Six reasons why you should travel with your sister or brother


Invest in memories together

Invest in memories together

Either because of maturity, because of the couple, because of the brain drain or because we simply don't feel like living in the same city where we were born. There are endless reasons to explain why we don't see our family every Sunday or why we don't meet up with our siblings every week. The physical (and sometimes emotional) distance or the mere fact of getting older makes it difficult to maintain the daily treatment that we had when we were children and we lived under the same roof. You have to accept it. People get older, look at the cast of Forced Parents, for example. Not even they could fight against time (although they keep trying)! We no longer fight with our sister because she takes our clothes without permission, nor with our brother because he has given us a smack with which he has made us see the stars, nor do we keep telling the smallest of the house that we found him by accident in the trash. But then, How to maintain that close fraternal relationship? Although if you are reading Traveler, you can already imagine what the solution is... The answer is traveling.

At the time, we already explained that traveling is good for your health or that it makes you sexier, today we explain why you should travel with your brother or sister alone, without parents, cousins, or partners. Here are the six reasons:


Work, friends or distance prevents you from maintaining the same relationship as when you lived in the same house. “Traveling is an exceptional opportunity to strengthen the relationship and share everything that due to family obligations we do not have occasion ”, affirms Alberto Bermejo, Clinical Psychologist at the Eidos Psychology Office. As Cristina Noriega, professor at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy of the Faculty of Medicine at CEU San Pablo University, explains, “sharing experiences together and creating new memories brings us closer emotionally to the person with whom we have shared those moments and, therefore, will strengthen the relationship ”.


Did you know that your sister has an innate ability to bargain in hostels? And that your brother has better guidance than Marco Polo? “We can think that we know everything about the brothers by the mere fact of being family, but this is a mistake. They can always surprise us ”, explains Cristina Noriega, professor and family therapist at the Institute of Family Studies of the CEU San Pablo University.


At a time when migrating is usually the order of the day, families have changed and no longer see each other every week, or even every month. When there are hundreds of kilometers that separate you, traveling is a much more useful tool than Skype or WhatsApp. Though it's hard to believe mobile is not the solution for everything . According to Noriega, the geographical distance and the difficulty of having contact in person can contribute to an emotional distance with the family. “An option that can help strengthen family ties is small trips. However, this will not be enough if we do not take care of the relationship on a day-to-day basis”. For his part, Bermejo adds that "over time each brother goes his own way", so organizing a getaway, even if it's a weekend, " it will help us not to forget that we belong to the same family ”.


Especially when marriage and children come into play, enjoying time for yourselves becomes more and more complicated. The fact of sharing time together and, most importantly, alone is fundamental, since "it allows building a bridge of communication, creating a space of trust and privacy ”, points out the professor at CEU San Pablo University.


Surely if you get together you can be talking for hours and hours about the best anecdotes of your childhood, but what if someone asked you about the best story you have shared since you were adults? Traveling is to share quality time and thus create new memories. In this way, at the next Christmas Eve dinner or at a birthday meal you can tell about that time your sister hitchhiked in Portugal or that other time that your brother got lost on the Paris metro. As Cristina Noriega says, "memories and time shared outside of the daily routine promote these positive relationships."


From the Eidos Psychology Cabinet, they maintain that “the sibling relationship is very special. This type of relationship is considered among the longest in a person's life. ”, so it is necessary to get some time to take care of this important bond. You may no longer share a room, nor inherit his primary school books, nor tell your mother about your latest prank, but you will always be brothers. Not only do you share 50% of your genes, but you are joined by years of experiences, experiences and memories together. What are you waiting for to call your brother or sister and prepare your next trip together?

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