The 10 Most Delicious Burger Restaurants in Los Angeles


Calories that taste like glory. No regrets

Calories that taste like glory. No regrets


With a restaurant located in Hollywood and another in the West Hollydood, Kitchen 24 offers us an environment that mixes modern elements accompanied by a certain style of the 60s. Within the menu there are two elements that we highlight: the turkey burger (with a strong flavor, but difficult to forget) and ahi-tuna.


It has twelve locations spread across Downtown, Hollywood, Los Feliz, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Studio City and Burbank. Umami is described, by its creator, Adam Fleischman, as " a flavor that increases the taste of the hamburger ”. Going to an Umami establishment is part of the experience, since the premises are designed in a vintage style. All hamburgers are stamped with the restaurant's logo and we recommend the Manly Burger , with cheese, bacon, fried onion, Umami ketchup and mustard. As an accompaniment, some sweet potato fries.

Manly Burger at Umami

Manly Burger at Umami


Located in Pasadena, this is one of the most popular places in Los Angeles county . Keep traditional forms, since the origins of the restaurant go back to the year 1963 . Here you will find yourself immersed in a very old-style atmosphere, but with great charm. There are meat and vegetarian burgers , but the menu options are varied. The secret to Pie 'n' Burger's success is that they've been using **the same recipes for 46 years**.


It is one of the most touristic places in the city. There are several In & Outs scattered throughout Los Angeles and California freeways. To its delicious and simple hamburgers we must add, as a positive point, that It's a pretty cheap place. . a combo of hamburger, with a milkshake and fries you can get it for about 7 dollars . We recommend the strawberry shakes (they are really addictive ) and, if you want to watch your figure, you can order a special hamburger in which the bun is replaced by lettuce. You will need a good dose of patience if you try to go through the drive-thru, since the queues of cars do not diminish at any time of the day. Do not hesitate to ask for animal style potatoes with melted cheese and onion, inside the secret menu of the hamburger (by the way, one of the worst kept secrets). As a curiosity, look at the bottom of the In & Out glasses: hide biblical quotes . Amen to these burgers.

The economic option In Out

The economic option In & Out


Undoubtedly, one of the most entertaining options on this list . This Hamburger Mary's is located in West-Hollywood , environment zone . It is ideal to have a few drinks and have a good dinner, while enjoying shows, karaoke or even playing bingo , depending on the day of the week you visit the premises. In their menu you will find some funny names, like the Buffy The Hamburger Slayer Burger , the Low-Carb Naked Mary Burger (if you want a low-calorie option) or the mac daddy burger . Do you like blue cheese? Then we recommend you try the Blue Boy Burger .


Another delight distributed in various locations in Los Angeles. If as soon as you arrive in the city of stars you want to try a good hamburger, ** The Counter ** has a location near the airport. In this restaurant they are not afraid to experiment with homemade sauces and melted cheeses on their burgers . It is the ideal place for you to “build” your own hamburger choosing the ingredients that you like the most.

Bricomania the The Counter

Bricomania the The Counter


Pono Burger , located in Santa Monica, offers organic food with natural and local ingredients. “ A burger cooked with integrity ”, they say in the restaurant. Among the specialties of the house we find the Beef Story (hormone-free) and Piku Fig Burger , with a sweet touch. One of the healthiest places to eat hamburgers.

Pono Burger “A burger cooked with integrity”

Pono Burger: “A burger cooked with integrity”


Beer and hamburger are a good combination in many cases and this sum is precisely what is offered in Stout Burger . A quiet place with endless beers . Don't know what to take? Ask the waiter to recommend something according to your tastes and he will probably be right. The best thing about Stout is its homemade sauces: lemon sauce with aioli, barbecue, chipotle Y Thousand Island are some that we recommend. They also have chicken and veggie burgers available. If you have a good appetite, a The Morning After , with egg on top, will satisfy your cravings.


One of the healthiest options when it comes to eating hamburgers in Southern California. All of their options are organic and the flavors are addictive. They have locations in Beverly Hills, Marina del Rey, Santa Monica and West Hollywood. . The "classic" hamburger or the turkey hamburger are two options that will not leave you indifferent. And go hungry, because you can't miss their onion rings and chocolate shakes. Explosion of flavors in your mouth ( although if you add these last two options to your order, say goodbye to being healthy ) .

Burger Lounge's Vegetarian Option

Burger Lounge's Vegetarian Option


Hopdoddy offers an entire experience with a more than pleasant service and with a combination of flavors that you can hardly find anywhere else in the world . At its location in Runway Playa Vista you can choose whether to sit at the bar or work comfortably at an indoor or patio table while enjoying your order and a drink . At Hopdoddy they dare to experiment with all kinds of ingredients, something that we appreciate in options such as Terlingua (which is accompanied by chili con carne and fried corn) or The devil (with caramelized onion, habanero and serrano peppers) . If you're less adventurous with spicy flavors, a classic burger will also fill you up. Leave room for the vanilla bean smoothie. simply delicious.

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