Ara Malikian puts music to the Botánico this summer


The Musical Walks of the Botánico de Madrid had already been done in previous years, only that for this 2022, the person in charge of designing them has been Ara Malikian, who has opted for Vivaldi.

If going through this living museum in the center of the capital is already a pleasant experience in itself, the musicality and nightlife make it something magical. Because Musical Walks are just that: the possibility of enjoying a summer walk live music dressing.

The initiative is inspired by a tradition “that was practiced in London, in the gardens. People walked around listening to music,” he explains. Claude Bussac, CEO of Factory, collaborating company with the RJBM when organizing cultural events.

The Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.

The Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid.

With the change of season just around the corner, it has been confirmed that for this 2022 the person in charge of choosing the music has been the famous violinist.

What does this imply? A proposal with which visitors discover the fascinating corners of this unique site with a concert inspired by the Seasons of the Venetian composer with metals, strings and woods made up of musicians from Madrid that Ara trusts.

The famous violist has affirmed that this opportunity is "a luxury" . “I feel lucky that you have involved me in this project”, he confessed at the press conference called last Friday, May 6, in the garden itself.

Presentation of the Musical Walks 2022

Presentation of the Musical Walks 2022.

Ara Malikian the Botanist is a special place. And it is that the musician of Lebanese origin remembers that he went a lot when he arrived in Madrid, 22 years ago: “Being in a garden surrounded by trees and birds is already music”.


Ara Malikian admits that he didn't give her "time to compose anything", so he has chosen music by Antonio Vivaldi, who “began to translate what he heard in nature into music”. Because, in that sense, the composer made the instruments imitate the sounds of animals , something that “in his day was totally eccentric and innovative”.

In this way, visitors they will listen to fragments three out of four famous stations of the Venetian composer: Spring, Summer and Autumn (winter did not suit Malikian for summer nights).

These will be heard in three emblematic places of the Royal Botanical Garden: La Rosaleda, the Glorieta de los Plátanos and the Glorieta de los Castaños. There they will be playing them, respectively, three formations of metals, strings and woodwinds made up of musicians from Madrid that Ara trusts.

A specimen from the Royal Botanical Garden

A specimen from the Royal Botanical Garden (Madrid).

The musician also explains that, although the pieces they will quite respect the original version , “some details have been adapted to each culture”, according to the different plants that there is from every corner of the planet in each of the chosen locations.

Bussac explains that they will be done in “ small groups , of 40 people”. He also defends that it is a "highly advisable" experience to come as a family ”, as a way of introducing the youngest members of the household to the world of music.

“When you walk in here, you walk into a portal of happiness, and with the music, double happiness ”, Malikian enthuses. For his part, Esteban Manrique, director of the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, defends the proposal as a “ new experiment embedded in nature. “We are at an insurmountable moment in the garden. The plants cannot have more flowers,” he adds.

The musical walks of Ara Malikian for the Botanico de Madrid will be held between May 19 and September 25 , from Thursday to Sunday, between 9:00 p.m. and midnight . Prices: €19.00 – €21.00. The approximate duration of the tour is 50 minutes.

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