European cities to lick your fingers


Marseille the city of bullbesa

Marseille, the city of bullbesa

Many years ago you had to eat to be able to grow, then came the supermodels and cholesterol and growing wide became a nightmare. To complicate things a little more, the movement for organic products appeared. Eating became a gymkhana, a race of physical and moral obstacles. If you are one of those who have managed to free yourself from the chains of the diet, totally or partially, take a look at these proposals. They won't take you to the gastronomic avant-garde, but they will satisfy your gastric juices with the precision of a Swiss watch..



Naples, chaotic, vibrant and colorful It is a paradise for pizza lovers. Round or rectangular but always dripping with tomato sauce. A pleasure that we recommend you enjoy with a bib or with great caution, because you cannot be attentive to clothes and the explosion of flavor of a crispy pizza and brimming with temptations.


L'Antica pizzeria da Michele . A classic that dates back to 1870, the year of its foundation. Since then, this modest establishment, rustic and authentic if you like to put adjectives on things, has fed the most demanding palates. according to the family I drive , which has been in charge of its wood-fired oven for three centuries, there are only two types of pizza in Naples, the Marguerita –tomato, mozzarella, basil and oil- and the Marinara –with tomato, garlic, oregano and oil- Pizzaria La Notizia . at the controls Enzo Coccia , determined to achieve the perfect dough and a lover of new technologies at the service of the most traditional flavors. With these slogans the result could not fail. But you better judge for yourself among his wide selection of proposals. Let yourself be caressed by the minimalist elegance of one of the trendiest places in Naples. And remember, as always, the secret is in the dough.

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The Neapolitan fry. Tremendous variety of dumplings and croquettes with the most unexpected fillings.

Marguerite Pizza

Crunchy pizza bursting with temptation



The first things you should try in Edinburgh are their fish and chips . Battered fish with chips. The delicacy arrives wrapped in a newspaper, burning and releasing fat as if there were no tomorrow . Do like the connoisseurs and take the cone to a park, even if it's cold, this food is very warm. And remember that they usually dress them with vinegar, in case it wasn't in your plans. You can always decline the offer and add an extra salt, for the arteries. If the fish is good, and the proximity of the North Sea gives you good reasons to be, this can become one of your favorite dishes.


The Tailend. A classic for the inhabitants of Edinburgh, who despite its excellent gastronomic offer cannot resist some good fish and chips. You can wear them for just over 7 euros or taste them in their seafood restaurant for 14, if you do so they will arrive accompanied by a compact pea puree.

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The haggis. Kind of black and blunt blood sausage, cooked with the lung, liver and heart of the lamb, plus fried onions and lots of spices.


Haggis, the national dish of Scotland



bouillabaisse it is a stunning fish soup that plunges its origins into the mists of time and that reaches its maximum exponent in the port of Marseille . Originally it was cooked with the leftover fish and shellfish that the sea workers could not sell, so it keeps in its DNA the humility and forcefulness of the most modest dishes. But make no mistake today it will be impossible for you to find a good bouillabaisse for less than 50 euros.


Miramar Restaurant . your chef Christian Buffa He is a purist of the flavors of the sea, and it shows on his terrace with views of the port. An emblem for the Marseillais. The bullavesa is served following the traditional ritual. First a thick orange soup, fragrant and full of flavours. It is convenient that you spread the croutons that accompany it with its spicy tomato, garlic and oil sauce. Then will come the fish and shellfish -at least seven types- you can take a walk by the sea without leaving the table , what we do not guarantee is that when you finish you will be able to get up without a good digestive. If you want a lighter version you can try the bouillabaisse milkshake in the newly opened restaurant Hotel Intercontinental , an original proposal from its chef, Lionel Levy.

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provencal salad . With tomato, lettuce, peppers, black olives, pickles, anchovies and aromatic herbs. Most refreshing.


Exquisite for those who love seafood



Sausage or wurst If you want to rehearse the word, accompany it with bit please save yourself a nasty face. Although you will find all kinds of sausages, especially now in their Christmas markets, the typical one in the area is called Weiburst Y it's white, stuffed with beef, spices and butter . There is also a hybrid named Leberkäs , a sausage that is served hot and accompanied by bread.


We propose three essential breweries for you to try the sausages in their natural environment, and of course accompany them with a good beer. Attention because here for cane understand a liter , the tables are close and they will look at you like a lazy if the rosy waitress, dressed for the occasion, does not leave a good pot on your part of the table. In Hofbraühaus, Löwenbräukeller and Königlicher Hirschgarten will put on your boots.

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The knuckle. If you like hearty dishes, take the opportunity to try it and bask in its sauce.

Sausages or wurst

strong dishes



Fabada Of course, the stew that only Asturians have just understood, by origin or by heart, and which, according to connoisseurs, raises the dead. Although we have tried it in a can and even on the Mediterranean coast, something happens that served in Asturias tastes better . The The secret of the stew is in the quality of its beans and of course in the flavor of the chorizo , which can be spicy and turn the experience into a religious one.


In the restaurant Gerard House , on the outskirts of Gijón, specifically in turn on . A Michelin star and a stew to repeat, the bravest. Although for years, this old road winch, which opened its doors for the first time in 1882, has been improving the traditional recipe to achieve an equally tasty but lighter and healthier one.

an extra

The cabrales . Asturian cheeses are a delicacy but the aroma of Cabrales crosses borders. Take advantage of the getaway to enjoy a good Cabrales mixed with cider and spread on bread.

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