Discovering the English countryside alone


Discovering the English countryside alone

You to the Cameron Diaz for the English countryside. I wish!

Hello, Estefania here. Last Christmas I faced the mission of ‘get lost’ two days in the English countryside to become, virtually, Amanda, the protagonist of the unforgettable film The Holiday , which was brought to life by actress Cameron Diaz.

Hence the virtual thing about her, since I don't look like her, neither in hair color, nor in her body, nor in her height, although we share the same style of hat in winter, yes.

I opted for this area of ​​England to find the male lead of the film, who was played by the handsome Jude Law. The question is what did I find? You just have to keep reading.

Good morning take off, bound for bristol . The good news is that you no longer have to fly to London to go to the countryside looking for Graham, as the character was called, since direct flight exists thanks to Easyjet. During the hour and a half that the trip lasts, I design the guide that I am going to follow.

We land on time, and in 20 minutes I'm through customs and out of the building. What a difference from other large airports in the country!

Discovering the English countryside alone

Wandering through Frome

I ask for a taxi and it appears Mr. Barry, a local taxi driver that he has ended up becoming a good friend, after several talks and confessions during the journeys. And it is that, in addition to livening up your trip, drive well, gives conversation, plays current music and knows the best roads to avoid rush hour of traffic and always arrive on time at the destination.

I know it sounds weird, but in the countryside there are sections and moments of great concentration of cars.

I arrive at my hotel to leave my mini suitcase, because being two days I travel with little luggage. one was recommended to me in the center of the village of Frome, where it is said, it is commented, that Graham lets himself be seen.

His name is george _(Market Place, Frome) _, a very British name. They give me a perfect room, with a balcony overlooking the street, what sparks my imagination: when I find Mr. Law vs Graham we will also do a scene from the movie Romeo and Juliet, warmly dressed of course, because the temperature of the area is a bit cold Although at least it doesn't rain.

I put on my slippers and launch into the search in Sherlock Holmes mode. I have noted several places where it is possible to meet him.

Discovering the English countryside alone

Catherine Hill, the 'shopping' is cooked here

One of them is The River House _(7 The Bridge) _, where I encourage myself to enjoy a small snack, because getting up early makes me hungry.

To be located in the Main Street I have controlled everything that happens in the town, which allows me to be alert in case my target appears. Following the recommendation of my fellow bartender, I order one of his specialties, the baked egg , and it turns out to be a complete success, since The eggs are delicious and not greasy at all.

With a full stomach I feel strong enough to intensify the search. I climb the hill until I reach Gentle Street, where they have told me that many series have been recorded, so Mr. Law may come back to retrieve an item he forgot during filming…why not?

After the ascent, which becomes more bearable contemplating the colorful stone houses , I run into st john's church , which has a striking English garden, from where the street starts. I walk up and down, but there is no sign of my Romeo.

It begins to spark (typical English weather) and, to protect myself, I decide to go back the way towards the most commercial street of the town, Catherine Hill. Because there, if I don't see Law, I'll console myself by doing some shopping.

Discovering the English countryside alone

His 'baked eggs' are mythical

It is a cobbled and somewhat steep street full of houses with a marked style of the area. I'm with Sisters Guild , a typical English shop where they sell a bit of everything , with no apparent connecting link, like a rag rabbit, a neon lamp or a picnic basket.

Opposite is the pet accessories store Winston James Woof , the real paradise of the dog, where I buy a leash with liberty print to walk mine through the streets of Madrid.

The black shop window Covers Vinyl Record Store It calls my attention. I do not doubt it and I enter, since the same Law is buying a record of the Rolling or The Who.

Number 15 of the same street houses the curious shop Mary Kilvert , owned by a local designer, that decorates a candle, a sock or a plate. I amuse myself for a long time enjoying the designs, because, the truth is, there are original ones, but I think that I am not going to find my gentleman here.

The last place I stop at is Moo And Two , a tea room that keeps so many plants that makes you doubt if you are in England or in the Savannah.

Although I don't feel like tea, I did buy a cup **(there are hundreds of them, most with original messages)** that shows the phrase “milk with two sugars”. Milk with two sugar?. I surprise myself. I think I'm suffering from an absurd transitory state of looking for Mr. Law so much: I don't drink plain milk and I don't like sugar.

So I go out for some fresh air, it's not raining, and a girl hands me a flyer that advertises an art gallery. My lightbulb lights up, will it be there? I approach until Black Swan Arts _(2 Bridge Street) _, where I admire the amount of pop-up and art exhibitions which they have. But no sign of my target.

Today I give up, because night has already fallen and what I want is to drink a pint on tap in a typical English pub. After hesitating between The Three Swans _(16 - 17 King Street) _ or The Archangel _(1 King Street) _, I prefer the latter, a curious bar decorated with images of angels, where I accompany beer with a tasty tomato soup. Tomorrow will be another day.

Discovering the English countryside alone

Local design, a rising value

The sky dawns gray and sparkling. At the hotel reception they lend me an umbrella and I hit the streets for the second day of my mission.

to gain strength breakfast a delicious piece of pastry freshly made in Sam's Kitchen Deli _(8 Stony Street) _, Frome's hot spot. A nice waitress tells me some clues about my man and they all lead to Babington House _(Somerset BA11 3RW) _.

Swift and fast I run down to the hotel, close my suitcase and call my taxi driver Barry to take me to my destination. After 15 minutes touring roads surrounded by nature, we entered the most valued estate in the entire countryside.

A small chapel –I amused myself dreaming of my wedding with Mr. Law– precedes a completely restored house, once an old farm, where its owner, Nick Jones, has created a sybaritic organic beauty brand, by name Cowshed , which means stable in English.

The place could not be more perfect since, if I meet Law, I will have the necessary intimacy: you can only enter if you have reserved room or you are a member of their select club.

Discovering the English countryside alone

Here, intimacy rules

I start the search from cinema (the same is watching a classic, or the latest Hollywood premiere) and as no luck low until the outdoor siwming pool in which a family relaxes. I look good: They are the Beckhams. It is forbidden to take photos, so I save the image on my retina and continue until the spa.

They do not allow me to go cabin by cabin checking if my lord is there (logical), but, since I am, I take the opportunity to enjoy a facial treatment and an extraordinary massage scented with lavender.

Locating Graham is proving to be a more complicated task than I thought. As time is short, I decide to burn the last cartridge in The Talbots Inn _(Somerset BA11 3PN ) _, a pub very similar to the one that appears in the movie locals go for dinner or a glass of wine in his lively bar. Cross our fingers.

Barry leads me there and waits patiently for the duration of my evening. Is about a stone local, with small wooden tables distributed in several rooms and a bar counter with a vintage air. I opt for pork with caramelized apple and a homemade dessert. All delicious but I don't see my target.

My stay in the English countryside has come to an end. Barry drives to the airport and I say goodbye to the environment with a bittersweet feeling.

Although I have not managed to meet Jude, I am delighted to return with a destination where, surprisingly, I have eaten very well. I think I'm going back with an extra kilo, and with a renewed opinion of English gastronomy since, if you know where to go, they have delicious recipes.

Also, I've enjoyed feeling like Cameron for a few days. Already on the plane I change the chip: why look for Law, if I have a gross domestic product of the stature of Quim, Alex González or Mario Casas? Bye bye, countryside.

Discovering the English countryside alone

The pool is Beckham territory (well, sometimes)

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