to the fact that this type of trip can be booked with a relatively small deposit , taking into account the final amount, as another of the keys to its success. Especially right now, when the price of reservations is decreasing compared to the usual rate: "At, we are offering the possibility of confirming for only 60 euros per person," she indicates.

Pullmantur The Waves

"The cruise passenger is the most loyal customer", certify the experts

The total price of the packages also plays an important role in this recent increase in demand. In the United States, it is registering an even greater decline than that experienced during other major crises , and in Spain there has also been a downward change in rates, especially for cruises leaving this year. According to Jiménez, this is due to the uncertainty that still exists with the travel dates. Regarding 2021, the specialist considers that prices have remained stable compared to 2020, "which is good news for the consumer", since they tend to increase from one year to the next.

Iglesias also assures that, in recent weeks, shipping companies have been making an effort to offer attractive promotions , both for the last quarter of this year and for the 2021 season. "Many of them reward early booking with some kind of additional discount, and also offer incentives such as free credits to spend on board for those cruise passengers who have changed their cruise date and chosen departures for next year".

Garcia has also noticed this trend: " I'm starting to see really good cruise promotions . The most aggressive are being in the American market, where it is possible to contract cruise itineraries for a limited time for 199 dollars (about 178 euros), with five extras included: drinks pack, excursions, internet, specialty restaurants, and free children. . In Europe it is being slower, but large cruises can be booked for less than 400 euros per person with a couple of extras In addition, the expert adds: "I am sure that we will see great last minute offers for cruises in the fall and the end of 2020 as countries open their borders."


Beyond the advantageous rates and a lower than usual reservation price, another point that all the interviewees agree on is the relaxation of cancellation policies : "Now it is possible, in many cases, to change the date of the reservation or cancel without charge up to 48 hours before departure," says Jiménez. According to García, before it was very difficult to cancel a cruise. "This is giving more peace of mind to the traveler who, in these moments of uncertainty, knows that he may not be obliged to pay the entire trip."

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"Although the cruise industry has been in the spotlight since the beginning of the pandemic for its transparent information policy, with the positive cases on board ships, it is also one of the most aware of safety and hygiene protocols and because of the special ecosystem on board", explains García, from CruceroAdictos.

It is an extreme with which Iglesias also agrees: "Most passengers are aware that hygiene and safety measures on a ship have always been very strict ", indicates: "Basic sanitary measures on cruise ships, such as hydroalcoholic gel, buffets located at a distance and protected with screens, etc., have already been implemented for many years on cruise ships to avoid contamination, bacteria, germs, stomach viruses , etc", continues the professional.

García points out that the CLIA (Cruise Lines International Association) is working with the American and European centers for the control and prevention of diseases in order to coordinate a common protocol under which shipping companies must act. "It is a plan they call 'door to door': from the moment the passenger leaves his house until he returns Iglesias adds.

"For the time being, what has transpired involves the implementation of new hygienic-sanitary measures ; the intensification of disinfection processes; the establishment of social distance measures; the authorization of isolation areas on ships and the expansion of medical services; the suppression of the buffet format as we knew it and the most exhaustive access control of the passage and with sanitary measures. At this time, work is being done on it to return to sailing with guarantees. The cruise industry is innovative and committed: We will get it ", assures the expert.

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