'Hope', the new exhibition by Masaaki Hasegawa in Madrid


The illusion that crowds after overcoming a difficult situation can arise in the collective field and in the personal. It is precisely for this reason that the Japanese artist Masaaki Hasegawa has decided to conceive exposition "Hope" , which can now be visited at O Lumen gallery of Madrid.

“Inspiration arises from the pandemic, when we have all had difficulties, pains, and sufferings. My life has been a path to defeat them since I was very little, because of the sensitivity that I have always had. When I arrive to Spain I didn't know anyone and couldn't speak Spanish. However, I have been able to survive in recent years, publish books, and exhibit my work. Therefore, I wanted to share this message of hope: if I have been able to achieve it, everyone can do it, and surely much more”, says Masaaki Hasegawa in an email interview with Condé Nast Traveler.

On this occasion, the artist from Japan and based in Madrid has set out to continue his vast exploration of concepts such as imperfection, emptiness, nature, and wabi-sabi , seeking at all times to express the most intrinsic beauty in the process of perishing, transience, and non-permanence, while disposing to pouring the philosophy and sensitivity of their place of origin into the style of Western art.

From the brush, through Japanese calligraphy, to algorithms, the sample will offer a variety of techniques and materials , as well as elements of nature and recycled canvas, with more than thirty pieces waiting to be discovered under a dynamism that hides personal experiences.

In the exposition we can see the work What was, is or will be , made with artificial intelligence which is inspired by quantum mechanics and presents possible worlds.

An algorithm studies the works, references, works of other artists and sounds that influence Masaaki Hasegawa , in order to expose in real time (streaming) what he could have created at any second: what could have existed, but did not exist.

"I wanted to develop a artificial intelligence artwork to represent me there have already been

projects using artificial intelligence that could copy the styles of great masters such as Van Gogh or Pablo Picasso. However, he didn't want to do something like that. I wanted to develop an algorithm that helps to understand myself more deeply, not only my style (which is the surface of what you see), but also my references, the things that have inspired me in my life", adds Masaaki.

Artwork by Masaaki Hasegawa

Work of Masaaki Hasegawa.

Besides the construction site that generates new images of abstract art infinitely and automatically, the exposition has the "Metamorphosis" series, where it will be possible to view a paint 27 meters above a canvas of recycled material from Ecoalf , conceived with Japanese calligraphy brush and a chromatic conversation of black, white and red.

Finally, the third nucleus of the exhibition is the series "abstract" , which seeks to reveal the main paradoxes of this aesthetic movement. The artist explores a new dimension of abstract expressionism by breaking down the structure, with visual components that are inspired by the japanese painting and combined with a western technique: The trickle.

Masaaki Hasegawa in Madrid

Exhibition "Hope" at O ​​Lumen gallery in Madrid.

While the objective of this series is to visualize thought as a phenomenon that occurs in the brain as a network of neurons, the exposition In general, it has as its leitmotif position the focus on observation and on the viewer's own interpretation , without which the meaning of the work would never be complete.

"Hope" will be available until October 24. You can purchase your tickets here.

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