And whose are you? The seven profiles of the Spanish traveler


What kind of Traveler are you?

What type of Traveler are you?

The report collected by Hosteltur proposes to the tourism industry to create specific proposals for each type of traveler. And how are we Spaniards when it comes to packing? What moves us? Let's go to the data:


They spend their time thinking about their next getaway: skylines in London, romantic New York or the most unknown Barcelona. Everything sounds good to them. They are couples without children who will spend an average of 1,850 euros in 2015 and account for 14% of Spanish travellers. Are you one of them and have 48 hours free?


Practice Wanderlust from the couch. This type of traveler is passionate about exploring the world; In addition, he prefers to book with on-site agencies, uses the organized package a lot and represent 12% of Spanish travelers.

Brooklyn Bridge Park

The views from Brooklyn Bridge Park.


If you are one of those who returns home with a suitcase full of gastronomic souvenirs (from the Basque Country to Castilla-La Mancha), you are in this group. According to the study of Brain Trust , the gourmet traveler mixes nature, gastronomy and landscapes , spend an average of 1,500 euros and they are 14% of Spanish travellers.


The all organized/included (ALWAYS) . Zero stress. They usually choose national destinations and they are families with children, they make an average annual expenditure of 1,100 euros and they account for 11% of Spanish travellers.

If you go to La Mancha these are the perfect gourmet gift

If you go to La Mancha, these are the perfect gourmet gift


They seek rest, disconnection and almost always in national destinations. They spend an average of 1,000 euros, they prefer to stay with friends or relatives and they are 14% of travellers. They dream of stepping on all the best beaches in Spain .


He almost always travels to the house of friends and family , enjoy the advantages of the rural environment and the village festivals . They represent 15% of Spanish travellers.

Castellar de la Frontera

The return to the origins, to the natural, to the pure air

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